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Heliocentrism (also known as the heliocentric model) is a astronomical model in which the Earth and planets revolve around the Sun at the center of the universe.
While exploring Heliocentricism, consider the ancient civilizations that lead to the heliocentric model were also known for worshiping "Helios", which is a sun god that many ancient cults as well as modern cults still (indirectly) worship to this day.
The most undisguised sun-god is Ra. For the name is still used throughout the whole of Polynesia as a common noun, meaning the sun. He is a god in most groups, and, though uncreated, takes a subordinate place in their mythology and worship. In a annual festival, heaps of food were arranged in a heptagon, with fires at each angle round a central fire that was meant for the sun, and in this latter human sacrifice was burnt. That this is the "first published description of the sun-feast" shows how obscure the festival and the worship were.
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====900–700 BC====
(India) Philosopher Yajnavalkya '''proposed''' elements of heliocentrism '''stating''' that the Sun was "the center of the spheres". However he also '''stated''' the sun has motion. (Sounds Geocentric, but he is given credit towards the heliocentric origins)
====800–500 BC====
(India) The Aitareya Brahmana '''states''' that "The sun does never set nor rise. When people think the sun is setting (it is not so)." (Sounds Geocentric, but he is given credit towards the heliocentric origins)
====476–550550-400 BC====
(India) Aryabhata, in his magnum opus Aryabhatiya (499), '''propounded''' (To offer for consideration; to exhibit; to propose.) a planetary model in which the Earth was taken to be spinning on its axis and the periods of the planets were given with respect to the Sun. His immediate commentators, such as Lalla, and other later authors, rejected his innovative view about the turning Earth. He also made many astronomical '''calculations''', such as the times of the solar and lunar eclipses, and the instantaneous motion of the Moon. Early followers of Aryabhata's model included Varahamihira, Brahmagupta, and Bhaskara II.
====500 BC====
[[File:Pythagorasx.gif|thumb|Pythagoras' central fire Model]]
(Greek) Pythagoras of Samos was an ancient Ionian Greek philosopher, polymath and the eponymous founder of Pythagoreanism. His political and religious teachings were well known in Magna Graecia and influenced the philosophies of Plato, Aristotle, and, through them, the West in general.
Pythagoras was credited with many mathematical and scientific discoveries, including the Pythagorean theorem, Pythagorean tuning, the five regular solids, the '''Theory''' of Proportions, the sphericity of the Earth, and the identity of the morning and evening stars as the planet Venus. It was said that he was the first man to call himself a philosopher ("lover of wisdom") and that he was the first to divide the "globe" into five climatic zones.
====390 BC====
(Turkey) Heraclides Ponticus (390BC – 310BC) was a Greek philosopher and astronomer who was born in Heraclea Pontica (now Karadeniz Ereğli, Turkey) and migrated to Athens. He is best remembered for '''proposing''' that the Earth rotates on its axis, from west to east, once every 24 hours. He is also hailed as the originator of the heliocentric theory; although this is disputed.
(Greek) The first non-geocentric model of the universe was '''proposed''' by the Pythagorean philosopher Philolaus, who '''taught''' that at the center of the universe was a "central fire", around which the Earth, Sun, Moon and planets revolved in uniform circular motion. This system postulated the existence of a counter-earth collinear with the Earth and central fire, with the same period of revolution around the central fire as the Earth. The Sun revolved around the central fire once a year, and the stars were stationary. The Earth maintained the same hidden face towards the central fire, rendering both it and the "counter-earth" invisible from Earth.
Heracleides sought to resolve difficulties involved in the observations of Venus and Mercury by '''proposing''' that these two planets revolved around the Sun, while the Sun in turn revolved around Earth. Heracleides also '''suggested''' that Earth rotates.
(Greek) The first non-geocentric model of the universe was '''proposed''' by the Pythagorean philosopher Philolaus, who '''taught''' that at the center of the universe was a "central fire", around which the Earth, Sun, Moon and planets revolved in uniform circular motion. (Kepler later gave an alternative explanation of the Pythagoreans' "central fire" as the Sun.)
(Greek)This The first non-geocentric model of the universe wassystem '''proposedpostulated''' by the Pythagorean philosopher Philolaus, who '''taught''' that at the center of the universe was a "central fire", around which the Earth, Sun, Moon and planets revolved in uniform circular motion. This system postulated the existence of a counter-earth collinear with the Earth and central fire, with the same period of revolution around the central fire as the Earth. The Sun revolved around the central fire once a year, and the stars were stationary. The Earth maintained the same hidden face towards the central fire, rendering both it and the "counter-earth" invisible from Earth.
