FAQ Antarctica
What's special about Antartica
Is Antarctica a continent or a circle surrounding our known lands? For the flat-earthers, Antarctica represents the final bit of evidence that would undoubtedly prove to everyone if our earth is a ball or a flat plane. The fact that the Antarctic Treaty prevents exploration, it only adds further distrust of the countries who've joined the treaty.
Ice Wall
Antartic Ice Wall
Antartic Ice Wall
Antarctica Elevation Graph ~ 2000 meters (6561.68 ft) [1]
Is Travel allowed to Antartica?
Yes, you can visit Antarctica, but You’ll definitely need to get a permit for exploring. [2] You must follow all guidelines and rules of the IAATO (International Association of Antarctic Tour Operators). [3]
Activities in Antarctic Specially Protected Areas (ASPAs) or Antarctic Specially Managed Areas (ASMAs) must comply with the provisions of the relevant Management Plan. Many historic sites and monuments (HSMs) have been formally designated and protected. A permit from a relevant national authority is required for entry into any ASPA. Carry the permit and obey any permit conditions at all times while visiting an ASPA. [4]
The Antarctic Treaty [5][6] and related agreements [7], collectively known as the Antarctic Treaty System (ATS), regulate international relations with respect to Antarctica. It was the first arms control agreement established during the Cold War, setting aside the continent as a scientific preserve, establishing restrictions limiting travel to scientific investigation, and banning military activity; for the purposes of the treaty system, Antarctica is defined as all the land and ice shelves south of 60°S latitude.
24 hour Sun?
According to the FE model, in Antarctica, it would be impossible to have 24-hour daylight like has been demonstrated in multiple videos of the Northern region. Questioning the 24-hour Antarctica daylight has caused many people to create clearly fake or incomplete videos in hopes to cover this inconvenient and difficult to prove issue.
If you watch this video of the purported 24hr sun in Antarctica, you can clearly see that video is edited and doctored to create the illusion of a full day of sun.
Fake 24-hour Video: YouTube: Antarctica 24 hour Sun
Split your screen and load the video on both screens. Pause the 1st one at 0:23, then switch to the other screen and pause the 2nd video at 1:22 - You can clearly see that the two stills show the exact same cloud pattern. To me, it's pretty clear that this video has been cut and looped.
There are other videos that seem to show the 24 hr. loop, but I also know that some of those can clearly be debunked like this one was due to silly editing errors, and some have no proof to their location. Sun movement could be easily faked with CGI or by filming a northern region and claiming it was the "South pole".
NOAA.GOV website shows multiple time-lapse videos of the south pole, however every day it skips about 13 hours; again skirting around any proof of a 24-hour sun. Jeran at Jeranism wrote these people about the missing footage, and they made excuses about limited bandwidth is why the videos are missing time. [8]
See Also
- ↑ neo.gsfc.nasa.gov: Antarctica Elevation
- ↑ eforms.state.gov: Request form
- ↑ iaato.org: International Association of Antarctica Tour Operations website
- ↑ iaato.org: Antarctic-Treaty-General-Guidelines PDF
- ↑ PDF: Antartic Treaty 1959
- ↑ nsf.gov The Antarctic Treaty
- ↑ PDF: Measures adopted at the Forty-Third Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
- ↑ noaa.gov South Pole Time Lapse Movies