Misc/Greenland Theory/1.07 Ancient Phoenicia

Creating Misc/Greenland Theory/1.06 Ancient Egypt

Phoenicia was a warring maritime culture which spread across the Mediterranean Sea from 1550 B.C. to 300 B.C. Coincidentally, the Phoenician era mirrors the same general time and location of the Aegean civilization as founded by Minos of Crete (father of the Greco-Roman Empire) which started during the Bronze Age (1450 B.C) in Chania (C/K+N), Crete and ended with Ancient Greece (600 A.D.). According to modern historical accounts, the land of Phoenicia was natively known as “knʿn” (C/K+N+N) by Hecataeus of Miletus in the 6th century B.C. who documented it under the Greek form “χνα” or “Chna” (C+N).

In the Syrian language of Eblaite, Phoenicia was referred to as “ca-na-na-um” (C/K+N+N+M) or “ca-na-na” (C/K+N+N). Consequently, the native Phoenicians were called “knʿny” (C/K+N+N) by Hecataeus, and are referred to by the Punic language (an extinct variety of the Phoenician language, a Canaanite language) as “chanani” (C/K+N+N) and by the Hebrew language as “kanaʿani” (C/K+N+N). In other words, Phoenicia and Chania, Crete, (the founding city and state of the Greco-Roman Empire) are one in the same. This was essentially confirmed in the 6th century B.C. by Hecataeus who wrote that Phoenicia was formerly called “χνα”, which is Latinized as “khan”. Phoenicia (P+N+C/K) spelled backwards spells “C/KN” with a “P”, which is represented in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) by the “π” symbol which symbolizes infinity. Hence Phoenecia evidently translates to “Chania to Infinity”. The Phoenicians were famed in Classical Greece and Rome as “traders (traitors) in purple”, in reference to their royal purple clothing. In Algebraic English, which Roman-English is built upon, the term “purple” (F/P+R+F/P+L) is consonantly the same as the word “fearful” (F/P+R+F/P+L). This is because the people of Crete and the Mediterranean in general were fearful of those who wore the purple robes.

Phoenician Navy


In Greek mythology, Thucydides states that Minos of Crete was the founder of Crete’s naval supremacy and the most ancient man known to build a navy. Coincidentally, the Phoenician empire, which allegedly rose up across the Mediterranean Sea from Crete, also employed the use of the galley, a man-powered sailing vessel. Therefore, the naval history regarding the penteconter, the bireme, and the trireme is rather incestuous. The penteconter, on which the bireme is admittedly based on, was an ancient Greek galley in use since the archaic period. The penteconters emerged in an era when there was no distinction between merchant and war ships, and were routinely used for sea trade, piracy and warfare. Subsequently, the Phoenicians are credited with the invention of the bireme, an oared warship with two decks of oars which was built for military purposes. The bireme was fast, strong and depending on the number of rows of oars, were called “uniremes”, “biremes”, “triremes”, “quadriremes”, etc. Interestingly, modern historical accounts state that the bireme (B+R+M) were frequently used by the Romans which is understandable since it does bear the name of Rome (R+M). In time, the bireme evolved into the trireme which was admittedly used by the Phoenicians, the Greeks and Romans, further confirming that they are one and the same historical line. As evidenced in a modern map of Phoenician and Greek colonies circa 350 B.C., there is no distinction between Phoenician and Greek colonies.

Phoenician Alphabet


According to modern historical accounts, the Phoenicians were the first state-level society to make extensive use of an alphabet. Consequently, the Phoenician phonetic alphabet is generally believed to be the ancestor of almost all modern alphabets, although it did not contain any vowels. Since the Greco-Roman Wheel of Fortuna was the source of the Roman-English spawned vowel-less Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet), it can be ascertained that the Phoenician alphabet is historical cover for the Greco-Roman alphabet and the language of English. Consequently, through maritime trade, the Phoenicians reportedly spread the use of their alphabet to North Africa and Europe, where it was admittedly adopted by the Greeks and the Romans. The Phoenicians are believed to have left numerous inscriptions and other types of written sources, although have admittedly not survived. This is because all authentic Phoenician/Greek/Roman books and documents are in English and have been moved to Greenland, the modern home of the Greco-Roman Empire.