Misc/Greenland Theory/8.02 Christianity

8.02 Christianity

Christianity is a global religion derived from Catholicism (the official religion of the Roman Empire) that is theoretically based on the life and teachings of Jesus as presented in the New Testament of the Holy Bible. The Greek word for Christianity is “Christianos” (“Χριστιανός”) which is defined as "follower of Christ", a direct reference to the Island of Greenland which is the geographically and topographically speaking the “crest” or “crust” of the world. Consequently, the Greek word for Christ is “Christos” (“Χριστός”) which is defined as the “anointed one”, an adjectival ending borrowed from Latin which means adhering to or belonging to, as in slave ownership. Christians are in essence therefore unwitting slaves of the Roman Empire who are unknowingly indulging in Rome’s pagan and sadistic rituals of witchcraft and human blood sacrifices. To the delight of Rome, Christianity is now the world's largest religion with approximately 2.2 billion adherents, most of which commonly refer to themselves as Christians. Although Christianity is touted as an Abrahamic religion derived from the Jews in the mid-1st century, it is a purely Roman religion at its core with a Jewish mask, a common theme throughout the storied history of the Greco-Roman Empire. In other words, it’s not a coincidence that Christianity was spawned at the same time that Greenland was discovered and/or conquered around 000 AD (i.e., Anno Domini). Consequently, Christianity spread quickly throughout the Roman Empire over the following centuries. By the end of the 4th century it had become the official state church of the Roman Empire, replacing the other forms of religion practiced in Rome. In summation, Christianity is a religion which celebrates the new home of the Roman Empire in Greenland while simultaneously honoring Rome’s favorite gods (e.g., Isis, Mars, etc.), rites (i.e., blood sacrifices) and pagans holidays (e.g., Easter, Christmas, etc.). After all, if the most popular religion in the world was outright Roman, it would be obvious that the world is still under command and control of the Roman Empire, hence the religion of Christianity.

The Holy Bible

Christianity regards the Holy Bible as an infallible “Word of God” which was written by humans under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Since G.O.D. is an acronym for “Greenland of Denmark”, it is in fact “G.O.D.’s word”, but not the literal word of the one and only true God (i.e., “God the Creator”, the “Great Spirit”, “Source Energy”, etc.). Nevertheless, in 382 AD, the Council of Rome officially recognized the Biblical canon (i.e., the Holy Bible) for the first time, accepting the books of the “Old” and “New Testament” as the infallible “Word of God”. Other historical accounts state that the Council of Carthage in 397 AD was the first time that the council finalized the Holy Bible as it is known today. Regardless, it is imperative to note that the Catholic Church, the most vile and despicable organization on the face of the Earth, is the sole source of the Bible. The term “Bible” (B+B+L) acronymically equates to “Baby Line” or “Babylon”, a tribute to the first-ever capital of the Roman Empire. The reference to Babylon in the title of the Bible is significant because the Bible is in essence the disguised history book of the Greco-Roman Empire. Written mostly in allegorical metaphors, the Holy Bible contains literally hundreds of stories which have ulterior meanings. For example, the story in Genesis about Adam’s sons Cane (C/K+N) and Able (B+L) is a metaphorical tribute to the city of Chania (C/K+N), Crete, the birthplace of the Greco-Roman Empire, and Babylon (B+B+L+N), the capitol of the Roman Empire. The notion that Cane killed Abel is an allegory for how the Line of Man sired by Minos of Crete destroyed Babylon (i.e., the Fall of Rome) after the 13 Bloodlines of Rome relocated to Greenland. The story of David (D+V+D) and Goliath (G+L+T+H) can be deciphered acronymically when their names are merged together, ultimately forming the term “Divide and Go Liath” or “Divide and Greenland to Infinity”. The dividing of the Earth is also depicted in Genesis 1:4–5: “God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.” This scripture is therefore a reference to the division of the Earth between the light (i.e., Greenland) and the darkness (i.e., the underworld). The notion that Jesus died on a cross is another metaphor for how Switzerland (the main proxy state of the Roman Empire and home to the CIA) assassinates would be “saviors” of the world prior to their divulgence about the true history of the world, especially in respect to Greenland. These executions are performed by “God’s chosen people”, otherwise known as the Jews who were allegedly responsible for executing the “Lord and Savior” Jesus Christ in Bible. Lastly, the first printed Bible is commonly known as the Gutenberg Bible. The term “Gutenberg” (G+T+N+B+R+G) acronymically equates to “Got North Bear Greenland”, an apparent tribute to conquering of Greenland which is coincidentally shaped in the head of a bear (i.e., Beast of Greenland).

