Misc/Greenland Theory/Introduction

Greenland Theory/Introduction

This section explores a theory which has been hidden from humanity for ages, unfortunately to the detriment of all life forms which have inhabited planet Earth. Briefly, the Roman Empire, commonly referred to as Ancient Rome, evidently faked its own death 715 years ago and now excerpts command and control over all 206 nations of the world though its primary proxy state of Switzerland (home of the CIA) which was coincidentally formed in c.1300 AD, approximately 715 years ago. Roughly 1,300 years were added to the modern Gregorian calendar, taking the world to the date of 2015 (The Roman New Year officially starts on April 1, April Fool’s Day). The 1,300 years which were added to the calendar are commonly referred to as the “Dark Ages” for they never saw the light of day.

The capital of the Roman Empire was the city of Babylon (i.e., modern day Rome, Italy), and although it was later publicly moved to Constantinople (modern day Istanbul, Turkey), the true capital was secretly moved to the new city of Thule which was founded on the island of Greenland. The alleged fall of the Roman Empire and the notion that Greenland is mostly covered ice and snow are both colossal hoaxes perpetrated onto the world in order for Rome to collectively deceive and survive her enemies of the day (i.e., the Persian Empire, the Yuan Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty, etc.), and for the Roman Empire to thrive unchecked and unabated. This is why today, the countries of China and Iran have the harshest and strictest forms of totalitarian fascist rule for Rome cannot afford to have the respective histories of these formerly great empires brought into the light.

The Romanization of Chinese was not restricted to only its language which now features English-like characters (i.e., 4, 6, 12, 43, etc.); it came after years and years of Roman aggression to which the Chinese responded by building what is known as the Great Wall of China. The collective histories depicted in the Bible and in the cultures commonly referred to as Ancient Egypt, Ancient Samaria, Ancient Greece, Ancient Babylon, Ancient Rome and the Vikings are the comprehensive historical evolution of the same line or lineage of “man” which originated from Minos of Crete in Greece.

Collectively, these respective histories have been purposely altered, fabricated and twisted in order to hide a millennium of fascist Roman rule over the Mediterranean, Europe, and now the entire world. The idiom “When in Rome do as the Romans” is literally and figuratively true as evidence of Rome’s domination and rule over the world is readily evident in the architecture, calendar, currency, flags, names, numerology, universities and symbols which currently represent almost every single entity on Earth. After all, “Rome wasn’t built in a day”, meaning that the secret it takes a long time to do an important job could not be more true as all the world is ruled by modern day Rome.

Greco-Roman Arches


Although the Roman Empire allegedly fell 1,683 years ago (despite never being defeated militarily), a total of 142 Greco-Roman triumphal monuments have beenidentified thus far in over 40 countries spanning every continent on the globe In order to hide their true origins, affiliation and purpose, Greco-Roman triumphal arches, gates and gateways have been given local names and histories to mask Rome’s triumph over the Earth and their brutal domination over all mankind.

Roman Days & Months of the Year


Based on the the 13 signs of the Zodiac (i.e., the 13th sign being the Zodiac cross itself) and their origins in both Greek and Roman mythology, the Roman months of the year were named after celestial constalations depicted in the Cross of the Zodiac (i.e., Aries, Tauraus, Gemini, etc.) while the Roman days of the week were named after celestial bodies (i.e., the Sun, the Moon, Saturn, etc.). This is why the figure known as Jesus (G/J+S+S), meaning "Greenland System", is often depicted with his head on a cross, the Cross of the Zodiac.

