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Wait! What? The moon and the sun are both visible in the sky! How can that be? [[Agencies/NASA|NASA]] says the Moon is eclipsed only when it moves into Earth’s shadow in space. Which is why this type of eclipse is often forgotten and the only eclipse to be labeled a "phenomenon". It is said to occur because of the curvature of Earth and our planet’s atmosphere refracts the images of the Sun and Moon and makes them appear to be in slightly different positions.
[[File:Rayleigh during lunar eclipse.webp|200px|right|NASA's explanation of the Red moon during lunar eclipse]]
The same phenomenon that makes our sky blue and our sunsets red causes the Moon to turn red during a lunar eclipse. It’s called Rayleigh scattering. Light travels in waves, and different colors of light have different physical properties. Blue light has a shorter wavelength and is scattered more easily by particles in Earth’s atmosphere than red light, which has a longer wavelength.
The same "phenomenon" that makes our sky blue and our sunsets red causes the Moon to turn red during a lunar eclipse. It’s called Rayleigh scattering. Light travels in waves, and different colors of light have different physical properties. Blue light has a shorter wavelength and is scattered more easily by particles in Earth’s atmosphere than red light, which has a longer wavelength.
[[File:Rayleigh during lunar eclipse.webp|200px|right|NASA's explanation of the Red moon during lunar eclipse]]
Red light, on the other hand, travels more directly through the atmosphere. When the Sun is overhead, we see blue light throughout the sky. But when the Sun is setting, sunlight must pass through more atmosphere and travel farther before reaching our eyes. The blue light from the Sun scatters away, and longer-wavelength red, orange, and yellow light pass through.
It is said that during a lunar eclipse, the Moon turns red because the only sunlight reaching the Moon passes through Earth’s atmosphere. The more dust or clouds in Earth’s atmosphere during the eclipse, the redder the Moon will appear.
===Saros Cycle===
===Cause of Lunar eclipses according to Zetetic Astronomy <ref name=ZeteticBooks></ref>===
The Saros Cycle can be used to predict eclipses of the Sun and Moon. The earliest discovered historical record of what is known as the saros is by Chaldean (neo-Babylonian) astronomers in the last several centuries BC. It was later known to Hipparchus, Pliny and Ptolemy.
Every 18 years and 11 days an eclipse occurs at roughly the same position in the zodiac, or to be more precise: 10 1/2 degrees further on (an eclipse occurs when either a new or full moon occurs close to the moon's nodal axis). This is a saros period.
A saros cycle of Solar Eclipses encompasses 70 solar eclipses over a period of 1200 to 1400 years. A saros cycle of Lunar Eclipses encompasses around 45 lunar eclipses over a period of around 800 years.
A series of eclipses that are separated by one saros is called a saros series. It corresponds to:
* 6,585.321347 solar days
* 18.029 years
* 223 synodic months
* 241.999 draconic months
* 18.999 eclipse years (38 eclipse seasons)
* 238.992 anomalistic months
* 241.029 sidereal months
The saros cycle is useful for predicting the times at which nearly identical eclipses will occur.
===Cause of Lunar eclipses according to Zetetic Astronomy <ref name=ZeteticBooks></ref>===
In Chapter 11: "CAUSE OF SOLAR AND LUNAR ECLIPSES" <ref name=ZeteticBooks></ref><br>
We have seen that, during a lunar eclipse, the moon's self-luminous surface is covered by a semi-transparent something; that this "something" is a definite mass, because it has a distinct and circular outline, as seen during its first and last contact with the moon. As a solar eclipse occurs from the moon passing before the sun, so, from the evidence above collected, it is evident that a lunar eclipse arises from a similar cause--a body semi-transparent and well-defined passing before the moon; or between the moon's surface and the observer on the surface of the earth.
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Those who are unacquainted with the methods of calculating eclipses and other phenomena, are prone to look upon the correctness of such calculations as powerful arguments in favor of the doctrine of the earth's rotundity and the Newtonian philosophy, generally. One of the most pitiful manifestations of ignorance of the true nature of theoretical astronomy is the ardent inquiry so often made, "How is it possible for that system to be false, which enables its professors to calculate to a second of time both solar and lunar eclipses for hundreds of years to come?" The supposition that such calculations are an essential part of the Newtonian or any other theory is entirely gratuitous, and exceedingly fallacious and misleading. Whatever theory is adopted, or if all theories are discarded, the same calculations can be made. The tables of the moon's relative positions for any fraction of time are purely practical--the result of long-continued observations, and may or may not be connected with hypothesis. The necessary data being tabulated, may be mixed up with any, even the most opposite doctrines, or kept distinct from every theory or system, just as the operator may determine.
===Anaximenes' Astronomy <ref name=ANAXIMENESBooks></ref>===
Two opaque (avin) dark faces (or bodies) move and revolve far below the sun and the moon. When in the usual revolution of the sky, they pass below the sun or below the moon, it (i.e., one of the two opaque bodies) becomes a covering and stands as a curtain over the sun. Thus it is that the sun or the moon is not seen. Of both the seen opaque bodies, one is called the head and the other the tail. Their motion is explained in the calculation of astronomers. <ref name=ANAXIMENESBooks></ref>
However, in standing in the way of, and in covering those luminaries, they do not thereby (actually) raise a covering over
those luminaries. From (the fact of) the luminaries being in a place pure and free from opposition, and from (the fact of) the (two) concealers (of light) being far below them, there result no diminution of light in those luminaries, except this, that their light is concealed from the world, and that their all-adorning energy of supplying light to the earth during that time is incomplete.
===A few Ancient Beliefs <ref name=AncientBeliefsBooks></ref>===
A FEW ANCIENT BELIEFS ABOUT THE ECLIPSE <ref name=AncientBeliefsBooks></ref><br>
'''Ancient Aryans'''<br>
The ancient Aryans, and the different nations that descended from them, held a belief, that the eclipse was the result of a fight between a hostile power and the Sun or Moon as the eclipse happened to be solar or lunar.
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'''The Chinese'''<br>
The Chinese belief about the "eclipse is thus described by a French [[Agencies/Jesuits|Jesuit]] named Lewis Le Comte / Louis-Daniel Lecomte (1655–1728):
An nationsNations have ever been astonished at eclipses, because they could not discover the cause of them; there is nothing so extravagant as the several reasons some have given for it; but one would wonder that the Chinese, who as to astronomy may justly claim seniority over all the world besides, have reasoned as absurdly on that point as the rest. They have fancied that in heaven there is a prodigious great dragon, who is a professed enemy to the sun and moon, and ready at all times to eat them up. For this reason, as soon as they perceive an eclipse, they all make a terrible rattling with drums and brass kettles, till the monster frightened at the noise lets go his prey.
===See Also===
* [ rumble: The problem with the August 2017 solar eclipse and the globe]
===Further Reading===
* [[:File:1887_Canon_der_Finsternisse.pdf|Book: 1887 Canon der Finsternisse (Canon of Eclipses)]]