Misc/Greenland Theory/9.02 Dominican Order

9.02 Dominican Order

The Order of Preachers, more commonly known as the Dominican Order or the Dominicans, is a Roman Catholic religious order that was allegedly founded by the Spanish priest Saint Dominic de Guzman in France. It was officially approved on December 22, 1216, by Pope Honorius III in the subsequent Papal Bulls entitled “Religiosam vitam” (1216) and “Nos attendentes” (1217). The term “Dominican” (D+M+N/X+C/K+N/X) acronymically and/or consonantly equates to “Dome North Con”, an apparent reference to the Roman Dome (which itself is indicative of Greenland) and the fact that the Dominicans into doing the Roman Empire’s dirty work in the underworld. The Dominicans are most noted for their role in the Inquisition which was evidently was a global interrogation in respect to first-hand knowledge about the New World (i.e., Greenland). As of 2010, the Dominican Order had 5,906 Dominican friars and 4,456 priests, all of which are under the rule of the Master of the Order. Dominicans generally carry the letters O.P. after their respective names, meaning “Ordinis Praedicatorum” (i.e., “of the Order of Preachers”). This is likely were the English terms “operative” and “operate” were derived form. Due to their infamous reputation as assassins of the Roman Empire, the Dominicans have been referred to by a number of different names, some of which pertain to dogs which track their prey (e.g., “Domini canes”, “Hounds of the Lord”, etc.). Dominican friars are also referred to as “Black Friars” because they wear the black cappa or cloak over their white habits. This is likely where the terms “Black Operations” and “Back Ops” were originally derived from as the Dominicans executed various attacks in the underworld. Consequently, Dominican can ordain priesthood at the age of 24, a number which equates to the letter “X” in the Roman-English alphabet and is indicative of killing and death. Dominican members included ambassadors, bishops, cardinals (i.e., Georges Marie Martin Cardinal Cottier, Christoph Cardinal Schönborn, and Dominik Duka), confessors of princes, inquisitors, legates, “paciarii” (enforcers of the peace decreed by popes or councils) and even popes (i.e., Pope Innocent V, Pope Benedict XI, Pope St. Pius V, and Pope Benedict XIII). The sadistic and ruthless nature of the Order was never more apparent than when Pope Gregory IX ordered the Dominicans to carry out the Inquisition. In his Papal Bull “Ad extirpanda” (1252), Pope Innocent IV authorized the Dominicans to use torture under prescribed circumstances. Aside from the Roman Cross depicted in the official seal of the Dominican Order, the Holy Rosary has been a primary symbol among the Order since its inception. Pope Pius XI stated that, “The Rosary of Mary is the principle and foundation on which the very Order of Saint Dominic rests for making perfect the life of its members and obtaining the salvation of others”. The Rosary, meaning "Crown of Roses" is likely based on the Island of Rhodes (the birthplace of Greco-Roman military might and ingenuity) whose symbol was the rose. Consequently, the Dominicans have been instrumental in spreading the rosary and emphasizing the Catholic belief in the power of the rosary. As is standard operating procedure for secret societies, the Dominicans publicly espouse the four principles of “community life, common prayer, study and service”. Overtly good acts within the community are often publicly touted in order to provide the necessary political cover so that the secret and criminal aspects of the secret society (should they ever be discovered) would seem ludicrous and unfathomable. Lastly, although only conjecture, it appears that the country known as the Dominican Republic was named after the Dominican Order. According to modern historical sources, “Dominicans [of the Dominican Republic] may have some Jewish ancestry because of marriages among converted Jewish Catholics and other Dominicans since the colonial years”. Knowing that the narrative of Christopher Columbus was fabricated as cover for Rome’s exploration of the Americas, it appears that the Dominicans (like most Roman Catholic Orders) consisted of mostly Jewish Catholic men who used the Caribbean island now known as the Dominican Republic as their primary base in the Americas.