Symbols of Christianity

The Roman Cross is one of the most widely recognized symbols in the world and was reportedly used as a symbol for Christianity since the earliest of times. This is in part because the cross (i.e., “+”) equates to the letter “D” in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet). The letter “D” is an acronym for “Day” as well as both the terms “Die” and “Death”. Because Catholicism and Christianity are pagan religions which celebrate human blood sacrifices, most churches and Bibles are therefore adorned with a Roman Cross. Another Christian symbol is the Chi-Rho monogram, a monogram representing "Christ" in Roman mythology and religion which was evidently derived from the Wheel of Fortuna. The “P” is a symbol for Pi (i.e., 3.14), representing an eternal Greenland, while the “X” symbol acronymically equates to “North”, “Kill” (X) and “Keep Out”. The skull and bones depicted on the Jolly Rodger flag used by pirates is either based on the Chi-Rho or vice versa. Another symbol used by primitive Christians is that of the fish or Ichthys, a basic symbol consisting of two intersecting arcs that resemble the profile of a fish, or the true shape of planet Earth. The fish symbol was reportedly used as a Christian symbol in the first decades of the 2nd century, shortly after the discovery of Greenland. The popularity of the Ichthys among Christians was allegedly due to the fact that the five initial letters of the Greek word for fish (ICHTHYS) describes the character of Christ: “Iesous Christos Theou Yios Soter” (Ίησοῦς Χριστός, Θεοῦ Υἱός, Σωτήρ), meaning, “Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior”. In reality however, the fish symbol appears to depict the actual contour of the Earth which is shaped like a disc or discuss, hence the term “discovery”. Consequently, it’s highly likely that the original Ichthys had the “X” at the top (as opposed to the current symbol which depicts the “X” off to the right or left side), symbolizing that access to Greenland is forever blocked. This particular design would also render a “V” symbol at the top of the Earth which an acronym for Victoria, the Roman goddess of victory. Lastly, the “V” symbol equates to the letter “B” (i.e., “13”) in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) which is indicative of the 13 Bloodlines of Rome who dwell in Greenland.

Christian Ideology

In order to be a Christian, belief in the Trinity of God the Father (Greenland), his son Jesus (Isis), and the Holy Spirit (Hell Spirit) are a basic requirements. Consequently, most Christians believe that Jesus was literally the Son of God, a fully divine and fully human being who is the savior of humanity as prophesied in the Old Testament of the Bible. This particular notion is true in part because Jesus (i.e., Esus or Isis) is the son” (S+N/X) of G.O.D. (i.e., Greenland of Denmark). Because the letter “N” equates to “X” in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet), the letters “SX” acronymically equate to “System X (Kill)” or “Six”, a number which was depicted by the was the double-cross (i.e., ) and whose numerology is still routinely used in assassinations, terror attacks and wars. Consequently, the name of Jesus is a euphemism for the Greco-Roman gods known as Esus or Isis who are worshiped in Greenland, home of the Roman Empire in Greenland. This is why Christianity regards the Old Testament and the New Testament of the Holy Bible as the inspired word of “God” for it is in fact the “word” of G.O.D. (i.e., Greenland of Denmark). As depicted in 1 Corinthians 15, Christians consider the resurrection of Jesus (i.e., Isis) to be the cornerstone of their faith and the most important event in history. According to the New Testament, Jesus was crucified, died a physical death, and rose from the dead three days later. This Biblical narrative depicts the metaphorical death of the Roman Empire who died in the underworld, sailed north for 3 days, only to be resurrected in Greenland. Lastly, Christians also believe that Jesus is God incarnate—"true God and true man", or “fully divine and fully human”. The notion that Jesus is both “man” and “God” is theoretically correct because the Line of Man, which is represented by the 13 Bloodlines of Rome, resides in G.O.D. (i.e., Greenland of Denmark). Since Isis (i.e., Jesus) is worshiped by the Line of Man in G.O.D., he is in essence part of both, hence the Christian ideology.