According to Aristotle (a critic of the Pythagoreans), the function of the Counter-Earth was to explain "eclipses of the moon and their frequency", and/or "to raise the number of heavenly bodies around the Central Fire from nine to ten, which the Pythagoreans regarded as the perfect number"
The Pythagorean concept of uniform circular motion remained unchallenged for approximately the next 2000 years, and it was to the Pythagoreans that Copernicus (a [[Agencies/Jesuits|'''Jesuit''']]) referred to show that the notion of a moving Earth was neither new nor revolutionary.
====350 BC====
Kepler gave an alternative explanation of the Pythagoreans' "central fire" as the Sun.
Hebrew calendar based on the moon replaced by the Julian calendar based on the sun under penalty of death by the Roman emperor.
====270 BC====
[[File:Attic_cup_-_Karchesion_-_Ancient_Greek,_Late_Archaic_Period_-_Around_520_BCE_-_Museum_of_Fine_Arts,_Boston_(08.292).jpg|thumb|pederasty (pedophilia) was common amongst the greek "elite": A man titillating a boy, who responds, flanked by grape vines with large clusters of grapes.]]
(Greek) Aristarchus of Samos is known to be the first person to have '''proposed''' a heliocentric system. Like his contemporary [[People/Eratosthenes|Eratosthenes]], Aristarchus calculated the size of the Earth by '''assuming''' both the sizes and distances of the Sun and Moon. From his '''estimates''', he concluded that the Sun was six to seven times wider than the Earth, and '''thought''' that the larger object would have the most attractive force.
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Seleucus also '''theorized''' the phenomenon of tides to be caused by the attraction to the Moon and by the revolution of the Earth around the Earth and Moon's center of mass.
====150 BC====
Hipparchus adopts sphere and sun orbiting around the earth. Origin of the "heavenly bodies" are infinitely distant.
====20th Century150 AD====
Ptolomy's Ptolemaic system of astronomy lasted 1400 years with a stationary earth in a geocentric model (150 AD to Copernicus)
====1st Century AD====
Pythagoreanism was revived in the 1st century BC, giving rise to Neopythagoreanism (Neopythagoreanism was a school of Hellenistic and Roman philosophy which revived Pythagorean doctrines). The worship of Pythagoras continued in Italy and as a religious community Pythagoreans appear to have survived as part of, or deeply influenced, the '''Bacchic cults''' <ref name=CultofBacchus></ref> and '''Orphism''' (Orphism: Cult of Dionysus) <ref name=CultofDionysus></ref>.
Bacchic rituals were said to have included omophagic practices, such as pulling live animals apart and eating the whole of them raw. This practice served not only as a reenactment of the infant death and rebirth of Bacchus, but also as a means by which Bacchic practitioners produced "enthusiasm".
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(India) Nilakantha Somayaji (1444–1544) developed a '''computational system''' for a geo-heliocentric planetary model, in which the planets orbit the Sun, which in turn orbits the Earth, similar to the system later '''proposed''' by Tycho Brahe. it was said to be more mathematically accurate at predicting the heliocentric orbits of the interior planets than both the Tychonic and Copernican models. Nilakantha's "planetary system" also incorporated the Earth's rotation on its axis. Most astronomers of the Kerala school of astronomy and mathematics seem to have '''accepted''' his planetary model.
Ptolomy's theory still accepted view for some astronomers during Columbus' explorations. (earth a ball but not heliocentric)
(Poland) Nicolaus Copernicus (a [[Agencies/Jesuits|'''Jesuit''']]) (1473-1543) astronomer, physician, '''priest''', famous for the heliocentric planetary '''theory'''. He '''formulated''' a model of the universe that placed the Sun rather than Earth at its center.
(Poland) Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) a [[Agencies/Jesuits|'''Jesuit''']]) (1473-1543), astronomer, physician, '''priest''', famous for the heliocentric planetary '''theory'''. He '''formulated''' a model of the universe that placed the Sun rather than Earth at its center.
In his model, Copernicus maintained that Earth was not the center of the universe. Instead, Copernicus '''believed''' that Earth and the other planets revolved around the Sun. Copernicus' system offered a simple explanation for many of the observed phenomena that could not be easily explained within the old system. Retrograde motion was one such phenomenon.
Retrograde motion is the apparent change in direction that is observed in a planet's motion as it travels across the sky. The Ptolemaic system '''attempted to account for''' retrograde motion with epicycles. According to the Ptolemaic system the planet moves on a circle (called the epicycle) while this circle revolves around Earth on a larger circle. With the Sun at the center of the universe, however, retrograde motion is easily explained. The apparent change in direction of the planet is a direct result of its orbit around the Sun.
