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== NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)==
According to NASA has sponsored space expeditions, both human and mechanical, that have yielded vital information about the solar system and universe. It has also launched numerous earth-orbiting satellites that have been instrumental in everything from weather forecasting to navigation to communication.
NASA stands for: Never A Straight Answer. If you ever happened to start poking around NASA and the Apollo moon landings, a keen eye and open mind will bring you to the conclusion that it was a staged hoax. In fact the pure hard scientific evidence and analysis irrevocably reveals the fraud among many. Think about that, the greatest feat accomplished by man is an elaborate Hollywood production that cost the American taxpayer a cool 30 billion.
NASA has built up a money-sucking colossus composed of lies, hoaxes and misinformation. The American taxpayer derives virtually no benefit from NASA’S existence and alleged scientific contributions derived by supposed explorations and experiments in space. Absent of any other sources to verify, we have had to prostate ourselves to the so-called “experts” despite irrefutable evidence that NASA is nothing more than an elaborate financial embezzler and pseudoscience peddler.
In short, once fraud is detected everything that sits upon it is now in question. Your credibility is shot! Who would disagree with the logic of found fraud destroys the validity of everything? It’s reasonable, predictable and has the power to instantly change the direction of one’s perception, even those that were held sacred. Fraud has no limits by those who engage in it and it’s been around along time. Do you think real fraudsters stop at just one fraud? Or do you think they keep going and going until they die or get caught? The answer is a simple one. Why would you ever stop lucrative fraudulent activity if you haven’t been caught? So the chance for systemic fraud once initial fraud is found becomes a virtual certainty.
To further muddy the waters, NASA was founded by Satanic worshiping occultists and black magicians. This is not idle rumor but fact. NASA is a Military-Hollywood-Pseudoscience-Satanic Cartel, whose true aim is to use taxpayer funding to promote and profit by developing and deploying pseudoscience technology and methodology. The first fraud in my opinion is the true origins of NASA and the cast of characters that had significant influence. Go to NASA and search for them and you’ll find whitewashed bios or no information available.
To further muddy the waters, NASA was founded by Satanic worshiping occultists and black magicians. This is not idle rumor but fact. NASA is a Military-Hollywood-Pseudoscience-Satanic Cartel, whose true aim is to use taxpayer funding to promote and profit by developing and deploying pseudoscience technology and methodology. The first fraud in my opinion is the true origins of NASA and the cast of characters that had significant influence. Go to NASA and search for them and you’ll find whitewashed bios or no information available. <ref name=nasaoccult></ref>
====Jack Parsons====
Jack Whiteside Parsons on the other hand was a founding member of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab, with some crediting him as being one of the “fathers of rocketry” and others joking that JPL was actually Jack Parsons’ Laboratory, but you won’t find much about him on Nasa’s websites. Parsons’ legacy as an engineer and chemist has been somewhat overshadowed by his interest in the occult and, and has led to what some critics describe as a rewriting of the history books.
The non-scientific set of ideas were steeped in the occult, satanism and black magic. Parsons “swore the Oath of the Abyss, having only the choice between madness, suicide, and that oath. (then) I took the oath of a Magister Templi, even the Oath of Antichrist before Frater 132, the Unknown God. And thus was I Antichrist loosed in the world; and to this I am pledged, that the work of the Beast 666 shall be fulfilled.”
Apparently noting that Antichrist is only a few letters away from “anarchist,” the manifesto that follows is in large part an exhortation to “do what thou wilt” in most things bodily-fluid-drenched, economic and/or political. The goal of all these efforts, according to Metzger, was to bring on the Apocalypse, since in theory things can only get better from there.
The FBI, none too keen about the notion that Parsons’ taxpayer-funded salary might be supporting the Antichrist and the hastening of the Apocalypse, took it seriously enough to open an investigation. Documents recently released through the Freedom of Information act make up 130 pages of heavily redacted text in which G-Men try to make sense of Parsons’ religious beliefs and document his frequently careless handling of classified materials. Perhaps the Errol Flynn persona fitted Jack Parsons best. But truth be told, Jack Whiteside Parsons is best known for his occultists ideals, black magic and reverence to the satanic agenda.
