FAQ/Why FE Exists: Difference between revisions

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It seemed like teaching the globe was considered taboo not long ago, in the year 1900, a man was almost thrown in to jail for teaching the round earth theory. (See the example in the Apr 21, 1900 Newspaper clip below)
It seemed like teaching the globe was considered taboo not long ago, in the year 1900, a man was almost thrown in to jail for teaching the round earth theory. (See the example in the Apr 21, 1900 Newspaper clip below)

===Flat-Earth Society===
[[File:ObomaNoTimeForFESoc.png|left|100px]] In the early 1900's the Flat-Earth Society was a legitimate group, including members that were royalty. Today, the Flat-Earth Society has been sabotaged by the government to make flat earth researchers seem crazy by making half-truths mixed with nonsense. In June 2013 Oboma said "There's No Time For A Meeting Of The Flat-Earth Society", another way to make fun of FE, or to make those who are researching FE aware of the Flat-Earth Society which is will mislead them.

Eventually both points of view were slowly exchanged with one point of view - the globe model. And teaching the FE model was eventually banned. I guess bullying worked well. (See YouTube cracking down Newspaper clip below)
Eventually both points of view were slowly exchanged with one point of view - the globe model. And teaching the FE model was eventually banned. I guess bullying worked well. (See YouTube cracking down Newspaper clip below)

Modernly big tech actively "shadow-bans" FE content. YouTube hides videos that discuss FE in a scientific way, they promote videos that talk against FE. Search engines now will show you "Fact Checkers" for any search query for FE. (See Keeping us "safe" from scientific knowledge web search below)
Modernly big tech actively "shadow-bans" FE content. YouTube hides videos that discuss FE in a scientific way, they promote videos that talk against FE. Search engines now will show you "Fact Checkers" for any search query for FE. (See Keeping us "safe" from scientific knowledge web search below)

It tells you something when the Government actively plays both sides: They censor information and they make fake societies to discourage people from learning the truth.