Misc/Scriptures/Missing Books of the Bible: Difference between revisions

Finished A section for now, all I could find
(added Septuagint, organizing)
(Finished A section for now, all I could find)
(3 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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===The List of Books Missing or Excluded from the Bible===
====A, 1-9====
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable" style="width: 95%;"
| [[:File:Acts-and-Martyrdom-of-AndrewThe613.pdf|Acts613, and Martyrdom of AndrewThe]] || [[:File:Acts-and-Martyrdom-of-MatthewOn The Anointing.pdf|Acts and MartyrdomAnointing, ofOn Matthewthe]]
| [[:File:The-Acts-of-AndrewThe_Prophecy_of_Abdias.pdf|ActsAbdias, The Prophecy of Andrew]] || [[:File:ActsThe Anti-of-Andrew-and-MatthewMarcionite Prologues.pdf|ActsAnti-Marcionite ofPrologues, Andrew and MatthewThe]]
| [[:File:The-Acts-Inscription of-Barnabas Abercius.pdf|ActsAbercius, Inscription of Barnabas]] || [[:File:The-Acts-of-John.pdf|ActsApelles, Gospel of John]]
| [[:File:The-Acts-Abgarus, King of-John- Edessa and the-Theologian.pdf|Acts Epistle of JohnJesus Christ the Theologian]] || [[:File:The-Acts-Apocalypse of-Peter Abraham.pdf|ActsApocalypse of PeterAbraham]]
| [[:File:The-Acts-of-Peter-and-Paul.pdf|ActsAbraham, Book of Peter and Paul]] || [[:File:ActsThe-Apocalypse-of-Philip-GreekEliyahu.pdf|ActsApocalypse of Philip (Greek)Elijah]]
| [[:File:Acts-The Testament of-Philip-Syriac Abraham.pdf|Acts ofAbraham, PhilipTestament (Syriac)of]] || [[:File:Apocalypse ofOf AbrahamMoses.pdf|Apocalypse of AbrahamMoses]]
| [[:File:The-Apocalypse-Account of-Eliyahu.pdf|Apocalypse the Chronicles of Elijah]]King David, The || [[:File:The-Apocalypse Of Moses-of-Paul.pdf|Apocalypse of MosesPaul]]
| [[:File:TheActs-Apocalypseand-Martyrdom-of-PaulAndrew.pdf|ApocalypseActs and Martyrdom of PaulAndrew]] || [[:File:The-Apocalypse-of-Shadrak.pdf|Apocalypse of Shadrak]]
| [[:File:TheActs-Apocalypseand-Martyrdom-of-ThomasMatthew.pdf|ApocalypseActs and Martyrdom of ThomasMatthew]] || [[:File:The-Apocalypse-of-ZephaniahThomas.pdf|Apocalypse of ZephaniahThomas]]
| [[:File:The-Arabic-Gospel-Acts of-the-Infancy-of-the-Savior A King.pdf|Arabic Gospel of the InfancyActs of thea SaviorKing]] || [[:File:The-AscensionApocalypse-of-IsaiahZephaniah.pdf|AscensionApocalypse of IsaiahZephaniah]]
| [[:File:THE ASSUMPTION OF MOSESThe-Acts-of-Andrew.pdf|AssumptionActs of MosesAndrew]] || [[:File:fivebooksofmacca00cottApocalypsis Mosis.pdf|Books ofApocalypsis MaccabeesMosis]]
| [[:File:BookActs-of-AdamAndrew-and-Matthew.pdf|BookActs of AdamAndrew and Matthew]] || [[:File:First_Book_of_Adam_and_EveApocryphal Psalms.pdf|Book of Adam and EveApocryphal 1Psalms]]
| [[:File:SecondThe-AdamActs-andof-EveBarnabas.pdf|BookActs of Adam and Eve 2Barnabas]] || [[:File:Eng-kjv_BARLife of Apollonius of Tyana by Philostratus.pdf|BookApollonius of BaruchTyana, 1Life of]]