[[File:PentagonPentagram.png|right|200px|the Pentagon's occult origins]]
However strange Parsons was, it did not preclude NASA from naming a crater on the dark side of the moon after him. Of course one cannot actually see the dark side of the moon nor confirm that such a crater exists, how appropriate. “…America’s space program owes much to Parsons’ rocket design and innovations — and in 1972 the International Astronomical Union honored him by naming Parson’s Crater on the dark side of the moon. After co-founding the JPL — which his admirers referred to as “Jack Parsons’ Laboratory” — Parsons started Aerojet Corp., now the world’s largest rocket producer and manufacturer of solid-fuel boosters for space shuttles….”
[[File:Cassini-above-Saturn-s-north-pole.jpg|right|200px|CGI image of Cassini above a CGI image of Saturn's north-pole, noting the familiar hexagon (which never occurs in nature, yet happens to be an occult symbol)]]
Another enigma is Jack Parsons contribution to the occult design of the Pentagon.
Parsons, who took the oath of the anti-Christ in 1949, contributed to the design of the Pentagon under subsequent CIA director John J. McCloy.
====Aleister Crowley====
Crowley, who brought actual fame to the O.T.O. (which was already well-known in Masonic circles), was one of Parsons’ major inspirations in life. The elderly man’s accomplishments had been many: as a poet, publisher, mountain climber, chess master, and bisexual practitioner of sexual magic (or “Magick,” as he termed it).
Made famous by yellow journalists as the “Wickedest Man in the World,” he considered his central identity to be the “Great Beast 666″ as referred to in the book of “Revelation” in the Bible, though he was not leaning on that work particularly in his religious ideas.
====L. Ron Hubbard====
In the late 1940s, Hubbard was broke and in debt. A struggling writer of science fiction and fantasy, he was forced to sell his typewriter for $28.50 to get by.
At one point, Hubbard was reduced to begging the Veterans Administration to let him keep a $51 over-payment of benefits. “I am nearly penniless,” wrote Hubbard, a former Navy lieutenant. Hubbard was mentally troubled, too. In late 1947, he asked the Veterans Administration to help him get psychiatric treatment.
[[File:Church of Scientology.png|left|200px]]
Hubbard also admired Crowley, and in a 1952 lecture described him as “my very good friend.” Parsons and Hubbard soon lived in the aging mansion on South Orange Grove Avenue in Pasadena.The estate was home to an odd mix of Bohemian artists, writers, scientists and occultists. A small domed temple supported by six stone columns stood in the back yard. Hubbard met his second wife, Sara Northrup, at the mansion. Although she was Parsons’ lover at the time, Hubbard was undeterred. He married Northrup before divorcing his first wife.Long before the 1960s counterculture, some residents of the estate smoked marijuana and embraced a philosophy of promiscuous, ritualistic sex.
In later years, Hubbard tried to distance himself from his embarrassing association with Parsons, who was a founder of a government rocket project at California Institute of Technology that later evolved into the famed Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Parsons died in 1952 when a chemical explosion ripped through his garage.
Ron Hubbard went onto create the Church Of Scientology, a masterpiece of mind control.<br>
====A Creepy lineup====
[[File:OccultBeginingsOfNasa.png|right|220px|Jack Whiteside Parsons,Aleister Crowley,L.Ron Hubbard,Wernher von Braun,Walt Disney]]
# Jack Whiteside Parsons – Occultist, Black Magician, Satanist, Head of Ordo Templi Orientis California Agape Lodge
# Aleister Crowley – 33rd degree freemason[[Agencies/Freemasons|Freemason]], Leader of Ordo Templi Orientis, Black Magician, Satanist, The Beast ‘666’
# L.Ron Hubbard – Mass Mind Controller, Black Magician, Satanist, Founder of The Church Of Scientology Cult
# Wernher von Braun – Ex-NAZI director of the German V-2 Rocket program and recruited into the U.S. under Operation Paperclip. Quite likely he was the most normal of the bunch.
# Walt Disney – Occultist, Mass Mind Controller, Black Magician, Illuminati-Pedophile, [[Agencies/Freemasons|Freemason]] and founder of The Ordem DeMolay
For fun, See Music video "Blood and Rockets" by Les Claypool. (Note: the music video is not appropriate for all ages) <ref name=bloodandrockets></ref>
NASA was founded July 29th, 1958. Since then billions of dollars have poured in funded by the US Federal Government. About 20 billion dollars goes into space programs each year. That’s a lot of money. To put into perspective how much money this is, take world hunger.
