All translations

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Found one translation.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)|-
| [[FAQ/Sun|Where does the sun go?]] || Where does the sun set on a flat earth / how does Day & Night work?
| [[FAQ/Antarctica|What about Antarctica?]] || Antarctica (Travel, 24 hour sun, Southern Flights)
| [[FAQ/Coriolis|Coriolis effect?]] || What about the Coriolis effect?
| [[FAQ/Pendulum|Foucault's Pendulum?]] || What about Foucault's Pendulum?
| [[FAQ/Edge of FE|Where's the Edge?]] || Where's the Edge?
| [[FAQ/Circumnavigation|Circumnavigation on FE?]] || How does Circumnavigation work on FE
| [[FAQ/Ships over the Horizon|What about ships over the Horizon?]] || Ships disappear over the Horizon bottom up!