| [[:File:baruch2The-Acts-of-John.pdf|BookActs of Baruch 2John]] || [[:File:3_baruchActs of Apollonius.pdf|BookApollonius, Acts of Baruch 3]]
| [[:File:BookThe-Acts-of-BritainJohn-the-Theologian.pdf|BookActs of BritainJohn the Theologian]] || [[:File:BookApostles-of-CreationCreed.pdf|BookApostles ofCreed, CreationThe]]
| [[:File:AbWisdomBenSira_SkehanPW_1987The-optActs-of-Paul-and-Thecla.pdf|BookActs of EcclesiasticusPaul /and SirachThecla, The]] || [[:File:The-Book-of-Elijah.pdf|BookApostles, Acts of Eliyahu the Prophet]]2
| [[:File:The_Complete_Book_of_Enoch,_Standard_English_Version_The-Acts-of-Paul-_Jay_Winter.pdf|TestamentActs of SolomonPaul, The]] || [[:File:The_Complete_Book_of_Enoch,_Standard_English_Version_-_Jay_WinterEpistle of the Apostles.pdf|BookApostles, The Epistle of Enochthe]]
| [[:File:EngThe-web_1ESActs-of-Peter.pdf|BookActs of Esdras 1Peter]] || [[:File:Eng-web_2ESThe Teaching of the Apostles.pdf|BookApostles, ofThe EsdrasTeachings of 2the]]
| [[:File:EngThe-Acts-of-kjv_ESTPeter-and-Paul.pdf|BookActs of EstherPeter and Paul]] || [[:File:The Book of GiantsApostles-Creed.pdf|Apostles’ TheCreed Watchers,(throughout Nephilimhistory), and The Book of Enoch by Joseph Lumpkin.pdf|Book of Giants]]
| [[:File:BookActs-of-JasherPhilip-Greek.pdf|BookActs of JasherPhilip (Greek)]] || [[http:File:79210c539e32f6c4f106fab6fff3f0c4//www.pdf|Booknewadvent.org/fathers/0715.htm of Jubilees]Apostolic Constitutions, The]
| [[:File:EngActs-kjv_JDTof-Philip-Syriac.pdf|BookActs of JudithPhilip (Syriac)]] || Book[[:File:Apostrophe ofto NakashZion.pdf|Apostrophe to Zion]]
| BookActs of theUziah by Isaiah The Prophet Illuminators || [[:File:TheOdesAndPsalmsOfSolomonThe-Arabic-Gospel-of-the-Infancy-of-the-Savior.pdf|BookArabic Gospel of Thethe OdesInfancy of Solomonthe Savior]]
| [[:File:31-pssal-netsThe Life of Adam and Eve.pdf|BookAdam ofand Eve, The PsalmsBooks of Solomon(Latin Translation)]] || [[:File:Eng-web_TOBThe ArchAngel Michael And King Zedekiah.pdf|BookArchangel ofMichael TobitAnd King Zedekiah, The]]
| [[:File:Eng-kjv_WISThe First Book of Adam and Eve.pdf|BookAdam ofand WisdomEve, /The WisdomFirst ofBook Solomonof]] || [[:File:Clement-to-JamesThe Hypostasis of the Archons.pdf|ClementArchons, toThe Hypostasis of Jamesthe]]
| [[:File:2-ClementThe Life of Adam and Eve Slav.pdf|2Adam Clementand Eve, The Life of (Slavonic Translation)]] || [[:File:Consummation-of-Thomas-the-ApostleThe Letter Of Aristeas.pdf|ConsummationAristeas, ofThe ThomasLetter the Apostleof]]
| [[:File:Discourse-on-Appollyon-by-TimothyThe Second Book of Adam and Eve.pdf|DiscourseAdam onand ApollyonEve, byThe TimothySecond Book of]] || [[:File:The-Ethiopic-Apocalypse- Apology of-Baruch Aristides.pdf|EthiopicAristides, ApocalypseApology of Baruch]]
| [[:File:The-Gospel- Apocalypse of-Bartholomew Adam.pdf|GospelAdam, The Apocalypse of Bartholomew(Revelation of)]] || [[:File:The-Gospel-Aristo of-Gamaliel-Lament-of-the-Virgin Pella.pdf|GospelAristo of Gamaliel: Lament of the VirginPella]]
