Misc/Greenland Theory/6.08 Shiva

6.08 Shiva


“Shiva” or “Siva” is a popular Hindu deity who is considered the Supreme God within Shaivism which teaches that Shiva is the creator, preserver, destroyer, revealer, transformer and concealer of all that is. Shiva is also known as “The Auspicious One" which in essence means “future success is likely”. A total of 113 names have been attributed to Shiva, including, “Kailashadhipati”, meaning “Lord of Mount Kailash”, and “Kailashnath”, meaning “Master of Mount Kailash”. Shiva is described as the omniscient Yogi who lives an ascetic life on Mount Kailash (i.e., Greenland). Although there is a Mount Kailash in the Himalayas, this is an apparent reference to both Mt. Olympus and Mt. Zion which are located in Greenland. In Hindu mythology, Mount Kailāsa is depicted as a “Linga”, representing the center of the universe. This is likely another reference to Greenland which is located geographically speaking at the center of the Earth. Dakshinamurthy, an aspect of Shiva, literally means “one who is facing south” in Sanskrit, for all locations in the underworld are south from Greenland in the north. Many words in the English lexicon were evidently derived from Siva and Shiva (e.g., achieve, save, savvy, sever, shave, shiv, shiver, shivering, shove, etc.), including “chauvinist”, meaning “excessive or blind patriotism”, and “sovereign”, meaning supreme ruler as well as “Shiva reigns”. The latter terms define traits inherent to the Roman Empire now located in Greenland.

Shiva Symbology

The god of Shiva has many symbols and traits, many of which are affiliated with the Greco-Roman Empire, the most recognizable being the third eye on his forehead, the snake around his neck (which is symbolic of Roman dragon ships which encircled Greenland), a crescent moon (a Greco-Roman symbol representing Cronus), and the trishula (i.e., Greco-Roman trident). Shiva is also equipped with a “Parashu” which he gave it to Parashurama whose name means "Rama with the axe" (i.e., Rome with the axe). The Parashu is a replica of the fasces axe which itself was modeled after the shape of the Island of Crete, the birthplace of the Greco-Roman Empire. Shiva is also portrayed with a sacred halo, an apparent reference to the glow of the aurora borealis which is seen around the underworld. Shiva smears his body with ashes (i.e., bhasma), due to the many blood sacrifices he partakes in. Shiva's is noted in the “Jatin” epithets as "the one with matted hair" that molten gold in color or being yellowish-white, very un-Indian like in nature. Lastly, the Pashupati seal, which is purported to be one of the earliest depictions of Shiva, is clearly depicted with twin ram (R+M) horns, an apparent symbolic reference to Rome (R+M) which if often characterized by a ram.

Shiva Numerology

Shiva’s sacred number is “5” which equates to the “Ж” symbol (i.e., “Chi”) in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) as is indicative of the country of Switzerland. Consequently, Shiva’s most important mantra has five syllables (i.e., the “namaḥ śivāya”). Shiva's body is also said to consist of five mantras, called the pañcabrahmans. As forms of God, each of these have their own names and distinct iconography (i.e., Sadyojāta, Vāmadeva, Aghora, Tatpuruṣha and Īsāna). These are subsequently represented as the five faces of Shiva which that are associated in various texts with the five elements, he five senses, the five organs of perception, and the five organs of action. In Hebrew, “shiv'ah” literally means "seven" (S+V+N) which may translate to “Siva North”. In the Roman-English alphabet, the number “7” equates to the letter “G”, an acronym for Greenland.

Holidays of Shiva

Maha Shivratri, meaning the “Great Night of Shiva”, is an annual Hindu festival celebrated in reverence of the god Shiva. In 2013, Maha Shivratri was celebrated on March 10 in 2013. Coincidentally, March 9 is the Roman holiday known as “dies religiosus” (when the Salii carried the sacred shields around the city again). The 24-hour time difference in the holiday appears to have been instituted in order to confuse historians. Unlike the number “9”, THE number “10” is sacred in Greco-Roman lore and evidenced by the fact that it is depicted on the flag of Greenland. In the Roman lunar calendar, Zodiac is the 13th month. Consequently, the date of March 9 equates to Zodiac 7 (i.e., “13/7”) while March 10 equates to Zodiac 8 (i.e., 13/8). The latter number “38” equates to “CH” or “Chi” which is symbolic of the Switzerland, the life or “chi” of the Roman Empire. Therefore, the Roman holiday of “dies religiosus” is almost certainly celebrated on March 10 along with Maha Shivratri. Interestingly, “Religiosus” is defined as pertaining to the gods or marked out by them as theirs, qualities inherent to Switzerland, the main proxy (shill) state of the Roman Empire. In 2014, Maha Shivratri was celebrated on February 27 which is the same date that the Roman holiday “Equirria” (the first of two horse-racing festivals to Mars) is celebrated.

