Introduction: Difference between revisions

clarified, fixed typos
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== Welcome to the True Earth wiki ==
This wiki was inspired by watching truthers like yourself on live- streams who expressed the need for a true earth wiki. I've watched debates where I recognized the need to have resources at your fingertips that you could search and present.
'''The truth shall set you free and itwhat changesyou can change the lives of thousands of people!'''...
🎁 soThat I wanted tois getwhat this wiki launchedwas created for you to use, it is my gift to the content creator community, to show my appreciation for what you do ❤️
=== Take a look at some featured pages ===
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===The goal===
* Get All the FE Content builders to have access so that content can be made by all of the FE community.
* The combined FE community content could be organizedhereorganized here, which will help others in the FE community .
* It's a gift that keeps on giving!
Imagine, during a debate - a question comes up, you could pop this wiki open and share on it the livestreamlive images,stream: orQuick access to articles, images, or use it to get to links to important topicsdocuments or& videos.
===What you need to do to USE the wiki===
You may use the wiki anytime you would like. '''It's free.''' That's what it's for!<br>
* Use it for your research.
* Use it doingin video's you make.
* Use it during debates.
* Use it to show the truth to others.
just go to
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* contact me if you need any help or have any questions. (See below)
=== Everything you need to get you started is already setupset up.===
* [[wikiGroundRules|Ground rules]] letting you know what's allowed / not allowed.
* [[TrueEarth wiki cheatsheet|Cheat Sheet]] providing help and administrative links.