Heaven & Hell

The word “heaven” (H+V+N) was evidently derived from the term “haven” (H+V+N) which is defined as “a place of safety” or “refuge”. Conversely, the term “hell” (H+L) was evidently derived from the term “Helots”, a people which were subjugated and terrorized by the Greco-Roman Empire for centuries. Consequently, the upper half of the Earth (i.e., Greenland) is now the “haven” or “heaven” of the Roman Empire while the lower half (i.e., the underworld) is the “Hell” or the “heel” of the Roman Empire’s boot which is currently stepping on the collective throat of humanity. This particular terminology was likely derived in part because the country of Italy is geographically shaped like a boot. In Greek mythology, the god Helios (H+L+S) was the personification of the Sun while the goddess Halia (H+L) who lived on an Island of Rhodes (where gunpowder was invented) was also associated with the Sun. Therefore, the term “Sun” (S+X) is synonymous with both heat and fire. However, after the Roman Empire vacated to Greenland around 000 A.D. (i.e., Anno Domini), the Sun and its eternal fire became a euphemism for the “hell” or “heel” of the Roman Empire in the underworld. Consequently, the “Son of God” (i.e., Jesus or Isis) is the “hell” or “heel” of G.O.D. (i.e., Greenland of Denmark) as assassinations, terror attacks and wars are all blood sacrifices to Isis. Under constant attack from Rome, the underworld has become a place of everlasting chaos, death, fire, torture and suffering as depicted in the Bible (e.g., Matthew 13:50, Mark 9:48, Revelation 20:10, Revelation 14:10, etc.). In Viking mythology, Hel (H+L) was the Queen of the Norse underworld who was half alive, half dead, half beautiful and half ugly, an accurate description of our current world. In most religions and mythologies, the underworld is generally described as a place deep underground or beneath the surface of the world. This is because Greenland is geographically located atop the world and therefore all other countries (aside from northern Canada and northern Russia) are below it, hence the name “underworld”. The underworld is commonly referred to Hell or Hades (H+D+S) which acronymically equates to “Forever Day (Die/Death) System”. The “heel” or “hell” of the Roman Empire is represented today by the boot shape of the Swiss canton (state) of “Bern” whose coat of arms is a coincidentally a bear (i.e., the Beast of Greenland), representative of Greenland for which is unwittingly serves. The capital of Switzerland which is located in the canton of Bern is also entitled Bern, a tribute to the term “burn” (B+R+X) which acronymically equates to “Bear X” or “Babylon Rome X (Kill)”. The capitol of Switzerland is properly named for it ultimately has command and control over the hell of the underworld. The English terms “fetish” was evidently derived from the term “foot” (that contains a “heel”) and is curiously defined as “an object believed to have supernatural powers” and a “a man-made object that has power over others”. The word “fate” was likely also derived from “foot” as the Romans apparently felt that it was their fate to rule the world due to the boot shape of Italy.

The Devil

The term “Devil” (D+V+L) acronymically equates to “Day Veil”, a reference to the veil of secrecy behind which the Roman Empire is allowed to thrive unabated in Greenland. This veil includes but is not limited to: Greenland’s drones, global warming propaganda, submarines, as well massive wall that encircles Greenland which is shaped in the form of the Omega symbol, physically blocking Greenland from the underworld. The notion of the Devil being relegated to the underworld is coincidentally the theme of Michelangelo’s painting entitled “The Last Judgment” which is currently found on the alter wall of the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City. Michelangelo depicts Minos of Crete, who sired the Line of Man, as the “Devil” with pointed ears and a tail. Minos the Devil is located at the bottom right-hand corner of the painting, symbolic of his role as the corner stone of the Greco-Roman Empire. Aside from spawning the most wicked and inhumane family in the history of the world, Minos died in Sicily before the discovery of Greenland. Therefore, he was forever relegated to the underworld as the Devil for he was responsible for spawning the wicked and fascist Babylon System. Aside from the numerous references in the Bible, the Devil has been popularized in popular culture by the animal known as the Tasmanian Devil as well as the Warner Brothers cartoon also entitled the Tasmanian Devil. The country of Tasmania is geographically shaped like a Devil’s head with horns, possibly spawning the aforementioned Michelangelo portrait of Minos as well as the Biblical character now known as the Devil. The term “Devil” was likely derived from the term “Evil” (B/V+L) which equates to “Vail” (V+L) using the Roman-English alphabet, and “Baby Line” or “Babylon” using the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet). Therefore, terms such as “God” (G+D) and “Good” (G+D) are indicative of G.O.D. (i.e., Greenland of Denmark) while term such as “Devil” (D+V+L) and “Evil” (V+L) are indicative of the countless crimes and policies instituted by Rome in order to maintain her veil of secrecy from which behind said G.O.D. operates.