| [[:File:The-Gospel- Book of-Gamaliel-Martyrdom-of-Pilate Adam.pdf|GospelAdam, ofThe Gamaliel: MartyrdomBook of Pilate]] || Gospel of Mary[[:File:Aristobulus.pdf|Aristobulus]]
| Gospel of Philip || [[:File:The-Gospel- Teachings of- Addeus the-Birth-of-Mariyam Apostle.pdf|Gospel ofAddeus the BirthApostle, The Teachings of]] Mary|| [[:File:Artapanus.pdf|Artapanus]]
| [[:File:The-History-Irenaeus of Lyons -Joseph-the-Carpenter Against Heresies Book 1.pdf|HistoryAgainst ofthe JosephHeresies the1 Carpenter(Irenaeus of Lyons)]] || [[:File:The-Infancy-Gospel-Irenaeus of Lyons -James Against Heresies Book 2.pdf|InfancyAgainst Gospelthe Heresies 2 (Irenaeus of JamesLyons)]]
| [[:File:The-Infancy-Gospel-Irenaeus of Lyons -Matthew Against Heresies Book 3.pdf|InfancyAgainst Gospelthe Heresies 3 (Irenaeus of MatthewLyons)]] || [[:File:JosephIrenaeus of Lyons -and-Aseneth Against Heresies Book 4.pdf|JosephAgainst andthe AsenethHeresies 4 (Irenaeus of Lyons)]]
| [[:File:The Lost BooksIrenaeus of The BibleLyons - LettersAgainst ofHeresies HerodBook and Pilate5.pdf|LetterAgainst ofthe HerodHeresies To5 Pilate(Irenaeus theof GovernorLyons)]] || [[:File:The-LetterAscension-of-LentulusIsaiah.pdf|LetterAscension of LentulusIsaiah]]
| [[:File:The Lost BooksAges of The Bible - Letters of Herod and PilateWorld.pdf|LetterAges of Pilatethe toWorld, HerodThe]] || [[:File:LettersAsclepius 21-of-Pilate29.pdf|Letters of PilateAsclepius]]
| [[:File:Martyrdom-of-MatthewThe_Prophecy_of_Aggeus.pdf|MartyrdomAggeus, ofThe Prophecy Matthewof]] || [[:File:The-Martyrdom-of-PolycarpAssorted Manuscripts 4Q471.pdf|Martyrdom ofAssorted PolycarpManuscripts]]
| [[:File:The Story of Ahikar.pdf|Ahikar, Grand Vizier of Assyria, The Story of]] || [[:File:THE ASSUMPTION OF MOSES.pdf|Assumption of Moses]]
| [[:File:Peter-to-James.pdf|Peter to James]] || Prayer of Azariah
| [[:File:Allogenes.pdf|Allogenes]] || [[:File:On The Incarnation of the Word.pdf|Athanasius: On the Incarnation]]
| Prophecy of Shem || [[:File:Eng-web_PS2.pdf|Psalm 151]]
| [[:File:Revelation-The Acts of-Esdras Andrew and Matthew.pdf|RevelationAndrew ofand EsdrasMatthew, The Acts of]] || [[:File:Revelation-of-MosesA Plea for the Christians by Athenagoras.pdf|RevelationAthenagoras of MosesAthens, A Plea for the Christians]]
| [[:File:AhikarActs and Martyrdom of the Holy Apostle Andrew.pdf|StoryAndrew, Acts and Martyrdom of Ahikarthe Holy Apostle]] || [[:File:eng-kjv_BELAthenagoras on the Resurrection of the Dead.pdf|StoryAthenagoras of BelAthens, andOn The Resurrection of the DragonDead]]
| Andrew, Gospel of || [http://www.augustinus.it/links/inglese/opere.htm Augustine, The Writings of]
| [[:File:Eng-rv_SUS.pdf|Story of Susanna]] || [[:File:Tales-of-the-Patriarchs.pdf|Tales of the Patriarchs]]
| Andrew, Other Books of || [[:File:Authoritative Teaching.pdf|Authoritative Teaching]]
| [[:File:Targum-Ecclesiastes.pdf|Targum Ecclesiastes]] || [[:File:Targum-Isaiah.pdf|Targum Isaiah]]
