FAQ/Is it CGI or a Photo

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Is it CGI or a Digital Photo?


As technology advances, it is getting harder and harder to tell real from fake. Many true earthers claim that NASA uses "CGI Images". NASA defenders argue that it's not CGI but "Images" taken with "Digital Cameras" (and tend to pretend that you don't understand what a digital camera is).

First of all, Digital photography produces "Photos". Yes "Digital Photos". What we mean by "CGI" is "Rendered 3D objects" using software to generate a 3D image, where NO camera (of any type) is used. Rendered 3D Images can look super realistic, and sometimes better than life.

Note: Yes, flerfs know what Digital Camera's are. In fact the Nikon COOLPIX P900 (also known as the Flerf 900) is a Digital camera, and it allows us to see WAAAAAAAAAY beyond what the globe model should allow.

Below are some photos and 3D rendered Images, take a look at the image and without cheating by looking at the column header, can you tell which is which? Click the image to view it larger, click it again to show it Full size.

Which is real
Photo 3D Rendered Image / CGI
"Photo of Saturn"
"Images of Saturn"
3D Rendered Image / CGI Hubble "Telescope" (NASA) Casini "Telescope" (NASA)