Misc/Books: Difference between revisions

Added arctic exploration
(Added some books)
(Added arctic exploration)
Line 49:
|https://ebook-full.com/get-ebook/read.php?id=m4daAAAAcAAJ&t=the-new-principia-or-true-system-of-astronomy-in-which-the-earth-is-proved-to-be-the-stationary-centre-of-the-solar-system-etc&a=richard-james-morrison&h=92&w= || The New Principia: or, True System of Astronomy; In which the earth is proved to be the stationary centre of the solar system, and the sun is shewn to be only 365,006.5 miles from the earth || Richard James Morrison || 1868
| https://archive.org/details/cihm_24345/page/n7/mode/1up || Arctic exploration with an account of Nicholas of Lynn || De Costa B.F. (Benjamin Franklin) ||1881