
Revision as of 16:12, February 28, 2024 by NoLongerOnTheBall (talk | contribs) (added The NAAP Rotating Sky Lab)


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Link Description
Bobwinds.com Visualize wind, magnetic flux, Oceans and clouds on a flat earth
earth.nullschool.net Visualize wind, Oceans and clouds on a globe
walter.bislins.ch Walter Bislin's Flat Earth Dome Model
walter.bislins.ch Walter Bislin's Simulation of Atmospheric Refraction
walter.bislins.ch Walter Bislin's Advanced Earth Curvature Calculator
walter.bislins.ch Walter Bislin's Finding the curvature of the Earth
Flatearthlab.com Flat Earth - Satellite Image Viewer
oudeicrat Flat earth Map and Sun position calculator
flatearthvr.com FlatEarth-VR is a free WebVR-game coded with aframe.
usgs.gov USGS globe map viewer
magnetic-declination.com Find the magnetic declination at your location
theskylive.com 3-D heliocentric solar system visualizer
mathopenref.com Sagitta calculator
simphy.com Globe magnetic field simulator
dizzib.github.io Earth curve calculator
omnicalculator.com Centripetal Force calculator
bigflatclock.com Online live flat earth clock
astro.unl.edu NAAP Rotating Sky Lab

See Also