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{{#description2:True Earth/Flat Earth/Moon/Moon Landing Hoax}}
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== The Moon Landing Hoax == <!--T:1-->
===Evidence the moon landing was a hoax===
Just looking at the Apollo Moon LOLander or looking at the faces of the Men who supposedly set foot on the moon, you could easily begin to question the reality of the moon missions. If that was the only evidence, then it could easily be dismissed. However, the further you look into it the more issues you'll find, such as [[Agencies/NASA|NASA]] admitted they destroyed the technology that got them to the moon and they also lost the original footage of the moon landing missions. Welp, there goes any solid evidence the multi-billion dollar missions were legit - Game over! Fortunately there's hundreds of photos and subsequent [[Agencies/NASA|NASA]] screw-ups that can help us decide.
====The American Flag Flutters Gently in the Non Existent Breeze====
It’s an iconic image for the citizens of the United States of America: their flag, planted on the moon and waving gently in the breeze. Only, there is no breeze on the moon, meaning there is no air in the moon’s atmosphere, and hence, there is no wind whatsoever.
====Is There More Than One Sun? Because Those Shadows Don’t Match Up!====
[[Agencies/NASA|NASA]] produced an abundant supply of photos and video footage to support their moon landing. But, it soon became evident that there was something a bit fishy about these photos on the moon; ever noticed that the angle of the shadows do not match up? Shadows are caused by light sources. On the moon, there should only be one light source: the Sun. So, logically, all shadows should be parallel to each other. Only shadows in the photos of moon landing are not. In fact, the shadows in many of the photos run in different directions. It’s almost as if the shadows are caused by… yes, multiple lights on a film set!
====You’re in Space… Then Where Are the Stars?====
On a cloudless evening, you can see an abundance of twinkling stars in the night sky. Surely from the moon, with its lack of clouds and complete absence of artificial light, you should be able to see even more stars with the naked eye? Only, you can’t. In fact, in all of the photos taken during moon landing, you cannot see a single star. Not one. Sure, the photos taken in the 60’s weren’t amazing quality, but these days you can capture the stars in a photo taken from your phone, so shouldn’t the high tech [[Agencies/NASA|NASA]] cameras have been able to pick up something?
====Carved by Nature… Why Does That Rock Have a "C" Drawn on It?====
[[File:Moon rock C.png|200px|right]]
In yet another example of the technicians on set just being sloppy, one of the moon landing photos shows a “moon rock” which has a perfect letter ‘C’ printed on it. The perfect symmetry of the letter shows that it is not naturally occurring. Now, it’s perfectly credible that a prop used on a film set would be marked with a reference letter. But there is no plausible argument for the “C” just being naturally weathered into the surface of the rock. As a result, [[Agencies/NASA|NASA]] came up with a different, though no less implausible, explanation for the rock with the “C”. According to them, it’s a stray hair. It can’t be more ridiculous than this!
====Fly Through a Belt of Radiation and You Should've Get Cooked====
Everyone knows how dangerous radiation can be: overexposure to it can cause radiation poisoning and even death, so It is should be avoided at all costs. To get to the moon, you have to fly through a band a radiation known as the Van Allen radiation belt. Yes, the space craft had an aluminum coating, but is that really enough to protect a human being whilst they spend over one and a half hours traversing a band of radiation? [[Agencies/NASA|NASA]], of course, said “yes” and that the astronauts weren’t in the radiation for all that long. But an hour and a half still sounds like a pretty long time to be inside a cosmic microwave.
====No Impact or thruster marks====
[[File:No Moon Lander impact marks.png|180px|right]]
Have you ever seen the photos of the astronauts footprints embedded in moon dust? The astronauts described this dust as being similar to “talcum powder or wet sand”. That being the case, why is there no sign of impact where the lunar module landed? You’d think that a rocket-ship landing on a big pile of talcum powder would leave some kind of impression in the surface, but according to the moon landing photos, no such evidence exists. In fact, it looks more like the lunar module was just placed in position. This is just yet another blindingly obvious defect in the details of the moon landing hoax.
====No tracks behind the moon rover====
It seems the moon rover doesn't leave tire tracks like the walking left foot prints. There are some pictures that show tire tracks while others look as if the lander was literally dropped into position by a crane. China seems to have caught on and made their images have tire tracks. But, what can you say? It was 1969 when the USA faked it.
====Even AI thinks NASA's moon-landings are fake====
Google AI's analysis says US Moon landing images are fake, in an article on November 27, 2023.
