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===Knights of Saint Columbanus===
The Knights of Saint Columbanus is an Irish-Roman Catholic fraternal organization which was purportedly founded in 1915 for lay men over 21 years of age. The Order is divided into 12 Provincial Areas covering the island of Ireland which are ultimately under the control of "The Supreme Executive". Political scientist and historian Tom Garvin stated that the Knights of Saint Columbanus "became a considerable political force after independence... At one stage many officials in the Revenue were in the organization”. According to Garvin, Seán T. O'Kelly, the second President of Ireland, was a member of the Oder. Irish politician and former minister Noël Browne criticized Freemasonry and the Knights of Saint Columbanus’ political role in Dáil (Irish House) debates: Browne stated in respect to elections to Hospital Boards: "On the Catholic side it is done through the Knights of Columbanus and on the Protestant side it is done through the Freemasons. It is completely undemocratic”. Browne is also quoted as saying: "What we should like to know is, in the event of a Multi-Party government being formed, which party would be the real government? Would it be a Fine Gael government? Would it be a Labour government? Would it be a Labour Party policy - or would it be a Knight of Columbanus policy?” Browne has also stated: "In regard to the whole business of appointments [to the Universities], I do not think there is much to choose between the two of them—the Knights of Columbanus predominantly in University College and the Freemasons in Trinity College— and the two of them going on together presumably sharing out the different jobs to suit themselves.” Lastly, Browne is also quoted as saying: "There are still diehards of my generation within the profession but the new intake is not only extremely highly qualified but is better qualified because you cannot get into a consultant situation and then into a position as a consultant in a hospital unless you are extremely well qualified now because of the appointments system. It is no longer confined, as it was in the old days, to the Knights of Columbanus on the Catholic side and the Freemason Order on the other side”. Browne’s sentiments are a microcosm of how secret societies control every election for each respective political party is stacked with willing members of a given order so no matter who wins on Election Day, the Roman Catholic Church always remains in control. In the Seanad, William Bedell Stanford echoed Browne’s critique of secret societies in Scotland when he stated: "One of the things that is doing most damage to our nation at the moment is the existence of these conflicting secret societies [interpreted as meaning the Freemasons and the Knights] and I hope the Minister and the other Minister will do all in their power to prevent their gaining any control of the national economy, or the politics of the country." Columnists Fintan O'Toole and Kieran Rose quoted a "leading right-wing activist" as writing that "in 1988 that members of the Knights of Columbanus occupy positions of influence in many walks of life and at the highest level. They are asked to be confidentially politically active”. In summation, it appears that the Knights of Columbanus control every major political facet of Ireland, negating any and all real social or political change, hence the country’s current economic state.
===See Also===
* [[Agencies/Jesuits]]