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<ref name="Nasa666">[ Web: Gematria Calc]</ref>
<ref name="bloodandrockets">[ YouTube: Song "Blood and Rockets" by Les Claypool]</ref>
<ref name="FutureOfWars2025">[ PDF: Future Warfare Circa 2025 presentation]</ref>
<ref name="PettitDestroyedTechnology">[ YouTube: Don Pettit destroyed technology video]</ref>
<ref name="NASAMKUltra">[ YouTube: NASA MK-Ultra operation video]</ref>
<ref name="h5377">[ BlueLetterBible Web: nāšā']</ref>
<ref name="justinharvey">[ YouTube: Reporting the NASA Fraud by Justin Harvey]</ref>
<ref name="bubblesinspace">[ YouTube: NASA Caught Again Faking Space - Space Bubbles]</ref>
<ref name="nasaNotSpaceAgency">[ YouTube: Ex CIA Robert David Steele says NASA is Not A Space Agency! NASA lies…]</ref>
<ref name="grissommurdered">[ Apollo Astronaut Was Murdered, Son Charges]</ref>
<ref name="challenger">[ Remembering Allan McDonald: He Refused To Approve Challenger Launch, Exposed Cover-Up]</ref>
<ref name="jameswebb">[ Influential Astronomers Call Out NASA For Telescope With Offensive Name: James Webb]</ref>
<ref name="DmitryRogozin">[ YouTube: Former head of the Russian Space Agency asks questions about alleged moon landings]</ref>
<ref name="AIfakeMoon"></ref>