| [[:File:Targum-Obadiah.pdf|Targum Obadiah]] || [[:File:Targum-Ruth.pdf|Targum Ruth]]
{| class="wikitable" style="width: 95%;"
| [[:File:TheBaptism, testamentOn ofthe abraham_text.pdf|Testament of Abraham]] || [[:File:TestamentEng-of-Isaacweb_1ES.pdf|TestamentBook of IsaacEsdras 1]]
| [[:File:Testament-of-Jacob.pdf|TestamentBaptismal ofLiturgy, A Jacob]] || [[:File:TheEng-Testament-of-Jobweb_2ES.pdf|TestamentBook of JobEsdras 2]]
| Baralâm Yewâsef || [[:File:Eng-kjv_EST.pdf|Book of Esther]]
| [[:File:testamentsoftwel00char_bw.pdf|Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs]] || [[:File:The613.pdf|The 613]]
| Barnabas, Gospel of || Book of Gad the Seer, The
| [[:File:The-Acts-of-Paul-.pdf|The Acts of Paul]] || [[:File:The-Acts-of-Paul-and-Thecla.pdf|The Acts of Paul and Thecla]]
| Barnabas, The Acts of || [[:File:The Book of Giants. The Watchers, Nephilim, and The Book of Enoch by Joseph Lumpkin.pdf|Book of Giants]]
| [[:File:Apostles-Creed.pdf|The Apostles Creed]] || [[:File:Apostles-Creed.pdf|The Apostles’ Creed (throughout history)]]
| Barnabas, The Epistle of || Book of Hymns, The
| [[:File:The-Beheading-of-John-the-Baptist.pdf|The Beheading of John the Baptist]] || [[:File:The-Code-of-Hammurabi.pdf|The Code of Hammurabi]]
| Bartholomew, Gospel of || Book of Iddo the Seer Concerning Genealogies, The
| Bartholomew, Martyrdom of || [[:File:Book-of-Jasher.pdf|Book of Jasher, The]]
| Bartholomew, the Apostle || Book of Jehu the Son of Hanani, The
| Baruch, The Fourth Book of, Paraleipomena Jeremiou || [[:File:79210c539e32f6c4f106fab6fff3f0c4.pdf|Book of Jubilees]]
| Baruch, The Second Book of || [[:File:Eng-kjv_JDT.pdf|Book of Judith]]
| Baruch, The Third Book of || Book of Nakash
| Basilides, The Gospel of || Book of Samuel the Seer, The
| [[:File:The-Beheading-of-John-the-Baptist.pdf|Beheading of John the Baptist, The]] || Book of Shemaiah the Prophet. The
| [[:File:Book-of-Adam.pdf|Book of Adam]] || Book of the Acts of Solomon, The
| [[:File:First_Book_of_Adam_and_Eve.pdf|Book of Adam and Eve 1]] || Book of The Chronicles of the Kings of Media and Persia, The
| [[:File:Second-Adam-and-Eve.pdf|Book of Adam and Eve 2]] || Book of the Covenant, The
| [[:File:Eng-kjv_BAR.pdf|Book of Baruch 1]] || Book of the Illuminators
| [[:File:baruch2.pdf|Book of Baruch 2]] || [[:File:TheOdesAndPsalmsOfSolomon.pdf|Book of The Odes of Solomon]]
| [[:File:3_baruch.pdf|Book of Baruch 3]] || [[:File:31-pssal-nets.pdf|Book of The Psalms of Solomon]]
| [[:File:Book-of-Britain.pdf|Book of Britain]] || Book of The Records of The Chronicles of King Ahasuerus
| [[:File:Book-of-Creation.pdf|Book of Creation]] || Book of the Wars of the Lord, The
| [[:File:AbWisdomBenSira_SkehanPW_1987-opt.pdf|Book of Ecclesiasticus / Sirach]] || [[:File:Eng-web_TOB.pdf|Book of Tobit]]
| [[:File:The-Book-of-Elijah.pdf|Book of Eliyahu the Prophet]] || [[:File:Eng-kjv_WIS.pdf|Book of Wisdom / Wisdom of Solomon]]
| Book of Enoch ||