$30 billion dollars a year would end world hunger, according to the United Nations. That means the size of NASA’s budget each year could feed 2 out of 3 hungry people worldwide. If NASA didn’t exist and that money was rerouted, we could almost end world hunger. To date over $600 billion has been spent on space exploration, yet we haven’t made it “back to the moon” since 1969.
Currently, the Budget is about $26 billion dollars a year (or about $72 Million dollars per DAY, including weekends and holidays).
Currently, the Budget is about $26 billion dollars a year (or about $63 Million dollars per DAY, including weekends and holidays).
=== The NAZI connection ===
Line 72 ⟶ 98:
Operation paperclip was an operation run and funded by the US Government. The JIOA (joint intelligence objectives agency) carried this out by special agents of the army. This operation brought in 1,600 Nazi scientists, engineers and technicians from Germany. [[People/Wernher von Braun|Wernher von Braun]] and his V-2 rocket team were recruited from Germany to America for employment within the US Government. Most of which were members or leaders from the Nazi party.
A factory at which [[People/Wernher von Braun|von Braun]] worked was reported to kill the 5 slowest working Jews each week. International organizations alike agree that if he were alive today he would be convicted of war crimes.
=== Beguiled ===
If you look up the origin of the word “NASA” in Hebrew (the Jewish language) it means to deceive. So we have Nazi German scientists, engineers and technicians working for a space organization called “NASA” that means to deceive. Could these Nazi’s had a part in naming NASA (nasah)? What is going on here?
Strong's H5377 - nāšā' <ref name=h5377></ref><br>
The KJV translates Strong's H5377 in the following manner: deceive (12x), greatly (1x), beguiled me (1x), seize (1x), utterly (1x).
Line 85 ⟶ 114:
* (Qal) utterly (infinitive)
NASA is notorious known for having members of which who are Freemasons, Nazis and occultists in its ranks – especially during its inception. These types of people also tend to be Kabbalists and mystics. Seems it's not only in their religion to deceive without conscience, but it's actually against the rules to tell the truth, under pain of death.
NASA is notorious known for having members of which who are [[Agencies/Freemasons|Freemasons]], Nazis and occultists in its ranks – especially during its inception. These types of people also tend to be Kabbalists and mystics. Seems it's not only in their religion to deceive without conscience, but it's actually against the rules to tell the truth, under pain of death.
===CGI is our "proof" of the globe===
Robert Simmon - NASA "CGI artist" <ref name=RobertSimmon></ref>:
[[File:Robert simmon-Blue marble.jpg|left\200px]]
[[File:ItsPhotoshopedButItHasToBe.webp|200px|thumb|left|NASA's CGI artist Robert Simmon]]
'''The last time anyone took a photograph from above low Earth orbit''' that showed an entire hemisphere (one side of a globe) '''was in 1972''' during Apollo 17. NASA’s Earth Observing System (EOS) satellites were designed to give a check-up of Earth’s health. By 2002, we finally had enough data to make a snap shot of the entire Earth. So we did. The hard part was creating a flat map of the Earth’s surface with four months’ of satellite data. Reto Stockli, now at the Swiss Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology, did much of this work. '''Then we wrapped the flat map around a ball'''. My part was integrating the surface, clouds, and oceans '''to match people’s expectations of how Earth looks from space'''. That ball became the famous Blue Marble.
"It's Photoshopped, because it has to be."
Note: as of 10/2023, NASA removed the page on Robert Simmon has been taken down! Perhaps too many ballers were getting triggered by the "because it has to be" story of the photoshopped earth blue marble. The page was at:
===NASA a Military Complex / Bodega?===
It seems NASA has spent considerable money on finding an Efficient ways of killing mass amounts of people. Dennis M. Bushnell Chief Scientist, NASA Langley Research Center wrote a presentation Titled: "'''Future Strategic Issues/Future Warfare [Circa 2025]'''" <ref name=FutureOfWars2025></ref><br>
This presentation describes Humans Have "Taken Over" and Vastly Shortened "Evolution" Of the Planet, and details various weapon types and what types of weapons are "Legal" and cheap. This was presented to USAF, Army After Next, DARPA, SBCCOM, DIA, CIA, etc.
