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* Former head of the Russian Space Agency (Roscosmos Dmitry Rogozin) asks questions about NASA's alleged moon landings. Rogozin claimed he failed to find any data that convinced him Apollo 11 and its crew touched down on our natural satellite. He said NASA fans (ball lovers) and Russian scientists pushed back on his skepticism, and accused him of trying to sow disharmony between Washington and Moscow. <ref name=DmitryRogozin></ref>
* Former employee of NASA reveals moon landings were fake and earth is flat. <ref name=ExEmployee></ref>
* Allan McDonald, an engineer who dared speak the truth against the odds, recently passed away at 83. He was a Challenger Disaster Whistleblower. It seems Allan wasn't "taken out", probably because his Whistleblowing fit the rhetoric that the Challenger Disaster was real and the crew actually died; despite several eye witnesses seeing the crew alive and well, some with new names.
[[File:NASA harness smartselect 20200917-123743 youtube.gif|350px|right|thumb|NASA uses wire harnesses to fake gravity]]
===Surely NASA isn't faking it?===
⚠️ Caution, finding out NASA is a fake might turn you into a flat-earther!