Misc/Greenland Theory/12.18 The Inquisition

12.18 The Inquisition


The Inquisition was a system of tribunals developed by the Holy See of the Roman Catholic Church. It was responsible for prosecuting individuals accused of committing offenses relating to heresy, including but not limited to: sorcery, immorality, blasphemy, and witchcraft, as well as for censorship of printed literature. The term “Inquisition” comes from Medieval Latin "inquisitio", which referred to any court process that was based on Roman law. The aforementioned crimes of heresy appear to be cover for the true motive behind inquisitions conducted by the Roman Catholic Church—knowledge about Greenland. The term “heresy” (H+R+S) appears to be a shortened version of “Here Say”, a term defined as “unverified information heard or received from another; rumor”. The fact that the inquisition was seeking out printed material suggests that books and maps with information about Greenland and Earth’s second moon was the real target. This is why the Portuguese Inquisition and Spanish Inquisition were unique for these counties and their colonies were home to countless sailors who had likely heard stories about the New World during their voyages abroad. In order to extrapolate this information, the Catholic Church’s Pope Innocent IV promulgated a papal bull on May 15, 1252, entitled Ad Extirpanda which authorized the use of torture by the Inquisition for eliciting confessions from heretics. Torture was also applied without distinction of sex or age, including children and the elderly. The term “Ad Extirpanda” (D+N/X+T+R+F+N/X+D) appears to acronymically equate to “Day Not Rome Find” or “Don’t Rome Find” using the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet). Because the Catholic Church was looking for information about Greenland, the scope of the Inquisition was expanded throughout Europe and the rest of the world, including the Americas, Asia, and Africa.

Grand Inquisitors

Because the Inquisition’s primary goal of identifying people who had knowledge about Greenland and the New World, these investigations were only executed by a “Grand Inquisitor” or “Inquisitor General” who were recruited almost exclusively from the Franscian and Dominican orders. Orders are in essence secret societies that are compartmentalized within the Catholic Church. Their members are do as they are told and ask no further questions. Consequently, the Inquisitor General was the only public office whose authority stretched to all the kingdoms of Spain, including its American colonies, for which there were only two Inquisitors Generals. In other words, for all of Spain, there were two people “in the know” about what the Inquisition was all about, especially in respect to Greenland. If in fact the Inquisition was created to identify people who were opposed to the Catholic Church, these inquisitions could have been conducted by any member of the clergy. Due to the topic of Greenland, “the entire process [of the Inquisition] was undertaken with the utmost secrecy”. When a suspect was convicted of unrepentant heresy (knowledge of Greenland), the person was given a final sentencing and then burned alive at the stake. The swift judicial process would ensure that the suspect was not able to fraternize with anybody else prior to his death, ultimately taking his or her secrets to the grave. This was essentially admitted during the medieval inquisition in 1184 when a papal bull entitled “Ad abolendam” was published, meaning "For the purpose of doing away with". In other words, the Inquisition was created in order to do away with information in respect to Greenland. Interestingly, the ritualistic and very public death of people convicted of “heresy” was entitled Auto-da-fé. It reportedly began with the previous night with the "procession of the Green Cross", evidently a tribute to Greenland.

The Inquisition


The Inquisition was an intelligence operation executed by the Roman Empire’s Catholic Church to combat “heresy” or “hearsay” about the New World (i.e., Greenland) and the Roman Empire. The Inquisition occurred just prior to the alleged Dark Ages so that the Roman Empire could effectively disappear into history along with the Island of Greenland. Alleged to have started in France during the 12th-century, the medieval Inquisition persisted into the 14th century with its geographic scope including Africa, Asia, Europe, as well as the Spanish and Portuguese Empires in the Americas. The goal of the Inquisition was to find and root out all academics, intellectuals and sailors who had first or second hand knowledge of the city of Atlantis, the Island of Greenland, Earth’s second Moon, and the true history of the Roman Empire. Consequently, all those who posed a threat to the hoax known as the Dark Ages were interrogated, tortured or executed.

Salem Witchcraft Trials


The modus operandi of the Roman Empire’s Inquisition also reared its ugly head in America. Starting in 1692 AD (real time = 392 AD), the Salem Witch Trials were a series of interrogations and executions of people accused of witchcraft in colonial America. Like the Inquisition in Europe, Asia and Africa, the goal of the Salem Witch Trials was to find and root out all the academics, intellectual, sailors or witches who had first or second hand knowledge of the city of Atlantis, the island of Greenland and the Earth’s second moon.