SMART DUST, NANOTAGS, Co-opted INSECTS, Optimal Positioning of Explosive Dust Dust/Air Explosives, A Mechanical Analog to Bio, Micron sized mechanized "dust" which is distributed as an aerosol and inhaled into the lungs. Dust mechanically bores into lung tissue and executes various "Pathological Missions." A Wholly "New" class of Weaponry which is legal.
(Agreed Upon) Assumptions, Combat in 2025<br>
* Proliferation of TBM's (Theatre ballistic missile is any ballistic missile with a range less than 3,500 kilometres / 2,174 miles), IT, Precision strike/targeting, ubiquitous micro sensors, camo/spoofing, robotics, bio/chem munitions
Line 109 ⟶ 143:
* Beam weapons increasingly prevalent
So, if NASA spends 70 million per day and all we get is CGI cartoons; what are they really doing? Are they planning planning "legal" and cheap ways to kill people? Sure seems to be the case.
Check Kyle Adams presentation on NASA & MK_Ultra. Seems NASA was involved in dark mind control experimentation, who Mark Phillips from the CIA said he would hold NASA directly responsible for mental trauma on a child "Kelly" since before birth. <ref name=NASAMKUltra></ref><br>
===Presidential Direction===
The overall goals of United States space activities are:
Line 122 ⟶ 159:
# Expand human presence and activity beyond Earth orbit into the solar system.
We can easily argue that the overall goals have never been met or addressed. Furthermore, every installed president/actor also has given NASA a new "Presidential Directive", from which you can easily see why many people say "NASA going nowhere since 1958".
{| class="wikitable"
|+ Presidential Directives
Line 155 ⟶ 194:
| Joe Biden (2021-) || Biden is committed to the goal of climbing stairs and to NASA's multilateral mission to '''return to the moon''' and '''send astronauts to Mars'''. “Through the Artemis program, the United States is building the broadest and most diverse international human space exploration coalition in history,”
===NASA Technology, LOL===
The moon landing, the historic event, man's finest hour, perhaps mans largest technological feat. But, it seems it's not that important to NASA because they destroyed the Moon lander and the original footage.
It seems that the only technology lost, was the genius of Stanley Kubrick. RIP Stanley and congratulations on the feat of fooling the entire country of baby boomers with your filming skills.
NASA Astronaut Don Pettit<br>
"I'd go back to the moon in a millisecond, but we don't have that technology anymore, we destroyed it" <ref name=PettitDestroyedTechnology></ref></blockquote>
If NASA was really a space agency, with part of it's mission of monitoring and providing pictures of earth from space; why was it that in 2023 Japan discovered 7,000 new islands? The country's number of islands has doubled, with over 14,000 now included in its map. #ThanksNASA 🤦
===NASA swim team===
NASA "trains" astroNOTS in a swimming pool with a full scale version of the ISS. Surely NASA isn't faking the space walks in a swimming pool? <ref name=justinharvey></ref><br>
Although there's been plenty of videos showing bubbles during NASA's ISS space walk videos (not the training videos) <ref name=bubblesinspace></ref>
A number of astronauts have faced the terrifying ordeal of a helmet filling with water over the years. In 2013, a spacewalk had to be cut short after European Space Agency astronaut Luca Parmitano came close to drowning. A NASA report detailing the incident said that Parmitano was faced with “water covering his eyes, nose and ears.” [[File:NASA Halts Spacewalk after water leaked into helmet.png|200px|right]]
Perhaps space is liquid?
Line 201 ⟶ 236:
=== Fun Facts ===
===="National Aeronautics and Space Administration" Gematria====
Line 208 ⟶ 244:
====666's found in the Heliocentric model====
Here's a list of more "scientific" 666's:<br>
Line 214 ⟶ 251:
# The Earth’s Circumference is 600x6x6 Nautical Miles<br>
# The Speed of Sound is 666 Knots Per Second<br>
# The Force of Gravity on Earth is 666 Newtons, of course theorized in 1666<br>
# The Curvature of A Square Mile is .666 Feet... in 10 Miles: 66.6 Ft... in 20 Miles: 266.6 Ft... 40M: 1,066.6 Ft... 50M: 1,666 Ft… 70M: 3,266.6 Ft… 80M: 4,266.6 Ft… 100M: 6,666.6Ft… The Heliocentric Curvature Math is Based on 666<br>
# The Arctic & Antarctic Circles are at exactly 66.6°<br>
Line 245 ⟶ 282:
Google AI's analysis says US Moon landing images are fake, in an article on November 27, 2023.
