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Because the governments military grade disinformation campaign has been so effective, there are some who've never heard of the flat earth belief (although this number is decreasing quickly). If you inquire about flat earth in social media, you'll be immediately ridiculed for asking; often times you'll hear that flat-earthers are in some sort of cult or a crazy religious movement.
If you search for FE related information on the web, you're likely to run into either Fact-Checkers or the government ran Flat earth society propaganda. Most truthful FE websites are completely shadow-banned and hidden by search engines.
===Indoctrination since childhood===
Since we were children we've been shown the globe, heliocentric models, given space toys, and watched television programs that depict space travel. When we go through years of indoctrination from the Rockefeller education system, we are told imaginative fairly tales (taught as fact) about an ever expanding universe that was made from chaos 13.787 billion years ago, and we were just an unimportant random organic formation that started with rock dust.