People/Content Creators/Vlad on Zero Degrees

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Vlad on Zero Degrees


Earth is a horizontally extended plane, with irregularly shaped surface (hills, valleys, mountains, rivers).and contained bodies of water (ponds, lakes, seas and oceans) It's an enclosed, dynamic, pressurized system. Earth is experienced, measured and navigated as Flat and Stationary.

"Vacuum of outer space" does not exist in reality, as it would be a violation of the Natural Law, Entropy. Laws of Nature can NOT be violated = The "pressurized air" we breathe must be contained, and "vacuum of outer space" can NOT exist next to "PRESSurized system. The definition of a "gas pressure' is the force exerted by the gas molecules on the walls of it's container.

Flat and Stationary Earth is the reality and requires no beliefs. Heliocentrism (ball earth in vacuum of outer space) is a cult based belief system that has no relation to the reality we experience.

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