FAQ/Why Does the shape Matter

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Why does it matter if we are a globe or a plane?

How it doesn't matter

We still have to go to work Monday morning & survive. We've been told by mainstream science and NASA that we live on a tilted Oblate sphere that spins, wobbles and orbits the sun. moving at 66,6000 miles per hour, chasing through the cosmos at over a million miles per hour, blah blah blah. If we're okay drinking to cool-aid and believe our televisions, then we might as well just give up all our rights and get that implant.

How it matters

If the earth is flat (or not a spinning ball), then, quite frankly, we've been lied to. Majorly lied to!

Our government is sending BILLIONS of dollars to a military complex (NASA) that propagates these impossible and unscientific claims that we do live on a spinning ball. Additionally the claims made by NASA just so happen to conflict with most religions; so if you consider yourself religious, then, having our creator mocked should be more than offended by the lies they offer.

See Also

Why the Lie, Why do Flat Earthers Exist?