Misc/Greenland Theory/5.06 Wheel of Fortuna

5.06 Wheel of Fortuna

The Wheel of Fortuna ("Rota Fortunae") is a concept in medieval and ancient philosophy referring to the capricious nature of fate whose origins were evidently derived from the wooden steering wheel of a ship. Since ships acted as the primary means of trade, transportation and war during the days of the Greco-Roman Empire, the steering wheel eventually became the single most important symbol of all time. In short, the original Wheel of Fortuna was responsible for producing every symbol in Roman Score (e.g., the Roman alphabet) minus the symbols “⅃” and “Γ”, every letter in the English alphabet minus the letter “L”, and every number in the modern Roman number system (e.g., Arabic Numerals) minus the number “7”. This is why the Wheel of Fortune game show, which has or currently exists in over 9 different countries, features English letters on a rotating wheel.

Star of Life

The Wheel of Fortuna also doubles as the “Star of Life” which adorns emergency vehicles and personal worldwide. After all, the Wheel of Fortuna gave life to Roman language now known as English and all subsequent languages derived from it. Not only that, the Wheel of Fortuna produced a majority of the numbers and symbols used in mathematics, as well as many of the most popular signs, symbols and logos known to man. Suffice to say, the Wheel of Fortune played an integral part of Rome’s literary, mathematical and physical domination over mankind.

Goddess of Fortuna

Fortuna was the goddess of fortune and luck in Roman religion and the equivalent to the Greek goddess Tyche (T+C/K), which equates to “take” and “tack”, two terms often associated with piracy. Fortuna, who is generally depicted with the Wheel of Fortuna, was also the goddess of fate who claimed the young lives of the princeps Augustus' grandsons Gaius and Lucius, prospective heirs to the Roman Empire. The goddesses of Tyche and Fortuna were likely spawned at sea during one of the many piracy expeditions executed by ships of the Greco-Roman Empire. After all, Fortuna represented the ship's steering wheel which was ultimately responsible for the discovery of new lands, new treasures, as well as the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Greco-Roman explorers and soldiers. Therefore, she was instrumental in Rome's conquest of the world and is consequently held in the highest regard. In the Roman religion, a sacrifice to Fortuna is held on June 11, while the festival of Fors Fortuna is held on June 24.

6 to 8 Spokes


Although many modern depictions of the Wheel of Fortuna exhibit an 8 spoked wheel, the nautical steering wheel first employed by pirates on the Island of Crete likely only had 6 spokes. The term “speak” was evidently derived from the term “spoke” since most Roman words were constructed using the letters and symbols found within the Wheel of Fortuna. Once Greco-Roman ships reached a certain size, it is likely that 8 spokes were introduced in order to allow for more precise navigation. This is likely when the “⅃” and “Γ” symbols in the Roman Score (e.g., the Roman alphabet), the letter “L” in the English alphabet, and the number “7” in the modern Roman number system (e.g., Arabic Numerals) were derived. The largest known 8-spoked Wheel of Fortune is found today in the center of St. Peter's Square in Vatican City, home to the Roman Catholic Church. The most popular 8-spoked Wheel of Fortuna symbol today is the flag of the United Kingdom which boasted the world's largest navy for centuries.

Wheel of Fortuna in Religion


The Wheel of Fortuna, which doubles as the Slavic solar symbol found on the Zbruch Idol, (e.g., a Slavic deity of war, fertility and abundance), is most commonly represented by the Dharmacakra, a Buddhist symbol which represents dharma, the Buddha's path to enlightenment. The Wheel of Fortuna is also evident in the Labarum which features the Chi Rho, a monogram representing "Christ" in Roman mythology and religion which appears to have been derived from the Wheel of Fortuna.

Wheel of Fortuna in Logos


The Wheel of Fortuna has evidently produced a number of the world's most famous logos. The term "corporation" is derived from "co-operation" as Rome owns and controls a majority of the world's publicly traded companies. A few of these include but are not limited to: the Bluetooth logo; the London Underground logo; the unofficial logo of the National Basketball team entitled the New Orleans Pelicans, the London Underground logo; the Mercedes-Benz logo; the Rotary International logo; the Target Corporation logo; the Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS) logo; the Volkswagon logo; and the Wal-Mart Corporation logo.