Christian Eschatology

Christian eschatology is the future destiny of humanity according to the Roman Empire’s Holy Bible. Based on Biblical scriptures, a look at Rome’s plan for the underworld is ultimately revealed. This timeline includes but is not limited to: The Tribulation (a time of immense global suffering which began during the Fall of Rome and continues to this very day); the Resurrection of the Dead (the resurrection of the “Dead” (D+D) numerically equates to the resurrection of the number “44” which in numerology is associated with war and mass genocide); the Last Judgment or “End of the World” (when the Roman Empire decides to destroy 99% of humanity in the underworld, most likely via a bio-terror pandemic); the Rapture (the notion the some “good” Christians will be saved, likely for experimentation, exploitation, slavery, etc.); the Second Coming (the return of the Roman Empire from Greenland to the underworld) when the Kingdom of G.O.D. (i.e., Greenland of Denmark) is established out in the open, globally, fulfilling in scriptural prophecies; the New Heavens and New Earth (when the entire world becomes Roman once again, post-humanity); and the Millennialism, (a new era in which the Line of Man (i.e., the 13 Bloodlines of Rome) have the entire world to themselves, living free for all eternity,

Jesus = Esus = Isis

The name of Jesus appears to be the same as Esus or Hesus (an aspirated form of Esus), a Celtic god worshiped by the Imperial Cult of Rome which coincidentally mirrors the Greco-Roman god of Isis. Aside from the fact that in the language of Spanish the name of Jesus is pronounced “Hay-SOOS” (a possible tribute to the Greco-Roman god of Zeus which is evidently the same god as Isis), the 18th century Druidic revivalist Iolo Morgannwg identified Esus (S+S) with Jesus (G+S+S) based on the strength of the similarity of their names. Predictably however, modern scholars state that the striking resemblance between Esus and Jesus is purely coincidental. However, the Ichthys, a basic symbol consisting of two intersecting arcs that resemble the profile of a fish, was reportedly used as a Christian symbol in the first decades of the 2nd century. Its popularity among Christians was allegedly due to the fact that the five initial letters of the Greek word for fish (ICHTHYS) describes the character of Christ: “Iesous Christos Theou Yios Soter” (Ίησοῦς Χριστός, Θεοῦ Υἱός, Σωτήρ), meaning, “Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior”. In order words, “Iesous” (S+S) was the first word to describe the deity that is not called Jesus. The Catholic Church corroborated this a few hundred years later when Pope John Paul II published a declaration on August 6, 2000, officially declaring that the title Dominus Iesus means “The Lord Jesus” in English. As evidenced, although the vowels change (the Roman alphabet did not contain vowels) the consonant letters of “S” and “S” stay the same. In other words, Iesus (S+S) is the official name of Jesus according to the Catholic Church who not only produced the Holy Bible but are admittedly the "sole Church of Christ" according to the Nicene Creed. Therefore, they have the final word on the official name of Jesus. Consequently therefore, the worship of Esus, Hesus, Iesous, Iesus or Jesus is the unintentional worship Greco-Roman god of Isis.