The analysis of some of the photos and images of the U.S. astronauts landing on the Moon using neural networks showed they are fake, Vladimir Putin was told at an “Artificial Intelligence World Tour" in Moscow, and the Russian President found it "very interesting".
The video of the analysis result and conversation of the Russian President with the Data Research Department of Sberbank, Nikolai Gerasimhen, at the Moscow AI event is now viral.
“Meanwhile it (the AI analysis) raises no particular questions about this photo taken by a Chinese lunar rover”, Putin is told.
China's unmanned lunar mission named Chang’e is a series of lunar probes launched by the China National Space Administration starting with the launch of Chang’e 1 in October 2007.
“It believes this one is fake?”
Line 257 ⟶ 298:
“It believes this one is fake?” Putin is seen in the video first touching the wing of his nose and then asking after a brief pause while pointing at the Apollo 11 images displayed on a screen.
“Yes. Look this is red", Putin was told.
Sberbank President German Gref who is seen accompanying Putin in the video then said, "This is what Google’s neural network thinks, not our analysis. So there will be no bias." <ref name=AIfakeMoon></ref>
===NASA's logo===
====NASA's logo====
[[File:Ouroboros.jpg|100px|right|Ouroboros snake eating itself]]
[[File:Nasholes maxresdefault-3709033561.jpg|150px|right]]
The letters N, A, S, A when switched around and the letter "T" is added spell SATAN. (Maybe that's where the "T Minus" statement comes from).
The white circle represents the Ouroboros (A snake eating itself), and across the back we see a red serpent's tongue. The ouroboros or uroboros is an ancient symbol depicting a serpent or dragon eating its own tail. The ouroboros entered Western tradition via ancient Egyptian iconography and the Greek magical tradition. It was adopted as a symbol in Gnosticism and Hermeticism and most notably in alchemy. Some snakes, such as rat snakes, have been known to consume themselves.
One of the earliest known ouroboros motifs is found in the Enigmatic Book of the Netherworld, an ancient Egyptian funerary text in KV62, the tomb of Tutankhamun, in the 14th century BCE. The text concerns the actions of the Ra and his union with Osiris in the underworld. The ouroboros is depicted twice on the figure: holding their tails in their mouths, one encircling the head and upper chest, the other surrounding the feet of a large figure, which may represent the unified Ra-Osiris (Osiris born again as Ra). Ouroboros swallowing its tail; based on Moskowitz's symbol for the constellation Draco (Greco-Latin word for serpent, or dragon).
====The devil you know====
[[File:Melior Diabolus Quem Scies patch.png|100px|thumb|right]]
This patch for NROL-49 depicts a phoenix rising from the flames with the flag of the United States in the background. The Latin words “Melior Diabolus Quem Scies” roughly translates to mean “The Devil You Know,” as in the phrase “Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t know”. Cryptic. According to NASA, this saying refers to the return of the use of an old system after attempting to use a new one, which had resulted in failure.
The mission patch for NRO L-49 shows a phoenix rising out of a fire, with the words “melior diabolus quem scies”, which translate into English as “better the devil you know”, indicating the return to the older system following the failure of the attempt to replace it.”
[[File:NASA rocket a devil named betty.png|100px|thumb|right]]
It is a rather odd choice of words for a governmental agency, but definitely on-par with this whole sinister, hellish theme going on with PSYOPS patches.
Another patch related to NRO-49 depicts the satellite as a winged fiery being (referred to by NASA as a devil named Betty) who is holding a trident and a wrench.
