FAQ/Why FE Exists: Difference between revisions

add CongressCensorship
(linking to NASA)
(add CongressCensorship)
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Eventually both points of view were slowly exchanged with one point of view - the globe model. And teaching the FE model was eventually banned. I guess bullying worked well. (See YouTube cracking down Newspaper clip below)
Modernly big tech actively "shadow-bans" FE content. YouTube hides videos that discuss FE in a scientific way, they promote videos that talk against FE. <ref name=CongressCensorship></ref> Search engines now will show you "Fact Checkers" for any search query for FE. (See Keeping us "safe" from scientific knowledge web search below)
It tells you something when the Government actively plays both sides: They censor information and they make fake societies to discourage people from learning the truth.
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<ref name="Sep061874Newspaper">"Sensible remarks" - [https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84038806/1874-09-06/ed-1/seq-2/ chroniclingamerica.loc.gov "Sensible remarks" Baller goes anal on school for not allowing teachers to teach the globe.]</ref>
<ref name="CongressCensorship">[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cuf9-D3y4CI YouTube: Congress Questions Facebook, YouTube over Censorship (Flat Earth)]</ref>