{| class="wikitable" style="width: 95%;"
| Caius || Clement I
| [[:File:2-Clement.pdf|Clement II]] || Calendrical Document, (Mishmarot)
| Clement of Alexandria || Carpus, Acts of
| [[:File:Clement-to-James.pdf|Clement to James]] || Celsus: Fragments from Origen
| Clement to James, The Epistle of || Celsus’ View of Christians and Christianity
| Clement, Letters to Corinth || Cernithus, Gospel of
| Clement, The Recognitions of || Cernithus, Revelation of
| Clementine, The Homilies || Chosen One, The
| Cleodemus Malchus || [[:File:Letters of Christ and Abgarus.pdf|Christ and Abgarus, The Letters of]]
| [[:File:The-Code-of-Hammurabi.pdf|Code of Hammurabi, The]] || Christ Epistle by the Manichees
| Colossians, Epistle from Laodicea to the || Christ Hymn Taught to Disciples
| Community Rule || Christian Sibyllines
| Concerning The Jews || Chronicles of King David, The
| [[:File:bookadamandevea00malagoog.pdf|Conflict of Adam and Eve with Satan, The]] || Chronicles of The Kings of Israel, The
| [[:File:Consummation-of-Thomas-the-Apostle.pdf|Consummation of Thomas the Apostle]] || Chronicles of The Kings of Judah, The
| Copper Scroll, The || City of God, The
| Corinthians, 3 || Claudius Apollinaris
| Creator, Hymn to the || Cyprian, The Writings of
| [[:File:bookadamandevea00malagoog.pdf|The Conflict of Adam and Eve with Satan]] || The Didache
{| class="wikitable" style="width: 95%;"
| Damascus Document, The || Didache
| Daniel and Susanna || Didache, The
| Daniel, Apocalypse of || Didascalia
| Daniel, The Vision of || Dionysius of Corinth
| David, Apocryphal Psalms of || [[:File:Discourse-on-Appollyon-by-Timothy.pdf|Discourse on Apollyon by Timothy]]
| David, The Annals of King || Discourse on the Eighth and Ninth
| Demetrius the Chronographer || Divine-Throne Chariot, The
| Diatessaron || Dura-Europos Gospel Harmony
| [[:File:letter-of-aristeas.pdf|The Epistle of Aristeas]] || [[:File:Epistleofbarnaba00barn.pdf|The Epistle of Barnabas]]
{| class="wikitable" style="width: 95%;"
| Ebionites, Gospel of the || [[:File:Ignatius_to_Romans.pdf|Epistle of Ignatius to the Romans, The]]
| Egerton Gospel || [[:File:Ignatius_to_Smyrnaeans.pdf|Epistle of Ignatius to the Smyrneans, The]]
| Egyptians, Gospel of the || [[:File:Ignatius_to_Trallians.pdf|Epistle of Ignatius to the Trallians, The]]
| Elchasai, Book of || [[:File:Epistle of Jeremiah engwyc2017_LJE.pdf|Epistle of Jeremiah, The]]
| Elchasar, Book of || [[:File:The Epistle Of St. Paul The Apostle To The Laodiceans.pdf|Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Laodiceans, The]]
| Eldad and Modad || [[:File:Polycarp_Epistle_To_The_Philippians.pdf|Epistle of Polycarp to the Philippians, The]]
| Elijah, Book of || Epistle to Corinth Not to Company with Fornicators
| Elijah, The Apocalypse of || Epistle to the Ephesians Concerning Paul’s Revelation
| Encratites, Gospel of the || [[:File:The Epistles Of Jesus Christ And Agbarus, King Of Edessa.pdf|Epistles of Jesus Christ and Abgarus King of Edessa, The]]