[[File:L49 devil named betty patch.png|100px|thumb|right|L-49 devil named betty patch]]
The patch shows the moon (or a comet?) partially covering the earth. If you look closely, there are letters in the detail of the grey astral body. What do they refer to? At the bottom of the patch, the Latin phrase is also enigmatic: “Primoris Gravis Ex Occasus”. Primoris means “First”, Gravis stands for “important, heavy or serious” and Occasus means “setting of the sun, the West, or fall”. In other words, I don’t know what it means. “First heavy setting of the sun”? “The most important thing after the sunset”? “First serious fall”? Regardless of the exact meaning, there seems to be an emphasis on the concept of darkness. Betty is pure darkness wrapped in flames and is partially covering the sun. There is a grey celestial body moving towards the earth… (and we’re still talking about a spy-satellite)
===Officials who spoke against NASA===
[[File:1986-space-shuttle-challenger-crew-3027475113.jpg|200px|thumb|right|the twins of the 1986 "space" shuttle Challenger disaster]]
* Ex CIA Robert David Steele says "NASA is Not A Space Agency" <ref name=nasaNotSpaceAgency></ref>
* Shortly before his death, Astronaut Grissom had taken a large lemon and hung it around the space capsule as the press looked on. He had suggested publicly that the project could never be accomplished on time. Grissom's Son Charges NASA claiming he Was murdered.<ref name=grissommurdered></ref> <ref name=wasguskilled></ref> <ref name=DidNASAOffGus></ref> Along with Grissom's death, two other AstroNOTs were killed: Ed White and Roger Chaffee. Did they know something we didn’t? Were they silenced? <ref name=silenceoftheNots></ref>
* Allan McDonald directed the booster rocket project at NASA: He Refused To Approve Challenger Launch, Challenger exploded, he Exposed the Cover-Up. <ref name=challenger></ref>
* Allan McDonald, directed the booster rocket project at NASA: He Refused To Approve Challenger Launch, Challenger exploded, he Exposed the Cover-Up. Later he was known as the engineer who dared speak the truth against the odds, recently passed away at 83. He was a Challenger Disaster Whistleblower. It seems Allan wasn't "taken out", probably because his Whistleblowing fit the rhetoric that the Challenger Disaster was real and the crew actually died; despite several eye witnesses seeing the crew alive and well, some with new names. <ref name=challenger></ref>
* James Webb, NASA’s former administrator, is believed to have played a role in purging LGBT+ employees from the agency’s rosters. He also helped develop methods of psychological warfare for the US government. <ref name=jameswebb></ref>
* Former head of the Russian Space Agency (Roscosmos Dmitry Rogozin) asks questions about NASA's alleged moon landings. Rogozin claimed he failed to find any data that convinced him Apollo 11 and its crew touched down on our natural satellite. He said NASA fans (ball lovers) and Russian scientists pushed back on his skepticism, and accused him of trying to sow disharmony between Washington and Moscow. <ref name=DmitryRogozin></ref>
* Former employee of NASA reveals moon landings were fake and earth is flat. <ref name=ExEmployee></ref>
* Two highly toxic chemicals at former NASA lab are leaking into LA River, say watchdogs. <ref name=ChemicalsLeak></ref>
* NASA admits they never went to the moon. <ref name=NeverWent></ref>
* Interview with NASA Whistleblower Math Powerland (Matt Boylan) between 2008-2011 about NASA, Antarctica, flat earth and more. <ref name=math-powerland></ref>
* NASA to the CIA everything is a LIE. Whistle-blowers prove flat earth and debunk space science!! <ref name=NASACIALIE></ref>
[[File:NASA harness smartselect 20200917-123743 youtube.gif|350px|right|thumb|NASA uses wire harnesses to fake gravity]]
===Surely NASA isn't faking it?===
⚠️ Caution, finding out NASA is a fake might turn you into a flat-earther!
====MARS is in Canada?====
* Is Mars in Canada? Next time you travel Google Earth, check out Devon Island <ref name=DevonIsland></ref>
====ISS is Fake====
* Do they fake the ISS Space Station? <ref name=IFS></ref>
* Still believe the ISS is real? <ref name=IFS2></ref>
* More ISS fakery <ref name=IFS3></ref> <ref name=IFS4></ref> <ref name=IFS5></ref> <ref name=IFS6></ref> <ref name=IFS7></ref>
====NASA swim team====
NASA "trains" astroNOTS in a swimming pool with a full scale version of the ISS. Surely NASA isn't faking the space walks in a swimming pool? <ref name=justinharvey></ref><br>
Although there's been plenty of videos showing bubbles during NASA's ISS space walk videos (not the training videos) <ref name=bubblesinspace></ref>
A number of astronauts have faced the terrifying ordeal of a helmet filling with water over the years. In 2013, a spacewalk had to be cut short after European Space Agency astronaut Luca Parmitano came close to drowning. A NASA report detailing the incident said that Parmitano was faced with “water covering his eyes, nose and ears.” [[File:NASA Halts Spacewalk after water leaked into helmet.png|300px|right]]
Perhaps space is liquid?
