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One of the biggest and most obvious reasons for such a massive lie is for money and world control. [[Agencies/NASA|NASA]] makes billions a year off taxpayer dollars for one, and what is all that money going towards if it’s all fake? It takes money to fake a space station in a giant swimming pool and pay a bunch of computer geeks to create CGI’s of earth, but somebody’s pockets are getting full for sure.
===World Control===
[[Agencies/NASA|NASA]] was started by men in the occult. All top level astroNOTS are Freemasons and the Satanic Kabballah is taught at [[Agencies/NASA|NASA]] while the name “Jesus” has been banned. You can research this yourself. Clearly these men are not promoting science but a pagan religion and a sinister agenda.
====New world order====
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The Bible also describes an immovable earth (1 Chronicles 16:30) set on pillars (1 Samuel 2:8) on the deep (Isaiah 51:10) with a glass firmament dome above the earth (Job 37:18) that separates the waters below from the waters above (Genesis 1: 7; Psalms 148:1). That is the flat earth model! Is the Bible false or is modern Pagan illuminati Satanic science false?
According to Rob Skiba (Jan 2018) the Earth is exactly like it is in the Bible – and [[Agencies/NASA|NASA]] and their co-conspirators are trying to conceal this fact. The Bible is describing a snow globe basically. When you break down the text of what it represents, there’s no way you can get a spinning heliocentric globe out of anything in the Bible.
The bigger picture many of us have come to believe is hiding God. Is [[Agencies/NASA|NASA]] hiding God? To me, that would be the ultimate motivation. I have become skeptical of everything. And I think rightfully so.