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Once you find out that you've been lied to, you might ask yourself [[FAQ/Why the Lie|why the lie?]]. Some people equate flat-eathers to religion simply because many of them have found out that earth is actually in the center of everything, it's not moving, and it is basically what the Bible has said all along.
If we're at the center of everything, then perhaps earth was created. If it were created, then perhaps it was created by a Creator. This has started a journey with many atheists into discovering what the Creator is; and even lead them into reading the [[Misc/BibleVerses|Bible]]. People who already believed in God find flat earth a huge wake up call, they re-discovered their journey with the Creator, and even found that their Church may have lead them astray from really knowing God and the Bible itself - in favor of teaching man's (profitable) doctrine rather than God's word.
If we're at the center of everything, then perhaps earth was created. If it were created, then perhaps it was created by a Creator.
If we're at the center of everything, then perhaps earth was created. If it were created, then perhaps it was created by a Creator. This has started a journey with many atheists into discovering what the Creator is; and even lead them into reading the [[Misc/BibleVerses|Bible]]. People who already believed in God find flat earth a huge wake up call, they re-discovered their journey with the Creator, and even found that their Church may have lead them astray from really knowing God and the Bible itself - in favor of teaching man's (profitable) doctrine rather than God's word.
===See Also===