Misc/Greenland Theory/2.07 Roman Airships

2.07 Roman Airships


Based on evidence acquired to date, it appears that the Roman-Empire were the first to develop aerostats (i.e., “airships” or “zeppelins”) which were lighter than air crafts which gained their lift through the use of a buoyant gases. The notion that hot air rises is rather evident to anyone sitting around a campfire as red hot ash routinely flies up into the night sky. Therefore, it likely didn’t take long for the brightest Roman scientists of the day to figure out that hot air contained under a sack–like structure would naturally go airborne. Although the first manned aerostats were likely observation balloons tethered to the ground or a ship during war for intelligence gathering and artillery spotting purposes, it was only a matter of time before the Romans were able to conquer the skies with their flying ships. Early Roman airships were likely constructed with more than one balloon that were tethered together so that if one malfunctioned or was punctured in battle the airship would stay afloat. Considering that the three main parts of an early airship were the gas-containing envelope (i.e., the balloon), the gondola (i.e., the ship), and a fire producing apparatus, the design was relatively elementary. Since Roman clipper ships were already powered by oaring slaves, it likely didn’t take long before Roman airships were outfitted with slaves who powered a propeller-like mechanism which pushed the ship forward. Airship prototypes were likely tesed at sea using light ships so that in the event that the ships lost buoyancy, they could float once they landed. In Greek mythology, harpies (which may be symbolic of airships) were vicious, cruel, violent and were usually seen as the personifications of the destructive nature of wind. Like planes and ships today, airships likley had female personifications, one of which may have been the harpy.

Discovery of Greenland


The discovery of the mythical Promised Land (i.e., Greenland) was likely done so by the use of an airship, roughly 714 years ago. The word “Promised” (P+R+M+S+D) can be deciphered in part acronymically as “Pi-Ro-Missed”. “Pi” is a term used to describe the never ending Eternal Flame of Rome, while “Ro” is an acronym for Rome and of course row or rowing. Greenland was likely “missed” because Roman clipper ships generally hugged the coastline as they sailed around the world. Since Greenland is an island which is surrounded by both Canada and Russia, the Romans likely sailed completely around Greenland without even knowing it. However, once the airships were invented and airborne, the view and range of the aircraft likely resulted in the first-ever complete map of the world. The word “Blimp” (B+L+M+P) may in fact stand for “Babylon Line Map” or “Babylon Map”. The famous “Good Year Blimp” appears to be a tribute to the historic discovery of Greenland by a Roman airship. “God” (G+D) and “good” (G+D) are both acronyms for Greenland of Denmark, and the logo of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company depicts a Roman sandal with wings. The name “Good Year” therefore celebrates the historic year that Greenland of Denmark was discovered by an airship.

End of the Zeppelin Era


In order to end airship travel completely so that no one else discovered Greenland, the tragic Hindenburg Disaster was executed on May 6, 1937, killing 36 people. Although numerous hypotheses have been put forward as the cause of the crash, sabotage is the most likely the culprit. Airships were known for their stellar safety record so the fact that multiple news crews were waiting at the Lakehurst Naval Air Station, in Lakehurst, New Jersey for what would have been a routine landing by is rather suspicious to say the least. It’s as if the swarm of photographers and news crews knew something was going to happen, and it did. Also, the fact that 1 ground crewman died despite the crash happening in an completely open field suggests that he may have been responsible for the attack and subsequently assassinated in the aftermath. Considering that the advent of television was only a decade or so prior, the fiery crash was in essence the 9/11 of its time. Once the shocking photos and video footage of the fiery crash were disseminated worldwide, the public’s confidence in airships was forever shattered, just as it was planned.