| [[:File:The_Complete_Book_of_Enoch,_Standard_English_Version_-_Jay_Winter.pdf|Enoch, Book of]] || [[:File:The Epistles of Paul the Apostle to Seneca, with Seneca's to Paul.pdf|Epistles of Paul the Apostle to Seneca, with Seneca’s to Paul, The]]
| Enoch (Another Version) || Epistula Apostolorum
| Enoch (Ethiopic Apocalypse of Enoch) || Esdras, The Revelation of
| Enoch and The Watchers || Esra, Fifth Book of
| Enoch, Secrets of || Esra, Sixth Book of
| Enoch 3 || Esther, The Remaning Chapters of
| Ephesians 2 || [[:File:The-Ethiopic-Apocalypse-of-Baruch.pdf|Ethiopic Apocalypse of Baruch]]
| Ephraim of Syria`s – The Pearl: Seven Hymns on the Faith || Eucharist, On the
| Ephraim of Syria`s – Hymn Against Bar-Daisan || Eugnostos the Blessed
| Epiphanes On Righteousness || Eupolemus, Pseudo
| Epistle from Laodicea to the Colossians || Eve, Gospel of
| Epistle of Adrian || Exhortation Based On The Flood
| Epistle of Antoninus to the Common Assembly of Asia || Exodus
| [[:File:letter-of-aristeas.pdf|Epistle of Aristeas, The]] || Ezekiel the Tragedian
| [[:File:Epistleofbarnaba00barn.pdf|Epistle of Barnabas, The]] || Ezekiel, Apocryphon of
| [[:File:First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians.pdf|Epistle of Clement, The]] || Ezra (Greek), Apocalypse of
| [[:File:Ignatius_to_Polycarp.pdf|Epistle of Ignatius to Polycarp, The]] || Ezra, Fourth Book of
| [[:File:Ignatius_to_Ephesians.pdf|Epistle of Ignatius to the Ephesians, The]] || Ezra, Questions of
| [[:File:Ignatius_to_Magnesians.pdf|Epistle of Ignatius to the Magnesians, The]] || Ezra, Revlations of
| [[:File:FirstThe Epistle of ClementIgnatius to the CorinthiansPhiladelphians.pdf|The Epistle of ClementIgnatius to the Philadelphians, The]] || [[:File:Ignatius_to_Polycarp.pdf|The Epistle of Ignatius to Polycarp]]
{| class="wikitable" style="width: 95%;"
| Fayyum Fragment || Formulary of Blessing, A
| [[:File:Ignatius_to_Ephesians.pdf|The Epistle of Ignatius to the Ephesians]] || [[:File:Ignatius_to_Magnesians.pdf|The Epistle of Ignatius to the Magnesians]]
| Flavius Josephus || Fronto
{| class="wikitable" style="width: 95%;"
| Galen || [[:File:The-Gospel-of-Gamaliel-Martyrdom-of-Pilate.pdf|Gospel of Gamaliel: Martyrdom of Pilate]]
| [[:File:The Epistle of Ignatius to the Philadelphians.pdf|The Epistle of Ignatius to the Philadelphians]] || [[:File:Ignatius_to_Romans.pdf|The Epistle of Ignatius to the Romans]]
| Galen, Exhortation to the Study of the Arts, Especially Medicine || [[:File:The_Gospel_Of_The_Protevangelion.pdf|Gospel of James / The Protevangelion, The]]
| Galen, On Diagnosis in Dreams || Gospel of Mary
| Galen, On the Natural Faculties || [[:File:The Gospel of Nicodemus - Acts of Pilate.pdf|Gospel of Nicodemus / Acts of Pilate, The]]
| Genesis and Exodus, A Reworking of || [[:File:The Gospel of Peter.pdf|Gospel of Peter, The]]
| [[:File:The Lost Gospel According To Peter.pdf|The Lost Gospel of Peter]] || Genesis, Commentaries on
