Is Flat Earth a Religious movement
Because the governments military grade disinformation campaign has been so effective, there are some who've never heard of the flat earth belief (although this number is decreasing quickly). If you inquire about flat earth in social media, you'll be immediately ridiculed for asking; often times you'll hear that flat-earthers are in some sort of cult or a crazy religious movement.
If you search for FE related information on the web, you're likely to run into either Fact-Checkers or the government ran Flat earth society propaganda. Most truthful FE websites are completely shadow-banned and hidden by search engines.
Is Flat earth a psyop?
What if Flat Earth is a psyop?
Well... EVEN IF it is a psyop, the following STILL applies:
- The NATURE of our reality is of EXTREME importance.
- There is ZERO proof for a spinning waterdrop in infinite space, earth.
- The science regarding our reality is unsettled.
Think FE is a psyop? Cool - Then SOLVE it by providing PROOF (not evidence), so that we can "move on".
- Brock Riddick, 2023
Indoctrination since childhood
Since we were children we've been shown the globe, heliocentric models, given space toys, and watched television programs that depict space travel. When we go through years of indoctrination from the Rockefeller education system, we are told imaginative fairly tales (taught as fact) about an ever expanding universe that was made from chaos 13.787 billion years ago, and we were just an unimportant random organic formation that started with rock dust.
Why would we question this? We were too young to question authority, and this same information was taught to our parents and our grandparents. If you question what we've all been taught, you're going against the majority and also against what your friends and family believe - You'll just become an outcast, perhaps kicked out of clubs or your church, uninvited to family gatherings, and even fired for questioning science. (Even though the basis of science is literally questioning everything)
So, what would make someone want to learn about flat earth? Why would they want to be called names? Why go against everything we've been taught? Why investigate something that is heavily censored by the government? (tip: It's not a religion)
Flat earth is an Observation, it's as simple as that!
Flat earth was known to all ancient civilizations and religions throughout time - Until the past 500-1500 years ago all that changed. Flat earth and Biblical cosmology was slowly replaced with the heliocentric theory. The replacement began with thinking children shouldn't be taught just one theory, they should be taught both theories. Later the heliocentric theory became the only model which is allowed to be discussed. This sort censorship has caused the majority of people to forget about flat earth, at least until recently.
Starting around 2015, flat earth became the highest searched terms on the internet. It out ranked Trump and Clinton searches. This caught the attention of our tyrannical government and even brought YouTube before congress and asked what this private business was going to do about "misinformation". [1]
What caused this massive interest in flat earth? Modern technology like the Nikon Coolpix P900 allowed us to see too far, so far that people found that earth was missing the curve necessary for the globe that we've all been told we live on. According to NASA, Earth's radius at the equator is 3,963 miles (6,378 kilometers), while the radius at the poles is 3,950 miles (6,356 km). We can zoom back in on boats that "went over the horizon curve", and this observation started people thinking.
Once you start observing things like no curve, you might start to trust your senses that we don't feel ourselves spinning, wobbling, and flying through space. You might notice the stars haven't changed in thousands of years, despite that we've been told the earth traveled millions and millions of miles, never to return to the same place.
After this, I suggest you start looking into NASA bloopers, ISS is fake, the Moon landing hoax; and discovering just how far the rabbit hole goes. The best way to become a flat-earther is to earnestly try to debunk it. That is literally how flat-earthers became flat-earthers... It wasn't from worshiping Satan, no: that's NASA's job. In fact, NASA was founded by some of the most controversial folks on earth.
Okay, the religious part
Once you find out that you've been lied to, you might ask yourself why the lie?. Some people equate flat-eathers to religion simply because many of them have found out that earth is actually in the center of everything, it's not moving, and it is basically what the Bible has said all along.
If we're at the center of everything, then perhaps earth was created. If it were created, then perhaps it was created by a Creator.
This has started a journey with many atheists into discovering what the Creator is; and even lead them into reading the Bible. People who already believed in God find flat earth a huge wake up call, they re-discovered their journey with the Creator, and even found that their Church may have lead them astray from really knowing God and the Bible itself - in favor of teaching man's (profitable) doctrine rather than God's word.
See Also
- Why do Flat Earthers Exists?
- Why the lie?
- Bible Verses about our Earth and the cosmos
- Misc/Videos/Biblical Cosmology
- Misc/Videos/Is it a religious thing