The publication of Copernicus's model in his book De revolutionibus orbium coelestium (On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres), just before his death in 1543, was a major event in the history of science, triggering the "Copernican Revolution" and making a pioneering contribution to the Scientific Revolution (A takeover of the sciences by Jesuits).
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====16th Century AD====
Lipperhey invents first telescope (1543)
Kepler promotes Copernicus theory (1620)
(France) Jean-Felix Picard (1620-1682), (a [[Agencies/Jesuits|'''Jesuit''']]) earned the title of founder of modern astronomy in France even as he labored as a "priest". Born in La Flèche, where he studied at the [[Agencies/Jesuits|'''Jesuit''']] Collège Royal Henry-Le-Grand, he was fascinated from an early age with the heavens, and he gave his intellectual life to the cause of astronomy. Picard introduced new methods for watching the stars and improved and developed new scientific instruments.
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(Italy) Giovanni Domenico Cassini (1625-1712) a [[Agencies/Jesuits|'''Jesuit''']], astronomer, mathematician, discovered Saturn’s moons, rings.
Copernican theory becomes dominant among secularist astronomers (1675)
=====The Copernican principle=====
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The "Copernican Revolution" is named for Nicolaus Copernicus (a [[Agencies/Jesuits|'''Jesuit''']]), whose Commentariolus, written before 1514, was the first explicit presentation of the heliocentric model in Renaissance scholarship. The '''idea''' of heliocentrism is much older; it can be traced to Aristarchus of Samos, a Hellenistic author writing in the 3rd century BC, who may in turn have been drawing on even older concepts in Pythagoreanism. Ancient heliocentrism was, however, eclipsed by the geocentric model presented by Ptolemy in the Almagest and accepted in Aristotelianism.
Newton invents the theory of Gravity (1687)
====17th Century AD====
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(Hungary) Gyula Fényi (1845-1927) a [[Agencies/Jesuits|'''Jesuit''']], astronomer, studied solar prominences.
Darwin invents the origin of the species (1859)
====19th Century AD====
(Europe) Thomas Wright and Immanuel Kant '''speculated''' that fuzzy patches of light called nebulae were actually distant "island universes" consisting of many stellar systems. The shape of the Milky Way galaxy was expected to resemble such "islands universes."
====20th Century AD====
Einstein's theories (1905)
(United States) George Coyne (1933-2020) a [[Agencies/Jesuits|'''Jesuit''']], astronomer, director of the Vatican Observator ("Lucifer" telescope).
====20th Century AD====
Harlow Shapley's work on globular clusters and Edwin Hubble's '''assumptions''' in 1924 showed that the Sun is not the center of the universe, cosmology moved on from heliocentrism to galactocentrism, which states that the Milky Way is the center of the universe.
Hubble's observations of redshift in light from distant galaxies '''assumed''' that the universe was expanding and acentric. As a result, soon after galactocentrism was '''formulated''', it was abandoned in favor of the '''Big Bang model''' of the acentric expanding universe. Further '''assumptions''', such as the Copernican principle, the cosmological principle, dark energy, and dark matter, eventually '''lead to the current model of cosmology''', Lambda-CDM (Lambda-Cold Dark Matter, or ΛCDM model is a mathematical model of the Big Bang '''theory''' with three major components: 1. a cosmological constant denoted by lambda associated with dark energy 2. the '''postulated''' cold dark matter denoted by CDM 3. ordinary matter).
The '''concept''' of an absolute velocity, including being "at rest" as a particular case, is ruled out by the principle of relativity, also eliminating any obvious "center" of the universe as a natural origin of coordinates. Even if the discussion is limited to the Solar System, '''the Sun is not at the geometric center of any planet's orbit''', but rather approximately at one focus of the elliptical orbit. Furthermore, to the extent that a planet's mass cannot be neglected in comparison to the Sun's mass, '''the center of gravity of the Solar System is displaced slightly away from the center of the Sun.''' (The masses of the planets, mostly Jupiter, amount to 0.14% of that of the Sun.) Therefore, a '''hypothetical astronomer''' on an extrasolar planet would observe a small "wobble" in the Sun's motion.
NASA created (1958)
Moon landing hoax (1969)
Hubble launched (1990)
===See Also===
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* [ Heliocentrism - A Reverse Engineered Masterpiece]
* [[:File:Matkinson,+02+feat+Overgaard.pdf|Pdf: Early Modern Catholic Defense of Copernicanism: The Jesuits and the Galileo Affair]]
<ref name="CultofBacchus">[ YouTube: The Cult of Bacchus - Livy's Bacchanalian Affair]</ref>
<ref name="CultofDionysus">[ YouTube: Orphism - Cult of Dionysus, Mystery Religion, Orphic Egg, Phanes, Esotericism, Cosmogony & Afterlife]</ref>