Misc/Greenland Theory/12.13 Isle of Man

12.13 Isle of Man


The Isle of Man, otherwise known as “Mann”, is a self-governing British Crown Dependency, located in the Irish Sea between the islands of Great Britain and Ireland. It was named after Minos of Crete who sired the Line of Man which in time became the ruling family of Crete, the Greco-Roman Empire, and eventually the entire world. The island's parliament, Tynwald, has been in continuous existence since 979 AD, making it the oldest continuously governing body in the underworld. Since 1399 AD, the title of Lord of Mann has been used on the Isle of Man in reference to the island's Lord Proprietor and head of state. Interestingly, the current holder of this title is none other than Queen Elizabeth II who evidently holds the highest ranking political position in the underworld. Evidently, the Isle of Man and its parliament were specifically chosen by Rome to rule over the underworld. Due to its location in the middle of the Irish Sea, Roman ships and submarines from Greenland were able to deliver messages, money and weapons without being easily apprehended or seen. According to legend, from the summit of the Isle of Man, one can see 6 kingdoms: the Isle of Man, Scotland, England, Ireland, Wales, and Heaven (i.e., Greenland). Coincidentally, the National Anthem of the Island of Man is entitled “O Land of Our Birth”, a possible reference to the notion that the Roman Airship responsible for the discovery of Greenland may have been launched from the island. Interestingly, the flag of Tynwald, which represents the parliament of the Isle of Man, features a Greco-Roman Dragon ship along with what appear to be Roman Vikings.

Isle of Man Symbology

The idiom “Third times a charm” was likely created in respect to the three homes or dens of the Line of Man (i.e., the Island of Crete, the Island of Sicily, and the Island of Greenland). Like Crete and Sicily before it, Greenland is now inhabited by the 13 Bloodlines of Rome (i.e., the Line of Man) whose leadership forms the Imperial Cult, the ruling body of the Greco-Roman Empire. Although the three homes or dens of Rome are most commonly depicted by the trident symbol, they are also depicted by a three-footed symbol which is coincidentally found on the flag of the Isle of Man as well as a number of related flags and heraldry symbols (e.g., coat of arms of the Island of Man, the flag of the Standard of the Lieutenant Governor, the Civil Ensign of the Isle of Man, the flag of the Civil Defence Service, and the coat of arms of the King of Man). Interestingly, a 3-footed symbol is also found on the flag and coat of arms of the Island of Sicily, the second home or den of the Line of Man. However, unlike the Sicilian feet, the feet of the Isle of Man have Roman spurs which are shaped in the form of a 5-pointed star. In short, the spurs represent the war flag or Roman Empire while the stars represent the steering hand of Rome. In other words, the Isle of Man represents the tyrannical boot of the Roman Empire stepping on the collective throat of the underworld. Interestingly, the term “QUOCUNQUE JECERIS STABIT” (K+K+N+K-J/G+K+R+S-S+T+B+T) is found in the coat of arms of the Isle of Man. Translated acronymically using the Roman-English alphabet, the term evidently equates to “Coup Con Coup-Greenland Cross-State Boot”, an apparent reference to the coup d’états ordered by Roman Empire in Greenland which the Isle of Man executed in the underworld via the British Empire. That being said, evidence now suggests that country of Switzerland and its CIA are responsible for executing Roman policy in the underworld, especially in respect to initiating coup d’états . Therefore, the Isle of Man, while still the highest ranking political office in the underworld, is now nothing more than a historical decoy. Greenland’s switch to the country of Switzerland as its main proxy state was likely the result of advances in electronic communication as well as the naval decline of Roman Britain (i.e., Britannia).