The analysis of some of the photos and images of the U.S. astronauts landing on the Moon using neural networks showed they are fake, Vladimir Putin was told at an “Artificial Intelligence World Tour" in Moscow, and the Russian President found it "very interesting".
The video of the analysis result and conversation of the Russian President with the Data Research Department of Sberbank, Nikolai Gerasimhen, at the Moscow AI event is now viral.
“Meanwhile it (the AI analysis) raises no particular questions about this photo taken by a Chinese lunar rover”, Putin is told.
China's unmanned lunar mission named Chang’e is a series of lunar probes launched by the China National Space Administration starting with the launch of Chang’e 1 in October 2007.
“It believes this one is fake?”
Line 47 ⟶ 61:
“It believes this one is fake?” Putin is seen in the video first touching the wing of his nose and then asking after a brief pause while pointing at the Apollo 11 images displayed on a screen.
“Yes. Look this is red", Putin was told.
Sberbank President German Gref who is seen accompanying Putin in the video then said, "This is what Google’s neural network thinks, not our analysis. So there will be no bias." <ref name=AIfakeMoon></ref>
===Images from the moon surface - before they got back with the film===
A few examples of images from the moon, before Apollo returned with the film. Check the table below for the Apollo 11 timeline.
Apollo11_-_666s.jpg|Nixon giving the boys the ol' 666 symbol.
Apollo-11-penis_mission_gettyimages-517427552.webp|NASA had "SEX" written in the clouds, but here's the penis shaped lunar mission.
Nixon-apollo-call-meme-4044257547.jpg|Nixon talking to the moon lander with a picture from the moon surface
WashingtonPost 1969-07-21 c39ba5e68a57c5b337d358869b8c1b12.png|July 21 1969-Washington Post showing images from the moon before Apollo 11 returned with the film.
Line 64 ⟶ 83:
Canada Life 1969-07-21 6ed1bc77995aa2301474ba2f085a13be.jpg|July 21 1969-Canada Life showing images from the moon before Apollo 11 returned with the film.
{| class="wikitable"
|+ Apollo 11 mission timeline
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===Other inconsistencies===
====Can Astronauts See Stars From Outer Space? ====
Line 97 ⟶ 119:
On July 21, 1969, Collins played a pivotal role in getting the first two men – Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin – to step foot on the Moon. Six hours after touching down, Armstrong would jump off the lunar lander Eagle to deliver his “one small step” speech to the millions watching on Earth, before the pair buried the US flag into the surface, signifying the end of the Space Race. Meanwhile, Collins orbited alone in the command module for 21 hours, in which he would be dubbed “the loneliest man in the universe,” but the former test pilot later said he did not remember seeing any stars during his voyage.
Speaking at a press conference just weeks after returning to Earth, Armstrong said: “We were never able to see stars from the lunar surface, or on the daylight side of Moon without looking through the optics.
“I don’t recall, during the period of time that we were photographing, what stars we could see.”<br>
Before Collins added:
Line 105 ⟶ 129:
Note: Don Pettit says they can see stars while in space (day or night). <ref name=StarsFromSpace></ref>
====The technology (the 1969 "tweaker hut") was destroyed ====
[[File:2023-11-14 17 17 55-(1) I'd go to the moon, but we don't have that technology anymore - NASA Astrona.png|200px|right]]
[[Agencies/NASA|NASA]] Astronaut Don Pettit says <ref name=PettitNanosecond></ref>
I'd go back to the moon in a nanosecond, the problem is we don't have that technology to do that anymore, we used to but we destroyed that technology and it's a painful process to build it back again.
====Can't get past earths lower atmos====
According to multiple astroNOTS, they are still working on the technology to get past earth's upper atmos. Maybe they didn't get the memo that said people were on the moon 50 years prior. <ref name=NeverWent></ref>
If man was so proud of this achievement, then why would we destroy the remaining technology.
====The moon smells like what?====
When asked what the moon smells like, Buzz Aldrin replied: <ref name=moonstink></ref>
Line 122 ⟶ 154:
Of course, they wore suits and helmets, and apparently napped in the pressurized lunar lander - there's NO WAY IN HELL one could catch a sniff of what the moon smelled like. Strangely, in a studio with Portland Cement that was sprinkled with a little drops of water on it for a texture purposes, sure could smell like burnt charcoal.