London Underground


Although the London Underground was established on January 10 1863, its logo was most likely derived from the Wheel of Fortuna.



Although Mercedes-Benz corporation was established on June 28, 1926, its logo was most likely was derived from the from the Wheel of Fortuna.



Although the Target Corporation was founded in 1902, its logo was most likely derived from the Wheel of Fortuna. The bullseye, or bull's-eye, is the center of a target, and by extension the name given to any shot that hits the bullseye.



Although the Wal-Mart Corporation was founded in 1962, its logo was most likely derived from the Wheel of Fortuna. The Wal-Mart sun logo also resembles the Slavic solar symbol found on the Zbruch Idol as a symbol of Svantevit, the Slavic God of war.



Although UBS bank was founded in 1854, its logo was most likely derived from the Wheel of Fortuna. Also known as the Union Bank of Switzerland, UBS is an acronym for "Babylon System" as it is the world's largest manager of private wealth assets with over CHF 2.2 trillion in invested assets. The UBS logo depicts 3 keys with the letters "V" and "M" within each one. In the Roman Score (e.g., the Roman alphabet) the letter "V" equates to the letter "B" in the English alphabet which is constructed by adding together a "1" and a "3" for a total of "13" or "B". Therefore, both the letter "V" and the letter "M" contained within the UBS logo equate to "13" which is indicative of the 13 bloodlines of Rome which have since moved to Greenland and control the world financially through UBS.



Although the Volkswagen Corporation was established on May 28, 1937, its logo was most likely was derived from the from the Wheel of Fortuna.

Star = Steer


The “star” is one of the most popular Roman symbols and it originated out of the center of a ship’s steering wheel (see below), otherwise known as the Wheel of Fortuna. The term “steer” was likely derived from the term “star” because stars and their various constellations where routinely used by sailors in maritime navigation. This historical narrative is symbolized today in the emblem of Italy (coat of arms) and the variant flag of the Italian Republic, both of which depict a star within the Wheel of Fortuna. In other words, the steering wheel was likely first known as the “star” or “staring” wheel.

Wheel of Fortuna Symbology


Aside from producing a majority of Roman letters and numbers, the Wheel of Fortuna has likely been responsible for many of the world's most recognizable symbols including but not limited to: the chevron; the crescent; the cronus; the cross; the dollar sign; the fasces; the fleur-de-lis; the kotinos; the omega sign; the peace sign; the star; the Star of Life; the trident; as well the upward and downwards arrows.



In Greek mythology, the “cronus” or “kronos” was the leader and the youngest of the first generation of Titans and was usually depicted with a sickle or scythe, which he used to castrate and depose Uranus, his father.

Dollar Sign


The Greco-Roman dollar sign is currently used as the official symbol for the currencies of 40 countries and territories around the world, 24 of which have their own dollar.

Downward Arrow


The downward arrow, which was most likely derived from the Wheel of Fortuna, is evident everywhere, but most prominently in the financial system.

Peace Sign


Although the internationally recognized symbol for peace was allegedly designed in 1958 for the British nuclear disarmament movement. it was most likey was derived from the from the Wheel of Fortuna. Interestingly, the term "Peace" (P/F+C/K) can be translated to mean "Peak", likely in reference to Mt. Zion in Greenland. Luke 2:14, states “Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth goodwill toward men”. This verse means to the highest "Peace" (P+C/K) on earth, and God (Greenland of Denmark) veil toward men. The peace symbol doubles as a military bomber plane for Rome can bomb the world into destruction while remaining in a peaceful state at the top of the world.

Star of Life


Although the Star of Life was trademarked by the American Medical Association (AMA) in 1967, it was most likely derived from the Wheel of Fortuna.

Upward Arrow


The upward arrow, which was most likely derived from the Wheel of Fortuna, is evident everywhere, but most prominently in the financial system.