Misc/Greenland Theory/9.01 B'nai B'rith

9.01 B'nai B'rith

B'nai B'rith, meaning "Children of the Covenant", claims to be the oldest Jewish “service” organization in the world. It was reportedly founded on October 13, 1843, in New York City by 12 German Jewish immigrants who originally named it “Söhne des Bundes”, meaning “Sons of the Covenant”. This is imperative to note because the group is intimately affiliated with the World Jewish Congress in Basel, Switzerland which primarily consists of German speaking Ashkenazi Jews. Nevertheless, the term “B'nai B'rith” (B+N+B+R+T+H) acronymically and/or consonantly speaking equates to “Bear North Babylon Rome to Infinity” which is indicative of whom the group unwittingly serves. Although B'nai B'rith originally developed from a system of fraternal lodges, the organization has evolved into a dual system of both lodges and units, the latter of which is generally used to describe military-related organizations. Since its creation, B'nai B'rith has launched 3 of the world’s most prominent Jewish organizations (i.e., The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), Hillel and BBYO), all of which likely feed intelligence back to B'nai B'rith. This intelligence network is only possible because B'nai B'rith has more than 200,000 members in more than 50 countries. As is standard operating procedure for secret societies, B'nai B'rith’s constitution states that is mission is "visiting and attending the sick" and "protecting and assisting the widow and the orphan". Overtly good acts within the community are publically touted in order to provide the necessary political cover so that the secret and criminal aspects of a given secret society (should they ever be discovered) seem unfathomable. Because B'nai B'rith is a private Jewish intelligence organization, it has played a crucial role in transnational politics. For example, in 1903, U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt and Secretary of State John Hay met with a B'nai B'rith committee in Washington, D.C. in response to the Kishinev Pogrom. B'nai B'rith President Simon Wolf presented a draft of a petition to be sent to the Russian government. Roosevelt, at the behest of Wolf, subsequently agreed to transmit it. In other words, B'nai B'rith was dictating U.S. foreign policy. B'nai B'rith was present at the founding of the United Nations (UN) in San Francisco in 1945 and has “taken an active role in the world body ever since”. Two years later in 1947, the organization was granted non-governmental organizational (NGO) status and is now has full-time representation at the UN. Predictably, the organization is credited with the UN’s reversal of its 1975 resolution equating Zionism with racism. Just prior to the creation of the State of Israel in 1948, U.S. President Harry S. Truman, resisting pressure from various Jewish organizations, declined to meet with Jewish leaders. However, when B'nai B'rith member Eddie Jacobson, a long-time friend and business partner of the president, appealed to Truman for a favor, he reneged, meeting secretly with Zionist leader Chaim Weizmann. The meeting was said to be instrumental in turning the White House in favor of the de facto recognition of the state of Israel. B'nai B'rith has also worked extensively with the U.S. State Department (whose seal and flag coincidentally depicts the Jewish Star of David), the U.S. Congress, and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE). Needless to say, the power wielded by B'nai B'rith over the United Nation, U.S. Presidents and the U.S. government confirms that it is directly affiliated with the highest echelons of the world power structure.