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Show new changes starting from 14:51, September 13, 2024
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September 13, 2024

     05:15  People/Neil deGrasse Tyson diffhist +257 NoLongerOnTheBall talk contribs
     05:15  (Upload log) [NoLongerOnTheBall‎ (4×)]
05:15 NoLongerOnTheBall talk contribs uploaded File:Neil deGrasse Tyson Mic Drop.png
05:13 NoLongerOnTheBall talk contribs uploaded File:Neil Degrasse mc36yjrlg8vltn0cbjzi-1982319811.gif
05:12 NoLongerOnTheBall talk contribs uploaded File:021d5891dceadf9f3805fe42544eabd3.jpg
05:11 NoLongerOnTheBall talk contribs uploaded File:Neil degrasse tyson mug shot oT7uW.jpeg
     04:23  Terminology‎‎ 2 changes history +429 [Space Audits‎; NoLongerOnTheBall‎]
04:23 (cur | prev) +12 Space Audits talk contribs (grammar) Tag: Visual edit
03:12 (cur | prev) +417 NoLongerOnTheBall talk contribs (added Statics)
N    03:12  Terminology/Statics diffhist +1,472 NoLongerOnTheBall talk contribs (Creating Terminology/Statics)
N    03:12  Terminology/Classical mechanics diffhist +2,740 NoLongerOnTheBall talk contribs (Creating Terminology/Classical mechanics)
     00:52  Pseudoscience diffhist +213 NoLongerOnTheBall talk contribs (added General Relativity vs Newtonian Mechanics)
N    00:52  Pseudoscience/General Relativity vs Newtonian Mechanics diffhist +3,506 NoLongerOnTheBall talk contribs (Creating Pseudoscience/General Relativity vs Newtonian Mechanics)

September 12, 2024

     22:49  People/Neil deGrasse Tyson‎‎ 6 changes history +17 [NoLongerOnTheBall‎ (6×)]
22:49 (cur | prev) −1 NoLongerOnTheBall talk contribs
22:44 (cur | prev) −31 NoLongerOnTheBall talk contribs
22:30 (cur | prev) +75 NoLongerOnTheBall talk contribs
22:25 (cur | prev) −82 NoLongerOnTheBall talk contribs
22:24 (cur | prev) +35 NoLongerOnTheBall talk contribs
22:23 (cur | prev) +21 NoLongerOnTheBall talk contribs
     22:44  (Upload log) [NoLongerOnTheBall‎ (3×)]
22:44 NoLongerOnTheBall talk contribs uploaded File:Neil and a coconut.png(neil and a coconut parody)
22:30 NoLongerOnTheBall talk contribs uploaded File:Neil-deGrasse-Tyson-Blasts-Government-1034407254.webp
18:46 NoLongerOnTheBall talk contribs uploaded File:Mikey Smith Pamphlet.pdf(Mikey_Smith_Pamphlet.pdf)
     22:21  True Earth Wiki Talk show diffhist +195 NoLongerOnTheBall talk contribs (added Dates)
     20:53  Terminology‎‎ 12 changes history +1,692 [NoLongerOnTheBall‎ (3×); Space Audits‎ (9×)]
20:53 (cur | prev) +2 Space Audits talk contribs Tag: Visual edit
20:52 (cur | prev) +22 Space Audits talk contribs (grammar) Tag: Visual edit
20:51 (cur | prev) −3 Space Audits talk contribs Tag: Visual edit
20:50 (cur | prev) +6 Space Audits talk contribs (placement) Tag: Visual edit
20:49 (cur | prev) +485 Space Audits talk contribs Tag: Visual edit
20:42 (cur | prev) −90 Space Audits talk contribs Tag: Visual edit
20:40 (cur | prev) +67 Space Audits talk contribs (test) Tag: Visual edit
20:37 (cur | prev) +202 Space Audits talk contribs (Covariance edit) Tag: Visual edit
20:33 (cur | prev) +188 Space Audits talk contribs (Kinematties and Dynammies updated) Tag: Visual edit
17:21 (cur | prev) +44 NoLongerOnTheBall talk contribs
16:23 (cur | prev) +349 NoLongerOnTheBall talk contribs (add Anisotropy and Isotropy)
15:17 (cur | prev) +420 NoLongerOnTheBall talk contribs (added Horizon problem)
     18:48  People/Content Creators/Mikey Smith diffhist +60 NoLongerOnTheBall talk contribs (add Pamphlet)
     17:25  Pseudoscience/Timeline of Relativity diffhist +177 NoLongerOnTheBall talk contribs
     17:24  Pseudoscience/Scientific theory diffhist +44 NoLongerOnTheBall talk contribs
     17:22  FAQ/Pendulum diffhist +27 NoLongerOnTheBall talk contribs
     17:21  Terminology/Axis of Evil‎‎ 3 changes history +317 [NoLongerOnTheBall‎ (3×)]
17:21 (cur | prev) +27 NoLongerOnTheBall talk contribs
17:20 (cur | prev) +240 NoLongerOnTheBall talk contribs
15:18 (cur | prev) +50 NoLongerOnTheBall talk contribs
N    17:20  Terminology/Horizon problem‎‎ 2 changes history +3,446 [NoLongerOnTheBall‎ (2×)]
17:20 (cur | prev) +294 NoLongerOnTheBall talk contribs
15:16 (cur | prev) +3,152 NoLongerOnTheBall talk contribs (Created page with "== Horizon problem == The horizon problem (also known as the homogeneity problem) is a cosmological fine-tuning problem within the Big Bang model of the universe. It arises due to the difficulty in explaining the observed homogeneity of causally disconnected regions of space in the absence of a mechanism that sets the same initial conditions everywhere. It was first pointed out by Wolfgang Rindler in 1956. The distances of observable objects in the night sky correspond...")
N    16:23  Terminology/Isotropy diffhist +1,216 NoLongerOnTheBall talk contribs (Creating Terminology/Isotropy)
N    16:13  Terminology/Anisotropy diffhist +2,258 NoLongerOnTheBall talk contribs (Creating Terminology/Anisotropy)
     15:18  Terminology/Flatness problem‎‎ 3 changes history +50 [NoLongerOnTheBall‎ (3×)]
15:18 (cur | prev) +50 NoLongerOnTheBall talk contribs
15:16 (cur | prev) −52 NoLongerOnTheBall talk contribs Tag: Manual revert
15:16 (cur | prev) +52 NoLongerOnTheBall talk contribs Tag: Reverted
     15:17  Terminology/Cosmic Microwave Background diffhist +50 NoLongerOnTheBall talk contribs
     05:16  People/Historic People‎‎ 2 changes history +416 [NoLongerOnTheBall‎ (2×)]
05:16 (cur | prev) 0 NoLongerOnTheBall talk contribs
05:15 (cur | prev) +416 NoLongerOnTheBall talk contribs (add Hendrik Lorentz)