| [[:File:The-Gospel-of-the-Birth-of-Mariyam.pdf|Gospel of the Birth of Mary]] || Gilgamesh Epic, The Flood Narrative from the
| [[:File:The First Gospel Of The Infancy Of Jesus Christ.pdf|Gospel of the Infancy of Jesus Christ, The]] || [[:File:The-Gospel-of-Bartholomew.pdf|Gospel of Bartholomew]]
| [[:File:Gospel of Thomas Lambdin.pdf|Gospel of Thomas, The]] || [[:File:The-Gospel-of-Gamaliel-Lament-of-the-Virgin.pdf|Gospel of Gamaliel: Lament of the Virgin]]
| Gospel of Truth
{| class="wikitable" style="width: 95%;"
| [[:File:Ignatius_to_Smyrnaeans.pdf|TheHebrews, EpistleGospel of Ignatius(Hebrews to2) the Smyrneans]] || [[:File:Ignatius_to_TralliansThe-History-of-Joseph-the-Carpenter.pdf|The EpistleHistory of Ignatius toJoseph the TralliansCarpenter]]
| Hegesippus || Holy Twelve Apostles, Gospel of The
| Helkesaites, Book of the || Hosea Commentary
| Heracleon || Hymn of the Initiants, A
| Heresies, Against the || Hymns of Triumph
| Hesychius, False Gospels of the || Hypsiphrone
| Hippolytus of Rome ||
{| class="wikitable" style="width: 95%;"
| IEOU, The First Book of || [[:File:The Infancy Gospel of Thomas; The text, its origins, and its transmission -Tony Chartrand-burke.pdf|Infancy Gospel of Thomas, The]]
| [[:File:Epistle of Jeremiah engwyc2017_LJE.pdf|The Epistle of Jeremiah]] || [[:File:The Epistle Of St. Paul The Apostle To The Laodiceans.pdf|The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Laodiceans]]
| Ignatius of Antioch || Infancy, The Gospel of Pseudo Matthew
| Ignatius, The Epistles of || Inheritance of The Firstborn: The Messiah of David, The
| In Praise of Wisdom || Invitation to Grace After Meals
| [[:File:The-Incredible-Vision-of-Saint-Drythelm.pdf|Incredible Vision of Saint Drythelm, The]] || Irenaeus of Lyons
| Infancy Gospel (Arabic) || Isaac, Testament of
| [[:File:The-Infancy-Gospel-of-James.pdf|Infancy Gospel of James]] || Isaiah, Ascension of
| [[:File:The-Infancy-Gospel-of-Matthew.pdf|Infancy Gospel of Matthew]] || Isaiah, The Martyrdom of
| Infancy Gospel of Thomas (Greek A) || Isidore
| Infancy Gospel of Thomas (Greek B) || Israel and The Holy Land
| Infancy Gospel of Thomas (Latin) ||
{| class="wikitable" style="width: 95%;"
| Jacob, Ladder of || John, Apocryphon of
| [[:File:Polycarp_Epistle_To_The_Philippians.pdf|The Epistle of Polycarp to the Philippians]] || [[:File:The Epistles Of Jesus Christ And Agbarus, King Of Edessa.pdf|The Epistles of Jesus Christ and Abgarus King of Edessa]]
| Jacob, Prayer of || John, The Book of, Concerning the Death of Mary
| Jacob, The Vision of || Jonathan, Prayer for King
| James, Secret Book of || [[:File:Joseph-and-Aseneth.pdf|Joseph and Aseneth]]
| James, The Apocryphon of || Joseph of Arimathea and Aseneth
| James, The Book of|The Gospel of || Joseph of Arimathea, The Narrative of
| James, The First Apocalypse of || Joseph the Carpenter, The History of
| James, The Gospel of || Joseph, Prayer of
