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== Debaters Glossary ==
This entire wiki is dedicated to help you learn and share the truth. Use this guide to help prepare you for debating with the "globers".<br>
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| Don't say "space is fake" || Say "Outer space, as we arewere toldtaught as children, is what is fake".
| Don't say the "sun goes around" || Say "the sun CIRCLES ABOVE" ("around" implyingcould imply underneath)
| Don't get distracted by blaming others || Often your opponent will say someone else thinks this, or says that. You are not them. Don't get distracted by this tactic.
| Don't let the ballers reverse the Burden of proof || The burden of proof is on the positive claim. Specific Speeds, Specific Motions, etc. These go against what our senses or observations tell us. The burden of proof is on the Globe side, they make all kinds of claims.
| Don't let the ballers take apart your words || They might say, what do you mean by "If". Don't get sidetracked by these tactics. Stay on your debate points, not definition of simple words. Maybe tell them if they need the definition of words, perhaps we can help you at another time.
| Believing the News is an appeal to Authority? || No. Believing the News is an appeal to authoritative sources. Ballers love to jump on you for the slightest misuse of definitions.
===Debate Tactics===
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! Type !! Breakdown / Example
| "Steel Man" || (1) Attempt to re-express the other person’s position so clearly, vividly, and fairly that they say, “Thanks, I wish I’d thought of putting it that way.”<br>(2) List any points of agreement (especially if they are not matters of general or widespread agreement).<br>(3) Mention anything you have learned from your target.<br>(4) Only then are you permitted to say so much as a word of rebuttal or criticism.
| Begin & conclude sharply || Each point should be covered in twenty seconds, for a total time of one minute.<br>(1) Briefly outline the character and objectives of your presentation<br>(2) State the two or three specific points you want to make in this debate<br>(3) Outline the general weaknesses of your opponent's position.<br>You can seize the initiative and keep it by beginning the debate on the right foot. In many cases, the moderator will allow each debater one or two minutes to present an opening statement. <br>You should have an opening statement rehearsed and ready to go the day before the debate.
| Assume control || It is also important to gain immediate momentum in the debate with a strong and clear opening statement. It may seem obvious, but one of the best ways to control a debate is to talk more than one's opponent. This can be accomplished by using one or more of several different tactics. One way is to structure statements or replies and preface them with a phrase like "I'd like to make three points here.", then number the points and speaking at a relatively quick pace, get a lot of information across to the audience. Any interruption by the opponent or by the moderator will appear to be rude.
| Stay on the subject || Any experienced debater will tell you that the single most aggravating characteristic of a debate is the apparent total inability to stay on the subject at hand. The notorious "what about?". There is a simple reason for this 'red herring' tactic. The globe position is clearly indefensible. A globe debater realizes that, if he can "Muddy the Waters" by perverting the conversation into a wandering, aimless argument about other topics, he can neutralise and dilute the inherent superiority and impact of your position. By breaking even, he 'wins.'
| Anticipate || A flat-earth debater has certain important advantages over a globber. It is easier to anticipate the thought processes of an globber debater than it is to anticipate the thoughts of a debater that takes any other position, simply because globber usually rely very heavily on logical fallacies and appeal to authority to support their position(s).
| Repeat important points || Repetition is a very effective tactic that globbers use in debates. They adhere rigidly to the Shakespearean principle "A lie oft repeated soon bears the guise of truth.". Begin and end the debate with these points, and your entire message should be built around them. you must have irrefutable documentation at hand in addition to anticipating his opponent's rebuttals.
| Listen effectively || Since debate is a form of communication, it is composed of two fundamental parts: Talking and listening. Before a person can rebut effectively and concisely, he must be able to listen effectively. The main job of a debater is to discern the meaning behind his opponent's words in order to paint a picture in his own mind of what he is thinking and what his objective(s) are. It is a good idea for a debater to write down statements by the opposition that you would like to address later in the debate. This will allow you to refer to your opponent's verbatim statements at opportune times later in the conversation.
| Anticipate opposing claims || As you prepare for your debate, consider anticipating opposing claims. Researching different perspectives can help you counter your opponent's arguments. It can also help you understand where you and your opponent agree.
| Use visual aids || If a debater is participating in a panel discussion or a debate on a live stream, pictures and graphs can be a great asset, especially if his opponent has none. Visual aids confer an automatic aura of authority on the person using them, particularly if they are well-prepared. (That's what this wiki is for 😉)
| Don't argue || A heated argument is a real spectacle and can only hurt your position. As a result of such an exchange, globbers are merely hardened in their belief that flat-earthers are fanatics, and flat-earth sympathisers are turned off by the shouting. Don't get ensnared in a shouting match. Your opponent will frequently try to lure you into such an argument when they have their backs to the wall, because they know that the memory of the argument will erase the memory of how badly you trounced them in the debate. You can use your opponent's inflammatory statements to your advantage by acknowledging their good points and accentuating their bad points.
| Address your argument's flaws || If your opponent adequately prepares for the debate, they may be ready to counter your argument's weak points. Try to be proactive by admitting these flaws and providing appropriate solutions. This action shows that you support your claim even after considering its weaknesses.
| Ask questions || By asking questions in a debate, you can allow your opponent to provide clarity and effectively address their argument. Asking questions also helps you verify the quality of opposing evidence. For instance, you could ask your opponent where they obtained a statistic or how they would respond to your counterargument. Many professionals prepare questions before the debate to ensure they understand their opponent's main points, though you can also think of questions during the debate.
| Answer questions directly || Your opponent may ask questions to better understand your perspective or address your claim's weaknesses. By answering questions directly, you can demonstrate that you're listening to your opponent and care about providing relevant responses. Try to understand the question and ask for clarification if you're unsure what your opponent means. If you're unsure how to answer, consider being honest and saying that you want to return to the question when you have the right information.