===="Because we didn't go, and that's how it happened"====
[[File:2023-11-14 17 34 47-(2) buzz aldrin confesses we did'nt go to the moon - YouTube — Mozilla Firefox.png|200px|right]]
Buzz Aldrin admits to an 8 year old little girl that the so called moon landing didn't happen. It was a hoax. I think he just couldn't look that little girl in the face and lie to her. Even the old dirt bag has a heart. I give him credit, then again, I guess he figured he didn't have much longer to live. <ref name=didntgo></ref>
====Assaulted and threatened for questioning moon landing====
Bart Sibrel was punched by Buzz Aldrin when questioning the moon landing.<ref name=punched></ref> Apollo 15 AstroNOT Edgar Mitchel assaulted Bart Sibrel and recorded them speaking of having him threatening to have him assassinated when he showed them footage that proved the moon landing was faked. <ref name=waxxed></ref>
====Astronauts that don't know procedure====
[[File:NASA ASTRONAUT Don Pettit - leak.png|200px|right]]
Line 138 ⟶ 174:
You might argue that not all Actornots know every procedure, however Don later explains that he's "one of the science guys" and "one of the repair guys". <ref name=leak></ref>
Let's ask a captain of a submarine what they'd do if there were a leak. Of course the answer you're likely to get is "We'd all die". Implosion would occur so quickly, you wouldn't be able to stop it.
I'm a navy submariner, and I'll try to give some insight, because this is actually a fairly complex question.
If there is a leak in the hull and water is coming in from outside, you'd be dead before you noticed it. If you're submerged, the amount of pressure on the hull is pretty tremendous. Any compromise of the integrity of the hull would result in a catastrophic failure and, depending on your depth, implosion.
====Hair proves space====
[[File:ISS Hair Spray - YouTube — Mozilla Firefox.png|left|120px]]
Line 152 ⟶ 192:
===It's real because it's too hard to fake===
A modeling company in California called Wonder Works <ref name=wonderworks></ref> builds and rents space suits, miniature space craft models, and even rents full size modules for "space craft". It's surprising to compare these models to what [[Agencies/NASA|NASA]] shows us. In fact, there's no difference. A little bit of directing and film editing, and you too could fake a moon landing mission. It's really not that hard - All you need is money, which [[Agencies/NASA|NASA]] pulls a cool 70 MILLION DOLLARS PER DAY.
Wonder Works has contracts with the familiar fakers like NASA, SpaceX, and Disney. At least Disney is known for it's entertainment purposes. Seems dressing up in a AstroNOT suit is a guaranteed way to get kids on your lap (similar to Santa Claus, but parents trust AstroNOTs more than a dirty old man in a Santa suit).
Wonderworks image1170.jpg|Drop in the green screen, we're going to space!
Line 170 ⟶ 213:
Wonderworks image1145.jpg|Faking the inside, just insert imagination here
Wonderworks image384.jpg|Just need a few Freemasons, and you can steal MILLIONS without shame
NASA building a moon set apollo10.jpg|NASA building a realistic looking moon model
NASA building a moon set 2.jpg|NASA building a realistic looking moon model
===In Conclusion===
There are so many discrepancies in [[Agencies/NASA|NASA's]] missions, maybe if it were just one or two we could wave it off, however there are hundreds if not thousands of inconsistencies, CGI glitches, and tangled guy harness wires, and other lies being caught over the years. Fortunately for the 70 million dollar per day military complex ([[Agencies/NASA|NASA]]), there are fanboys that will continue to make an excuse for them, I'm sure every single one of the discrepancy already has some sort of excuse out there. They certainly have flooded the internet with fact-checkers stating the moon landing was real; which is funny, last time I checked, every single fact-checker was later discovered to be a fraud.
Kubrick_NASA_Apollo_1_Hoax.png|Stanley Kubrick filming the Apollo 1 Hoax at NASA studios
Apollo-14-LOL-Module-LM-NASA.jpg|For a good time, zoom in & look at the tin foil and tape!
Apollo14LunarLanderLOL.jpg|Apollo 14 Moon LOLander
Line 188 ⟶ 235:
LIVE-IN-FRONT-OF-A-STUDIO-AUDIENCE-2971633318.jpg|NASA forgot the disclaimer: Live Studio Audience
The_Vacuum_of_space.png|Vacuum: If traveling in space was real
moonwrap.gif|Let's make a moon shall we?
===See Also===
* [[Misc/Videos/NASA_Fakery|Videos: NASA_Fakery]]
* [ Reddit: Moon landing, greatest hoax ever!]
* [ YouTube: American Moon (English Version) by Massimo Mazzucco]
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<ref name="AIfakeMoon"></ref>
<ref name="wonderworks"></ref>
<ref name="NeverWent">[ NASA ADMITS WE NEVER WENT TO THE MOON]</ref>