Greco-Roman Columns


Greco-Roman columns have been identified in over 177 high-profile governmental, legal, monetary and political building around the world, including but not limited to: Buckingham Palace (London, England); the National Capitol (Bogotá, Colombia); the Federal Palace of Switzerland (Bern, Switzerland); the Government Conference Centre (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada); the Great Hall of the People (Beijing, China); the Iranian Parliament Building (Tehran, Iran); the National Capitol Building (Havana, Cuba); the Old Supreme Court Building (Singapore); the Reichstag Building (Berlin, Germany); the Royal Palace, Oslo, Norway); the White House (Washington, D.C.); the United States Capitol Building (Washington, D.C.); 42 of 50 U.S. State Capital Buildings; the United States Supreme Court Building (Washington, D.C.); and the New York Stock Exchange (New York, New York).

Roman-Jewish Holy Days


Although the Romans employ a 13-month lunar calender and the Jews the Hebrew calendar, over 90% of their respective holy days (holidays) fall on the same date in the Gregorian calendar. Not 1, not 2, not 3, but all 12 Jewish holy days (e.g., Hanukkah; Hoshanah Rabbah; Passover; Purim; Rosh Hashanah; Shavuot; Shemini Atzeret; Simchat Torah; Sukkot; Tisha B'Av; Tu Bishvat; and Yom Kippur) coincidentally fall on Roman holy days. Therefore, it can only be ascertained that Roman holy days are in fact Jewish holy days, and vice versa.

Roman Domes


A total of 1,114 Roman domes have been identified thus far, most of which happen to be religious buildings such as basilicas, cathedrals, churches, mosques, and temples. According to "The Dome In The Roman Architecture: Development, Design, Construction" (1985) by Jürgen Rasch, the Romans were the first to build the dome. Today, a majority of the world's most important and recognizable buildings feature a Roman dome, including but not limited to: the “Dome of the Rock” (Jerusalem, Israel); the Kremlin (Moscow, Russia); the Royal Pavilion (Brighton, England); St. Peter's Basilica (Vatican City, Italy); the Taj Mahal (Agra, India); the U.S. Capitol Building (Washington, D.C.); as well as 40 of 50 U.S. State Capital Buildings.

The Roman Senate


The original Rome Senate was traditionally founded in 753 BC and is still ceremonially active today in the “Senate of the Republic” in Rome, Italy (formerly Babylon). Celebrating the founding date of the Roman Senate in 753 BC, there are a total of 53 active Roman spawned senates found in the world today (i.e., Afghanistan, Argentina, Australia, Bahamas, Barbados, Belgium, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of Congo, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Fiji, France, Gabon, Grenada, Haiti, Ireland, Italy, Jamaica, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, Nigeria, Palau, Pakistan, Paraguay, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Russia, Rwanda, Saint Lucia, Senegal, Spain, Swaziland, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, United States, Uruguay and Zimbabwe). There are also 11 Roman spawned senates which have since been abolished: Greece (1863); Sudan (1958); Kenya (1966); Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) (1971); South Africa (1981); Tucumán Province (1990); Argentina (1990); Bavaria (2000); Córdoba Province (2001); Argentina (2001); and Chad (2005).

Greco-Roman Obelisks


A total of 227 Greco-Roman obelisks have been identified around the world thus far, the most famous of which are Cleopatra's Needle (London, England), the Vatican Piazza San Pietro Obelisk (Rome, Italy), and the Washington Monument (Washington, D.C.) The first Greco-Roman obelisk-like structures were called triumphal columns (i.e., Trajan's Column) whose historical origins are noted around 113 A.D. Naturally, the former Roman imperial capitals of Rome (Babylon) and Constantinople (Istanbul) are still home to a majority of these triumphal columns. The term "obelisk" (B+L+S+K) essentially means “Babylon System Kill”. for obelisks mark the graves of millions who have been killed by the notorious “Babylon System” so that the Roman Empire can thrive unabated in Greenland.

Greco-Roman Twin Towers


A total of 111 Twin Towers, also known as the Pillars of Hercules, have been identified around the world thus far. Also known as the Columnas Plus Ultra, the Greco-Roman Pillars of Hercules are are most commonly depicted by the number “11”, the letter “H”, as well as the original dollar sign (i.e., the Cifrão).