Misc/Greenland Theory/14.17 Stonehenge

14.17 Stonehenge


Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument in Wiltshire, England, which consists of a ring of standing stones that are set within earthworks. Because of its unique design and massive size, its origins have been the subject of debate for centuries. The term “Stonehenge” (S+T+N/+H+N+G) acronymically and/or consonantly equates to “Stone Hang” or “Stone Forever North Greenland”. Similar to the Moai statues of Easter Island, the massive monolithic stones were likely hung in place via advanced machinery, courtesy of the Roman Empire, and/or the Giants of Greenland. In “Roman de Brut” (1150 AD), a literary history of England by the poet Wace, a drawing depicts a giant helping the Druid Merlin build Stonehenge. This historical book ultimately links the Roman Empire (document title), the Greco-Roman Druids (Merlin), and the Giants of Greenland to Stonehenge. The book proves, albeit in a de facto manner, that Stonehenge is in fact Greco-Roman in origin. English writer and natural philosopher John Aubrey (1626–1697) also declared Stonehenge a work of Druids, a theory which was subsequently popularized by William Stukeley. Aubrey also conducted the first academic survey the monument around 1640 which were then used to demonstrate an astronomical or calendrical role in the stones' placement. In 1655, architect John Webb, writing under the name of his former superior Inigo Jones, argued that Stonehenge was in fact a Roman temple dedicated to Caelus (i.e., Uranus). This notion is corroborated by the fact that Roman coins have been found in and around Stonehenge. According to modern historical accounts, architect John Wood, the Elder "left us the most important record of Stonehenge ever made, his survey carried out in 1740 was annotated with hundreds of measurements, which he resolved on the ground to one half, sometimes even one quarter, of an inch." Despite an exhausting online search, none of Wood’s surveys have thus far been located. This could either mean that the documents were never uploaded onto the internet, or that they don’t exist, thereby inferring that Stonehenge may have been built after 1740. In a YouTube video uploaded on October 8, 2012, roughly 250 photos of the building of Stonehenge are revealed. Based on the 1931 Chevy truck shown at 9:15 in the video, Stonehenge is only as old as the Empire State Building. Although this video’s authenticity cannot be confirmed, the manner in which Stonehenge is constructed within the video is exactly the way that Greco-Romans would have constructed it, via cranes and pulleys. Regardless of whether Stonehenge is an ancient or modern monument, it is fact Greco-Roman in origin because the Roman Empire currently rules the world behind a veil of secrecy in Greenland.