Esus Symbology

Esus is most known for his depiction on the Pillar of the Boatmen (c. 100 AD) which also contains the Tarvos Trigaranus. The Pillar of the Boatmen is a stone block statue with multiple depictions of Roman and Gaulish deities, including the god of Esus. It originally stood in a temple in the Roman “civitas” of Lutetia which was located in modern day Paris, France. In both engravings, Esus is portrayed cutting down branches from a tree with his axe. Esus is accompanied on a different panel of the Pillar of the Boatmen by Tarvos Trigaranus, the ‘bull with three cranes’ or crowns. The imagery of the bull (B+L) is likely representative of “Baby Line” or “Babylon”, the former capitol of the Greco-Roman Empire. The bull’s three horns as well as the three cranes are likely representative of the number “33” which doubles “CC”, an numerical acronym for Chania, Crete, the birthplace of the Roman Empire. The three horns of the bull or Babylon individually appear to represent the three homes or dens of Rome (i.e., Island of Crete, Island of Sicily, and the Island of Greenland). Consequently, Eusu chopping down the tree with an axe likely represents the cutting of the 13 Bloodlines of Rome who vacated Babylon for Greenland, ending their family tree in the underworld.

Human Sacrifices to Esus

A well-known section in an epic poem “Bellum Civile” or “Pharsalia” (c. 60 AD) by the Roman poet Lucan talks about the gory blood sacrifice offered to a triad of Celtic deities (i.e., Esus, Teutates and Taranis. According to the Berne Commentary on Lucan, human victims that were sacrificed to Esus were suspended from a tree and flailed. The use of trees, particularly oak trees, in human sacrifice is rampant throughout the lore of gods associated with the Greco-Roman Empire (e.g., Odin, Thor, etc.). The Gallic medical writer Marcellus of Bordeaux appears to offer a second textual reference to Esus in his “De Medicamentis” (c. 400 AD), a compendium of pharmacological preparations written in Latin in the early 5th century, the sole source for several Celtic words. The work contains a “magico-medical charm” in Gaulish which appears to invoke the aid of Esus in curing throat trouble. Marcellus’s account of Esus is spelled Aisus (S+S), a name consonantly the same as Esus (S+S), “Iesous” (S+S), Iesus (S+S) and Isis (S+S). The strange medical reference appears to be an inside joke as the victims of human sacrifice carried out by the Imperial Cult of Rome routinely had their throats cut while being hung upside down from a tree. Consequently, due to gravity, the blood would gush out, providing a blood bath for those participating in the sacrifice. It is imperative to note that all religious denominations who worship Jesus (e.g., Baptist, Catholic, Christian, Lutheran, Jehovah’s Witness, Methodist, Mormon, Presbyterian, etc.) are Roman Catholic and therefore are, albeit unwittingly, worshiping the Greco-Roman god of Isis.

Global Worship of Esus

John Arnott MacCulloch, one of Scotland's pre-eminent scholars on Celtic religion and mythology, offered a summary on the scholarly interpretations of Esus in 1911, stating in part: “The whole represents some myth unknown to us…Esus was worshipped at Paris and at Trèves…a coin with the name Æsus [S+S] was found in England; and personal names like Esugenos, "son of Esus," and Esunertus, "he who has the strength of Esus," occur in England, France, and Switzerland. Thus the cult of this god may have been comparatively widespread. But there is no evidence that [Esus] was a Celtic Jehovah [another name for Jesus] or a member, with Teutates and Taranis, of a pan-Celtic triad, or that this triad, introduced by Gauls, was not accepted by the Druids.” MacCulloch’s reference to a Celtic god and the Druids is interesting for they are both part of the Imperial Cult of Rome who carried out the aforementioned blood sacrifices. The notion that Esus was a global deity is indicative of Isis who was worshipped throughout the global Roman Empire prior to the alleged Fall of Rome. Lastly, the fact that Switzerland is mentioned by MacCulloch is not just by chance for the small European country is the primary proxy state of the Roman Empire which is solely responsible for plotting and financing assassinations, terror attacks and wars on a global level. Therefore, the worship of Isis would not be possible by the Romans in Greenland if it were not for Switzerland doing her dirty work in the underworld.

