Misc/Greenland Theory/10.12 Kotinos

10.12 Kotinos

The Kotinos (i.e., laurel wreath or olive wreath) is a Greco-Roman award which was given to victors during the Olympic Games in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. Made from wild olive-tree branches, Kotinos were in essence victory trophies in academics, sport and war. The concept of olive wreaths was allegedly derived from Greek mythology when Athena competed with Poseidon for the possession of Athens. According to legend, Poseidon claimed possession of Athens by thrusting his trident into the Acropolis, causing sea-water to gush out. This act provided water and ultimately life for the first olive tree which was planted by Athena beside the new well. Considering the term “Bachelor's Degree” was derived from "bacca-laureate" as in “laureate”, and the winners of the Nobel Prize are officially entitled Nobel Laureates, it can be deduced that the original name for the “laurel” was likely “laureate”. Therefore, the term “laureate” (L+R+T) consonantly speaking equates to “El Rite” or “El Sacrifice”, an apparent reference to the Greco-Roman god of El. In all likelihood, the most athletic, courageous and smartest of the Roman Empire would be given a laurel wreath as a symbolic gesture that they were to be sacrificed. After all, the 13 Bloodlines of Rome who worship El had to identify and eliminate their competition so that they would always remain in power. The idiom “rest on your laurels” relates to someone or something which relies entirely on their past successes for continued fame or recognition. Although only conjecture, this idiom appears to be a veiled reference to the Roman Empire which is currently resting its laurels in Greenland. Kotinos, which are found in the original flag of the Roman Empire, are also found within the official emblem and flag of the United Nations, the de facto world government of the Roman Empire. Kotinos are also found in the flag and seal of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the federal police of the United States.

Kotinos Worldwide

Greco-Roman Kotinos (i.e., laurel wreath or olive wreath) are found in various forms of vegetation within the coat or arms, emblems, flags, and great seals of at least 37 countries and territories around the world, including but not limited to: Afghanistan: flag of Afghanistan; Algeria: great seal of Algeria; Angola: coat of arms of Angola; Azerbaijan: great seal of Azerbaijan; Cape Verde: emblem of Cape Verde; Cyprus: coat of arms of Cyprus; and flag of Cyprus; Dominican Republic: coat of arms of Dominican Republic; El Salvador: flag of El Salvador; Eritrea: coat of arms of Eritrea; and flag of Eritrea; Greece: emblem of Greece; El Salvador: coat of arms of El Salvador; Guatemala: coat of arms of Guatemala; and the flag of Guatemala; Guinea-Bissau: coat of arms of Guinea-Bissau; Israel: emblem of Israel; Italy: coat of arms of Italy; Laos: coat of arms of Laos; Macedonia: emblem of Macedonia; Malta: coat of arms of Malta; New Zealand: coat of arms of New Zealand; Pakistan: emblem of Pakistan; Palestine: coat of arms of Palestine; Panama: coat of arms of Panama; Paraguay: coat of arms of Paraguay; Peru: coat of arms of Peru; Samoa: coat of arms of Samoa; San Marino: coat of arms of San Marino; and the flag of San Marino; Senegal: coat of arms of Senegal; Somaliland: emblem of Somaliland; South Africa: coat of arms of South Africa; Syria: coat of arms of Syria; Tajikistan: emblem of Tajikistan; Transnistria: coat of arms of Transnistria; United States: coat of arms of Texas; coat of arms of West Virginia; flag of Nevada; flag of New Hampshire; flag of Pennsylvania; flag of Vermont; flag of West Virginia; great seal of Hawaii; great seal of Kentucky; great seal of New Hampshire; great seal of Oklahoma; great seal of Pennsylvania; great seal of South Carolina; great seal of Texas; great seal of Texas (reverse); great seal of Vermont; and the great seal of West Virginia (reverse); Uruguay: coat of arms of Uruguay; Uzbekistan: emblem of Uzbekistan; Venezuela: coat of arms of Venezuela; and Vietnam: emblem of Vietnam.