===What should you do?===
What should we do about this deception?<br>
Audit NASA, sign up to help: []
===See Also===
* [[Cosmos/Moon/Moon_Landing|Moon Landing (Hoaxes)]]
* [[AgenciesObservations/US Government/Documents that Prove Flat Non-rotating EarthFlat_and_Nonrotating|Government Documents that Prove Flat / Non-Rotating Earth]]
* [[FAQ/Everyone|Is everyone in on it?]]
* [[FAQ/Photos|What about pictures of Earth from space?]]
* [[FAQ/Photos]]
* [[Misc/Videos/ISS Fraud]]
* [[Agencies/Freemasons]]
* [ YouTube: NASA Fraud]
* [ YouTube: The SHOCKING Satanic Origins of NASA]
<ref name="Nasa666">[ Web: Gematria Calc]</ref>
<ref name="bloodandrockets">[ YouTube: Song "Blood and Rockets" by Les Claypool]</ref>
<ref name="FutureOfWars2025">[ PDF: Future Warfare Circa 2025 presentation]</ref>
<ref name="FutureOfWars2025">[[|PDF: Future Warfare Circa 2025 presentation]]</ref>
<ref name="PettitDestroyedTechnology">[ YouTube: Don Pettit destroyed technology video]</ref>
<ref name="NASAMKUltra">[ YouTube: NASA MK-Ultra operation video]</ref>
<ref name="h5377">[ BlueLetterBible Web: nāšā']</ref>
<ref name="justinharvey">[ YouTube: Reporting the NASA Fraud by Justin Harvey]</ref>
<ref name="bubblesinspace">[ YouTube: NASA Caught Again Faking Space - Space Bubbles]</ref>
<ref name="nasaNotSpaceAgency">[ YouTube: Ex CIA Robert David Steele says NASA is Not A Space Agency! NASA lies…]</ref>
<ref name="grissommurdered">[ Apollo Astronaut Was Murdered, Son Charges]</ref>
<ref name="challenger">[ Remembering Allan McDonald: He Refused To Approve Challenger Launch, Exposed Cover-Up]</ref>
<ref name="jameswebb">[ Influential Astronomers Call Out NASA For Telescope With Offensive Name: James Webb]</ref>
<ref name="DmitryRogozin">[ YouTube: Former head of the Russian Space Agency asks questions about alleged moon landings]</ref>
<ref name="AIfakeMoon"></ref>
<ref name="nasaoccult">[ bitchute: Aeon of Horus: The Occult History of NASA]</ref>
<ref name="RobertSimmon">[ Robert Simmon]</ref>
<ref name="DevonIsland">[ NASA Mars Mission Exposed as Devon Island Hoax]</ref>
<ref name="IFS">[ International Fake Station: Brevard County Commission Meeting 4/4/23]</ref>
<ref name="IFS2">[ YouTube: STILL don't believe the ISS is fake....??? (here you go)]</ref>
<ref name="IFS3">[ YouTube: NASA ISS FAKE - 1]</ref>
<ref name="IFS4">[ YouTube: NASA ISS FAKE - 2]</ref>
<ref name="IFS5">[ YouTube: NASA ISS FAKE - 3]</ref>
<ref name="IFS6">[ YouTube: NASA ISS FAKE - 4]</ref>
<ref name="IFS7">[ YouTube: NASA ISS FAKE - 5]</ref>
<ref name="ExEmployee">[ YouTube: Ex-employee / Ex trabajadora de la NASA Cyndi Holland]</ref>
<ref name="silenceoftheNots">[ dailystar: NASA astronauts were 'KILLED to keep faked moon landings covered-up’]</ref>
<ref name="ChemicalsLeak">[ theguardian: Forever chemicals at former Nasa lab are leaking into LA River, say watchdogs]</ref>
<ref name="NeverWent">[ YouTube: NASA ADMITS WE NEVER WENT TO THE MOON]</ref>
<ref name="math-powerland">[ Math Powerland NASA Whistleblower]</ref>
<ref name="wasguskilled">[ themillenniumreport Why was astronaut Gus Grissom really murdered via the Apollo 1 arson fire?]</ref>
<ref name="DidNASAOffGus">[ The Apollo 1 Conspiracy; Did NASA Cover Up Gus Grissom’s Death?]</ref>
<ref name="NASACIALIE">[ NASA to the CIA everything is a LIE. Whistle-blowers prove flat earth and debunk space science!!]</ref>