Jesus’ 12 Disciples

The allegorical metaphor of Jesus and his 12 disciples (13 total) in the Holy Bible can be explained as follows: The 13-month Roman lunar calendar consists of 13 full moon cycles of 28-days each, resulting in a total of 364 days. Since a year is 365 days long, the year is numerically betrayed by 1 full day. This annual betrayal is depicted in the Biblical narrative of Jesus who is betrayed by Judas by 1 kiss or 1 day as described in Matthew 26:47–50, Mark 14:43–45 and Luke 22:47–48. The term “Judas” (J/G+D+S) acronymically equates to “Greenland Days” or "Greenland Day System". The Gematria of “Judas” (10+21+4+19=55=10=1) has the digital root of “1”, further representing the single day. Therefore, Jesus and his 12 disciples represent the 13 months of the year while Judas represents the betrayal of said year with the 365th day, hence the single kiss. This is why the figure known as Jesus is often depicted with his head on a cross, the Cross of the Zodiac, for he represents the 13th month of the year that is also likely entitled “Zodiac”. The head of Jesus is generally depicted with a Halo that is symbolic of the glow (i.e., Aurora Borealis) from Lucy or Lucifer, the second moon of Earth. Lastly, the very notion that Judas kissed Jesus to identify him is so that he could be arrested by the Romans is rather illogical due to the fact that Jesus was known throughout Israel and the Roman Empire, preaching to tens of thousands of people.

Number of the Beast

Modern historians and researchers routinely connect the "Number of the Beast" depicted in the Biblical Book of Revelation with either the Greek Isopsephy or the Hebrew Gematria. According to these interpretations, the number “666” was originally derived from the name of Nero Caesar (i.e., “נרונקסר” or “Nero Qasr”), the Roman Emperor at the time the Bible was reportedly written. However, when employing the rudimentary methods of algebra used in Algebraic English, the absolute value of “666” equates to “18” whose digital root is “9”. In the Roman-English alphabet, the 18th letter is “R” while in Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) the 9th symbol is also “Γ” (i.e., the original letter “R”). Since the letter “R” is an acronym for “Rome”, it can be deduced that the number “666” equates to “Rome” which is alive and well in Greenland. Coincidentally, the country of Greenland is geographically shaped like the head of a fox, bear or wolf (i.e., the Beast of Greenland) which is commonly referred to by numerous historical, literary and religious sources as "The Beast". Predictably therefore, there are exactly 7 verses in the Holy Bible that specifically mention "The Beast" (see below). This is because the number “7” equates to the letter “G” in the Roman-English alphabet, an acronym for Greenland.

Mark of the Beast

Although a physical mark consisting of a tattoo or RFID microchip was likely the original plan for the “Mark of the Beast”, the political will to chip all of humanity is lacking, mainly due to poor technology and the fact that the human body generally rejects foreign objects, causing a host of medical complications. However, in its place is the personal cell phone (e.g., the iPhone or “Eye Phone”) which coincidentally contains the dreaded microchip long-warned about. Interestingly, the nuclear terror attack planned for Super Bowl XLV in Dallas, Texas, on February 6, 2011, was evidently supposed to usher in the so-called "End Times" in which the "Mark of the Beast" would be forced onto the frightened masses of America, possibly the world. What exactly the so-called “Mark” is is not known, but the aforementioned RFID chip has always been the prime suspect. As evidenced below, basic numerology (A=1, B=2, C=3, etc.) in respect to five of the seven Biblical scriptures referencing “The Beast” have ominous connotations with Greco-Roman gods, the game of football and nuclear bombs. A mere coincidence? Not a chance.

“The Beast” Scriptures in the Holy Bible:

  1. Revelation 13:17 (MQ): "And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
  2. Revelation 13:18 (MR): Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six (666)."
  3. Revelation 14:11 (NK): "And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name."
  4. Revelation 15:2 (OB): "And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God."
  5. Revelation 16:2 (PB): "And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image."
  6. Revelation 19:20 (SB): "And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone."
  7. Revelation 20:4 (TD): "And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God."

“The Beast” Scriptural Numerology:

  1. Revelation 13:18 (MR): The letters “MR” is the original name of Mar or Mars, the Greco-Roman God of death
  2. Revelation 14:11 (NK): The letters “NK” is the original name of the Greco-Roman god Enki or Nike while “Nuke” (N+K) is a slang term for a nuclear bomb
  3. Revelation 16:2 (PB/FB): = Since the letter “P” double as “F” in Roman English, the letters “PB” equates to “FB”, an acronym for football
  4. Revelation 19:20 (SB): The letters “SB” are an acronym for "Super Bowl", the championship game of the National Football League (NFL) which is coincidentally the most watched television event in America
  5. Revelation 20:4 (TD): The letters “TD” are an acronym for "Touch Down”, the largest scoring play in American football, worth 6 points