Misc/Greenland Theory/10.03 Cronus

10.03 Cronus


The Cronus is a Greco-Roman symbol which was likely derived from the Wheel of Fortuna. In Greek mythology, Cronus was the leader of the first generation of Titans. He ruled during the mythological Golden Age until he was overthrown by his son Zeus and imprisoned in Tartarus. This Greek myth is evidently a metaphor for the end of the Golden Age when the Greco-Roman Empire abandoned their empire and moved to Greenland, consequently imprisoning the underworld. The cutting off of the underworld is symbolized by the Harpe, Scythe or Sickle which Cronus used to castrate and depose Uranus, his father. In Greek mythology, Chronos was the personification of time in the underworld which is most often symbolized by the Moon via the Crescent symbol. Consequently, he is often depicted in Greco-Roman mosaics turning the Zodiac Wheel containing the 13 lunar months of the Roman calendar. Chronos is also associated with the allegory of "Father Time" who is generally depicted wielding a harvesting scythe or sickle. Chronos is also the quantitative term for “time” in Greek, as in chronological or sequential time. English words derived from Cronus and Chronos include but are not limited to: anachronism, chronic, chronicle, chronological, chronology, chronometer, and chronometry. Due to the time-based culling associated with Cronus, he was identified in Greco-Roman history with god of Saturn whose name in Greek was allegedly “hêméra Krónou”.

Cronus Communism

Aside from the logo of the international Communist organization known as Fourth International (FI), the Greco-Roman Cronus is depicted in the emblems, flags, logos and symbols of at least 22 Communist parties around the world, including but not limited to: Brazil: emblem of the Communist Party of Brazil (PCdoB); Chile: symbol of the Communist Party of Chile; China: flag of the Communist Party of China; and the flag of Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army; Denmark: flag of the Communist Party of Denmark; Egypt: symbol of the Egyptian Communist Party; Ethiopia: logo of the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Party (EPRP); Greece: logo of the Communist Party of Greece; India: flag of the Communist Party of India; Italy: emblem of the Italian Communist Party; and the symbol of the Communist Refoundation Party; Kurdistan: flag of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (1978-1995); Laos: flag of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party; Lebanon: flag of the Lebanese Communist Party; Mexico: logo of the Mexican Communist Party; North Korea: flag of the Workers' Party of Korea; Norway: symbol of the Communist Party of Norway; Peru: flag of the Shining Path; Romania: flag of the Romanian Communist Party; Spain: emblem of the Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain; and the logo of the Communist Party of Spain; Sweden: logo of the Communist Party of Sweden; Turkey: flag of the Revolutionary People's Liberation Party–Front; United States: logo of the Communist Party USA; and Vietnam: flag of the Communist Party of Vietnam. These Communist parties have spearheaded the culling of the masses in their respective countries.

National Cronus Symbology


Aside from the logo of Aeroflot-Russian Airlines, the Greco-Roman Cronus is featured in the coat of arms, emblems, flags and standards of at least 18 current and former countries, including but not limited to: Armenia: coat of arms of the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic; Austria: war flag of Austria (1230); and the coat of arms of Austria; Azerbaijan: coat of arms of Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic; Byelorussia: coat of arms of the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic; flag of the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic (1920-1991); and the state emblem of Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic (1920-1991); Estonia: coat of arms of Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic; Georgia: coat of arms of the Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic; Iran: flag of Amir Kabir (1849); and the coat of arms of the Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic; Kazakhstan: coat of arms of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic; Kyrgyzstan: coat of arms of the Kirghiz Soviet Socialist Republic; Latvia: coat of arms of the Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic; Lithuania: coat of arms of the Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic; Moldavia: coat of arms of the Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic; Oman: coat of arms of Oman; Russia: coat of arms of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (1917-1999); flag of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (1917-1999); flag of the Transcaucasian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic (1922-1936); state emblem of the Transcaucasian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic (1922-1936); flag of the Soviet Union (1922-1991); state emblem of the Soviet Union (1922-1991); flag of the USSR (1923-1955); flag of the USSR (1955-1980); flag of the USSR (1980-1991); coat of arms of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic; flag of Bryansk Oblast; and the flag of Vladimir Oblast; Saudi Arabia: coat of arms of Saudi Arabia; Transnistria: coat of arms of Transnistria; flag of Transnistria; and the standard for President of Transnistria; Turkmenistan: coat of arms of the Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic; Ukraine: coat of arms of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic; and Uzbekistan: coat of arms of the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic.

The Grim Reaper


The Grim Reaper is a mythical figure who has replaced Cronus in popular culture. He is often depicted as faceless, wearing a black hooded robe. Like Cronus, he is always holding a scythe, sickle or shear plow. In short, the Grim Reaper is a personification of death who “reaps'” the living once they have died. Despite reaping the dead, the Grim Reaper can actually cause the victim's death, leading to tales that he can be bribed, tricked, or outwitted (e.g., Sisyphus). In other words, the Grim Reaper is a serial killer actively hunting humanity. The term "Grim" (G+R+M) acronymically and/or consonantally equates to "Greenland Rome", the hidden hand behind the Grim Reaper. The term "Reaper" (R+F/P+R) acronymically and/or consonantally equates to "Rome Four”, a number/letter which equates to the “+” symbol in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet, an acronym for both “Die” and “Death”. Coincidentally, a “Harpe” (H+R+P) is a type of Greco-Roman sickle whose name acronymically and/or consonantally equates to “Forever Reap” or “Forever Rip”. The term “Sickle” (S+C/K+L) was derived from the term “Cycle” (or vice versa), a euphemism for the cycle of culling in the underworld.