| James, The Second Apocalypse of || Jubilees, Book of
| Jannes and Jambres || Judas Iscariot, Gospel of
| Jasher || Jude, Gospel of
| Jeremiah, Letter of || Jude’s Missing Epistle of Common Salvation
| Jesus Christ, The Sophia of || Julius Cassianus
| Jesus, Epistle to Peter and Paul || Justin Martyr, Address to the Greeks
| Jesus, The Sayings of || Justin Martyr, Dialogue with Trypho
| Jeu, Books of || Justin Martyr, Discourse to the Greeks
| Job, Targum of || Justin Martyr, First Apology
| Job, Testament of || Justin Martyr, Fragments from the Lost Writings of Justin
| John the Evangelist || Justin Martyr, On the Resurrection
| John the Theologian, The Revelation of || Justin Martyr, On the Sole Government of God
| John, Acts of || Justin Martyr, Second Apology
{| class="wikitable" style="width: 95%;"
| Kerygmata Petrou || Kings, The Third Book of
| [[:File:The Epistles of Paul the Apostle to Seneca, with Seneca's to Paul.pdf|The Epistles of Paul the Apostle to Seneca, with Seneca’s to Paul]] || [[:File:Protoevangelium of James.pdf|The Gospel of James / The Protevangelion]]
| Kings, The Fourth Book of || Knowledge, The Interpretation of
{| class="wikitable" style="width: 95%;"
| [[:File:The Gospel Of Nicodemus-Ladder-of-Jacob.pdf|The GospelLadder of NicodemusJacob, (Acts of Pilate)The]] || [[:File:The Gospel of Nicodemus -Leuthon, Acts of Pilate.pdf|Thethe Gospel of Nicodemus / Acts of Pilate]]Apostle
| Laodiceans, The Epistle to || Leviticus
| Last Days: A Commentary on Selected Verses || [[:File:The-Life-of-John-the-Baptist.pdf|Life of John the Baptist, The]]
| Lentitus, Acts of the Apostle || Litany Of The Angels, The
| Leontius, Acts of the Apostle || Liturgical Calendar, A
| [[:File:The Lost Books of The Bible - Letters of Herod and Pilate.pdf|Letter of Herod To Pilate the Governor]] || Liturgy, A
| [[:File:The-Letter-of-Lentulus.pdf|Letter of Lentulus]] || [[:File:The Lost Books of The Bible - Letters of Herod and Pilate.pdf|Letter of Pilate to Herod]]
| Lucian of Samosata, Alexander the False Prophet || Letter of the Law : Ordinances, The
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| [[:File:Targum-Isaiah.pdf|Targum Isaiah]] || Theophilus of Antioch, Book 3
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| [[:File:The-shepherd-of-hermas.pdf|The Shepherd of Hermas (Visions, Commands, and Similitudes)]] || The Sibylline Oracles
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| War Rule || Wiles of the Wicked Woman
| [[:File:The-Vision-of-Paul-1.pdf|The Vision of Paul]] || [[:File:The-Vision-of-Tundale.pdf|The Vision of Tundale]]
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| Zephaniah, The Apocalypse of || Zostrianos
| Zion, A Lament for ||
| [[:File:The-Writings-of-Abraham.pdf|The Writings of Abraham]] || [[:File:Treatise-of-Shem.pdf|Treatise of Shem]]
===Further Reading===
* [http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/index.html earlychristianwritings.com Index]