Shiva & Switzerland


Shiva if often depicted with 10 arms which are symbolic of the geographic shape of Switzerland which appears to have 10 arms or legs. “Tripurantaka”, a manifestation of Shiva, is depicted with four arms wielding a bow and arrow. He holds an axe and a deer on the upper pair of his arms, and a bow and an arrow lower pair of the arms, respectively. Tripurantaka is symbolic of the four-armed cross of Switzerland which is responsible for executing Roman sacrifices, terror attacks and wars in the underworld. Shiva also rides on a bull, his vehicle, which is representative of Babylon, the former capitol of the Roman Empire. Coincidentally, Switzerland is responsible for managing and maintaining the “Babylon System” in the underworld. Nandī, also known as Nandin, is the name of the bull on which Shiva rides. Nandī, translated by Sharma, equates to "lord of cattle" which is quite similar to myth surrounding the god of Ra which finds that all humans are the "Cattle of Ra." Lastly, Shiva’s sacred number is “5” which equates to the “Ж” symbol (i.e., “Chi”) in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet). Chi above all other symbols is indicative of the country of Switzerland. According to the Roman Score, the name of “Shiva” (S/C+H+V) acronymically equates to “Chi Forever/Infinity Victory”, since the letter “C” and “S” are interchangeable in Roman English (e.g., census, century, etc.). The English term “sieve” (S+V) is a device that separating wanted elements from unwanted material. Metaphorically speaking, Switzerland is the sieve of the world for it removes unwanted people and ideas from the underworld, especially in respect to the secret of Greenland.

Tributes to Shiva


Tributes to the Greco-Roman god of Shiva can be found in the names and titles of various corporations, cultures, places and scientific-related phenomenon around the world, including but not limited to: Culture: the Siwa culture, a Bronze Age nomadic culture in the Gansu Province, China; the Siwa language, a Berber language of Egypt; and Živa, the Slavic goddess of fertility; Internet Technology: “?shva=1", the code appended to the URL when loading Gmail (Switzer), and HTML5 Shiv, a JavaScript workaround; Media: “Arutz Sheva”, an Israeli media network identifying with Religious Zionism; Places: Shiva, a village in Iran; Siva, Perm Krai, a village in Russia; Sivat, a village in Russia; Siwa Oasis, an oasis in Egypt; and Živa, small settlement near Vajska, Serbia; Space: the 140 Siwa, an asteroid; 1170 Siva, an asteroid named after the Hindu god; the Shiva Hypothesis, a hypothesis that purports to explain an apparent pattern in mass extinctions caused by impact events; and the Shiva crater, an apparent impact crater in the Indian Ocean, possibly associated with the Cretaceous–Tertiary extinction event; Science: “Siva”, a pro-apoptotic signaling protein; “Siva”, the monotypic bird genus of the blue-winged minla; “Siwa”, a spider genus in the Araneidae family; the “Shiva laser”, built at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in 1977 for the study of inertial confinement fusion (ICF); and the “Shiva Star”, a high-powered pulsed-power research device located at the Air Force Research Laboratory.

Shiva in Pop Culture


The Greco-Roman god of Shiva can be found in numerous books, comics, films, games, music, television series, and video games throughout pop culture, including but not limited to: Films: “Siva” (1989), a Tamil film starring Rajinikanth; “Siva” (1989), a Telugu film by director Ram Gopal Varma; “Shiva” (1990), a remake of the Telugu film in Hindi by director Ram Gopal Varma; “Shiva” (2006), another Hindi remake by Ram Gopal Varma; “Shiva” (2008), by siblings Ronit and Shlomi Elkabetz; and “Shiva” (2012), a Kannada film starring Shivrajkumar; Games: “Shiva”, a summonable ice elemental in the “Final Fantasy” (1987-2014) franchise; “Shiva”, a character in the “Streets of Rage” series (1991-2013); “Shiv”, a fictional location in “Magic: The Gathering” (1994-Present); “Sheeva”, a character in “Mortal Kombat” (1995) games; “Shivans” are the main antagonistic race in the “Freespace” (1998-2001) series; “Shiva's Guard”, a powerful artifact in the “Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos” (2002) game “Defense of the Ancients”; and “Shiva”, a major boss in “Bonds of Blood of Neverwinter Nights” (2004); Literature: “Lady Shiva”, a DC Comics character which first appeared in “Richard Dragon, Kung Fu Fighter #5” (1975); “Shiva”, a computer program that spawns robots to destroy Weapon X experiment subjects in “Wolverine vol. 2 #50” (1992); “Shiva”, a fictitious strain of Ebola virus from the novel “Rainbow Six” (1998) by Tom Clancy; and “Kaiyanwang”, a.k.a. “Shiva”, a fictional character from “3×3 Eyes” (1987-2002); Music: “Siva Samoa”, a type of Samoan dance often performed at weddings; “Siva” (‘1991), a song by “The Smashing Pumpkins”; and “Shiva”, a song by “The Antlers” from their concept album “Hospice” (2009); Television Series: “Shiva”, the ultimate villain in the anime “Legend of Heavenly Sphere Shurato” (1989-1990); “Neosapien General Shiva” from the cartoon TV series “Exosquad” (1993-1994); “Shiv”, a villain in the animated series “Static Shock” (2000-2004); “Siva”, a character from “The Tribe” (2002-2003) series; “The Shiva”, an award given to the league winners on “The League” (2009-Present); and “Shiva”, an episode of the tenth season of “NCIS” (2013).

