Misc/Greenland Theory/11.08 Swiss Guard

11.08 Swiss Guard


The Corps of the Pontifical Swiss Guard, which goes by the aliases of “Cohors Pedestris Helvetiorum a Sacra Custodia Pontificis (Latin), “Guardia Svizzera Pontificia” (Italian), “Pontificia Cohors Helvetica” (Latin) and “Schweizergarde” (German), was founded by Pope Julius II on January 22, 1506. In short, the Pontifical Swiss Guard was created as political cover for the original Swiss Guard (i.e., Special Forces) of Switzerland which was routinely used to execute assassinations, espionage, terror attacks, and wars throughout Europe since the Fall of the Roman Empire. In contemporary times, the Swiss Guard has been charged with serving as the personal bodyguard of the Pope, maintaining security at the Apostolic Palace in Rome, and serving as the de facto military of Vatican City. The creation of the Swiss Guard is listed in the “Annuario Pontificio” under "Holy See" because the “Holy See” is in fact the CIA which is located in Switzerland. The official language of the Swiss Guard is Swiss German, a dialect undiscernible to all those who grew up outside of Switzerland. As of 2003, the Swiss Guard consisted of 134 professional soldiers whose recruitment is arranged by a special agreement between the Holy See (i.e., the CIA) and the country of Switzerland, which are one and the same entity.

Swiss Guard

The Swiss Guard were the Special Forces of Switzerland who served as bodyguards, ceremonial guards, and palace guards within European courts (e.g., Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Prussia, Spain, etc.). In “Hamlet”, Shakespeare wrote that the Royal House of Denmark employed a Swiss Guard. In Act IV, Scene v (line 98), King Claudius exclaims "Where are my Switzers? Let them guard the door". This is an apparent reference to the job of Switzerland which is responsible for guarding the door to Greenland by routinely executing assassinations, espionage, terror attacks and wars in the underworld on behalf of the Greco-Roman Empire in Greenland which is legally owned by Denmark. Coincidentally, the present-day gatekeepers of the Royal Palace of Copenhagen are known as “schweizere”, a Danish term which translated to "Swiss".

Swiss Mercenaries

Swiss Mercenaries were known as “Reisläufer”, a term in German which literally means "one who goes to war". They were valued throughout Medieval Europe for the “power of their determined mass attack” in deep columns where they were armed with state of the art artillery, crossbows and handguns. Due to Switzerland’s central location within Europe, entire “ready-made Swiss mercenary contingents” were able to be deployed within a moment’s notice in order to quell a political uprising or execute a coup d'état. In William Shakespeare's “Hamlet”, Act IV, Scene 5, Swiss mercenaries are called "Switzers" which is what they were called in English until the 19th century. Since the Swiss had state-of-the-art military technology and refused to take prisoners, they were greatly feared on the battlefield. They were even depicted by Machiavelli when he addresses the system of combat within the “The Prince”. Interestingly, the Valois Kings of France considered it a “virtual impossibility” to take the field of battle without the Swiss, an apparent metaphor for the role of the Swiss who were present either as soldiers or spies at every battle waged in Europe since the Fall of Rome.

Swiss Guard & Mercenaries

Swiss Guard and Swiss Mercenaries were noted for their service in foreign armies, courts and governments where they served as agents and mercenaries until the 19th century. Admitted activity of the Swiss Guard and the Swiss Mercenaries includes but is not limited to: Austria: During the reign of Empress Maria Theresa (1740–1780), approximately 250 to 450 soldiers from Switzerland guarded the Hofburg, the winter palace in Vienna, Austria. Consequently, the oldest courtyard of the palace is still called the "Swiss Court" in a tribute to their 20-year presence; France: Various units of Swiss Guards were used at the French court from 1497 until 1830. During the French Wars of Religion (1562-1598) in particular at the Battle of Dreux, a block of Swiss pikemen held the Huguenot army until the Catholic cavalry were able to counterattack. Swiss mercenaries were also used within the French Army during the 16th century; Germany: A Swiss unit was in existence from 1730 until 1757 and again from 1763 to 1814 within the Kingdom of Saxony; Italy: From 1579 on, a Swiss Guard served the House of Savoy, rulers of Savoy and later the Kingdom of Sardinia. The Guard was reportedly dissolved in 1798. A similar unit existed from 1734 until 1789 in the Kingdom of Naples. Swiss line infantry regiments continued to serve in the Neapolitan Army until the 1860s. A Swiss Guard also existed in the Grand Duchy of Tuscany during the 18th century. Swiss regiments served under Francis II of the Two Sicilies who defended Gaeta in 1860 during the Italian War of Unification; Netherlands: From 1748 until 1796, a company of the Swiss Guard served as a personal guard for the Stadhouder of the Dutch Republic. William I, the King of the Netherlands, incorporated four regiments of Swiss Guard into the new Dutch Army between 1814 and 1829, of which the 4th (Regiment Swiss nr. 32) served as Guard Infantry,until the Swiss regiments were disbanded and new official Guard Regiments of Grenadiers and Jagers were raised. Swiss mercenaries were also used within the Dutch Army during the 18th century; Portugal: A Swiss regiment was raised by the Count of Lippe in Portugal on June 12, 1762. It comprised two battalions of 809 men each, consisting of four companies of Swiss troops plus four non-Swiss companies, for a total of 1618 men; Prussia: From 1696 to 1713, a Swiss Guard served at the court of Frederick I of Prussia; and Spain: Swiss mercenaries were also used within the Spanich Army during the 16th century.

French Revolution

The most famous episode in the history of the Swiss Guard was their attempted defense of the Tuileries Palace in Paris during the French Revolution. Of the 900 Swiss Guards defending the Palace on August 10, 1792, roughly 600 were killed during the fighting or massacred after surrender. One group of 60 Swiss Guards were reportedly taken as prisoners to the Paris City Hall before being killed by the crowd there. An estimated 160 more died in prison from their respective wounds, or were killed during the September Massacres that followed. Although Swiss officers were mostly amongst the massacred, Major Karl Josef von Bachmann, who was in command at the Tuileries, was formally tried and guillotined in September of 1792 while allegedly swearing his red Swiss uniform coat. Interestingly, two Swiss officers, Captains Henri de Salis and Captain Joseph Zimmermann, survived the French Revolution and went on to reach senior rank under Napoleon. The heroic but futile stand of the Swiss during the French Revolution is commemorated by Bertel Thorvaldsen's Lion Monument (1821) in Lucerne, Switzerland which shows a dying lion collapsed upon broken symbols of the French monarchy. An inscription on the monument lists the 26 Swiss officers and 760 members of the Swiss Guard who were killed during the French Revolution. The fact that the Swiss were in charge of the government of France is a microcosm of how the country of Switzerland and its CIA are in command and control of every country and territory on Earth.