People/Content Creators/Breaking Down The Wall Of Lies

Breaking Down The Wall Of Lies


This channel is aimed at getting to the bottom of various persistent arguments; some that have been flooding the public arena for many years now and other new but none the less curious ideas that are presently circulating on the web and even within the family home. Hardly Surprising as now more and more of us have access to the internet. From what i have looked at myself it would seem to be the case that there is a vast amount of so called IMAGINARY FACTS that are all too often being presented as THE TRUTH yet they are nothing more than the cumulative ASSUMPTIONS of the so called Scientific World who expect us to believe without proof in other words accept in blind faith that the so called Leaders in Science have worked it all out for us !! Have you ever heard of the saying "TRUTH is STRANGER than FICTION" well in this case it is ... you see as quoted by Mark Twain, "but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't" I prefer the LATTER how about YOU?

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