Shiva & Judaism


Because Switzerland was the first Jewish state, many Jewish names and entities share the name of Shiva, including but not limited to: “Shiva”, the name for the week-long mourning period after death which is derived from the Hebrew word “shiv'ah” which literally means "seven"; “Arutz Sheva”, an Israeli media network identifying with Religious Zionism; “Sh'va”, a name for the “20(2)” decimal in the Jewish Gematria’s “Mispar gadol; “Shva”, a Hebrew niqqud vowel sign written as two vertical dots underneath a letter; Yeshiva, a Jewish institution that focuses on the study of traditional religious texts, primarily the Talmud; Yeshiva University, a private university with four campuses in New York City; and Yeshiva.co, a Jewish website which is part of the institutions of Yeshivat Beit El.

SIV Virus


Warning: the following theory is not meant to be medical advice or medical information!
Simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) is a retrovirus which has infected at least 45 species of African non-human primates. Based on analysis of strains found in four species of monkeys from Bioko Island, it has been concluded that SIV has been present in monkeys and apes for at least 32,000 years. Virus strains from two of these primate species (SIVsmm in sooty mangabeys and SIVcpz in chimpanzees) are believed to have crossed the species barrier into humans, resulting in HIV-2 and HIV-1 (i.e., AIDS). Although it has been stated that the route of transmission of HIV-1 to humans was due to contact with the blood of chimps, vaccines from the Red Cross are the most likely cause. Interestingly, the structure of HIV-1 protease (which was derived from the SIV virus) and that of the Pashupati seal, which is purported to be one of the earliest depictions of Shiva, are almost identical in nature. Consonantly speaking, “Siva” (S+V) is the same as “SIV” (S+V), and both are affiliated with destruction and death. Since the letter “H” is pronounced “aitch" or “aich”, the term “HIV” is pronounced “aich-eye-vee”. Therefore, “HIV” (C/S+H+V), consonantly speaking, equates to “Shiva” (C/S+H+V) because the letters “C” and “S” are routinely interchangeable in Roman English (e.g., census, century, etc.). Considering that the AIDS virus wasn’t discovered until 1983, and the Pashupati seal is purported to be thousands of years old, their striking similarity does not make sense inside the historical framework of the status quo. Therefore, in all likelihood, the SIV virus was discovered hundreds of years ago in Rome and subsequently used to kill off millions of people in the underworld via vaccines. In order to celebrate their scientific discovery in bio-terrorism, Shiva, the god of destruction, is depicted on the Pashupati seal in the form of the deadly virus. In what appears to be an inside joke of sorts, “Shiva” is a strain of the deadly Ebola virus in the novel “Rainbow Six” (1998) by Tom Clancy.

Shiva & Rudra


Rudra and Shiva are viewed as the same personality in Hindu scriptures and therefore are used synonymously. Rudra, whose name is derived from the Sanskrit root “śarv-”, meaning to “injure” or “to kill", is usually portrayed as a fierce and destructive deity. Rudra is also the “One who can kill the forces of darkness", an apparent reference to the slaughter of humans who live in the underworld devoid of 24/7 sunlight. In other contexts, Rudra can simply mean "the number eleven”. The number “11” is represented in the Roman-English alphabet by the letter “K”, an acronym for “kill”. According to Indian scholar R. G. Bhandarkar, Rudra discharges "brilliant shafts which run about the heaven and the earth". This is an apparent reference to the lines of communication between Greenland and the country of Switzerland. Rudra was believed to cause diseases, something that the Red Cross located in Switzerland is notorious for. In Sanskrit, Rudra is known as “paraṃ vyoma sahasravṛt”, meaning “The upper world is similarly desired by the thousands of devas”, an apparent reference to Greenland (i.e., the upperworld). Rudra is also known as “śukraṃ vãmanyadyajataṃ vãmanyat”, meaning “Among your forms, one is the day with white hue, the other is the night with dark hue”. This is an appearance reference to the 24/7 light of Greenland and the shadow of death and darkness which covers the underworld. Similar to Shiva, Rudra also bears a Greco-Roman trident.

Shiva & Sheaves


Although only conjecture, it appears that Shiva-related genocides are symbolically represented by a sheaf (plural: sheaves), a large bundles of cereal plants which are bound together after reaping. The term "Shiva" (S+H+V) is acronymically the same as "Sheaves" (S+H+V+S), minus the letter "S". Since Shiva is the god of destruction, the sheaves may represent a certain amount of deaths (possibly 100,000 or 1 million) which were cut down by the hand of the Roman Empire. Consequently, sheaves are depicted within the Coat of Arms of various nations (e.g., Armenia, Bolivia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Venezuela etc.), on the flags of the numerous U.S. states (e.g., Delaware, Idaho, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, Vermont. etc.), on the Great Seals of U.S. states (e.g., Arkansas, Delaware, Idaho, Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Tennessee, Vermont, Washington D.C., etc.), and on the Coat of Arms of U.S. (e.g., Delaware, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Vermont, etc.).