Misc/Greenland Theory/11.11 Tower of Baßel

11.11 Tower of Baßel


In the German language, the “double S” (i.e., “SS”) equates to the letter “ß” which is visually indicative of the letter “B”. Therefore, “Babel” and “Basel” are consonantly speaking the same name. While the famed Tower of Babel depicted within the Holy Bible may have been built in Basel, Switzerland, it’s far more likely that the name was used as political cover in order to hide the massive military base located underneath the city. Due to Basel’s strategic location within central Europe, Swiss Guards and Swiss Mercenaries could quickly deployed from Basel throughout Europe, namely via the River Rhine. Having spent a great deal of time in Basel, I repeatedly heard that there is an extensive maze of bunkers and tunnels underneath the city. In an attempt to dispel the notion that something is located underneath the city, the government of Basel has an incessant need to dig up and redo the streets, even when they don’t need to be replaced. Interestingly, the most significant seismological event in the history of Europe allegedly occurred in Basel, Switzerland on October 18, 1356, when a massive 7.1 earthquake completely destroyed the city. Considering that depictions of the alleged earthquake appears to show Kaserne Basel, the Swiss Army barracks located on the Rhine in Basel, the event appears to be more indicative of a structural collapse rather than a seismic event. Therefore, it’s highly likely that the Basel Earthquake was either the accidental or purposeful collapse of the so-called “Tower of Babel”, the massive underground military base in Basel. Although only conjecture, the destruction of Basel may be documented in history as Emperor Basil I and Emperor Basil II. In other words, Basil I collapsed and Basel II took its place. Therefore, the early history of Basel may be contained within the history of the Basil Emperors who share the same name.