Misc/Greenland Theory/14.06 Dark Ages

14.06 Dark Ages


The time period commonly referred to as the “Dark Ages” was literally and figuratively dark because it never existed in reality. The reason being that after the alleged Fall of the Roman Empire, a total of 1,300 years were added to the modern Gregorian calendar, representing the 13 Bloodlines of Rome. This was done in order to hide Rome’s secret move to Greenland by deceiving the world into thinking the Roman Empire was far older than it actually was, making the likelihood of its demise seem all the more plausible. Once in Greenland, the Roman Empire used Roman Britain (i.e., Britannia) and the subsequent British Empire to whitewash their military presence and domination around the world. By speaking the same language of English and wearing the same military uniforms (i.e., “red coats”), the Roman Empire was effectively able to hide their empire. This notion is evident in the war flag of the Holy Roman Empire which features the same design and color as the flag of England.

The Inquisition

The Inquisition was an intelligence operation executed by the Roman Empire’s Catholic Church to combat “heresy” or “hearsay” about the New World (i.e., Greenland) and the Roman Empire. The Inquisition occurred just prior to the alleged Dark Ages so that the Roman Empire could effectively disappear into ancient history along with the Island of Greenland. Alleged to have started in France during the 12th-century, the medieval Inquisition persisted into the 14th century with its geographic scope including Africa, Asia, Europe, as well as the Spanish and Portuguese Empires in the Americas. The goal of the Inquisition was to find and root out all academics, intellectuals and sailors who had first or second hand knowledge of the city of Atlantis, the Island of Greenland, Earth’s second Moon, and the true history of the Roman Empire. Consequently, all those who posed a threat to the hoax of the Dark Ages were interrogated, tortured or executed.