Misc/Greenland Theory/1.03 Chania, Crete

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1.03 Chania, Crete

The city of Chania (C/K+N) is located on the northwest side of the Greek island of Crete. The coastal city, which has been inhabited since the Neolithic Era (10,200 B.C.—2,000 B.C.), is allegedly the oldest inhabited city in the world. Since the Chevron symbol (i.e., the “Ʌ” symbol) is an acronym for both the letters “C” and “K” in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet). The double “ɅɅ” symbol (i.e., the letter “M”) is an acronym for Chania, Crete, the first city founded by Minos on Crete. The Old Town harbor of Chania is entitled "akti" (i.e., Akti Tompazi, Akti Kountouriotou and Akti Enoseos) which is coincidentally the name of a Roman military base (i.e., “KT” or “city”), while the central part of Old Town Chania is known as Kasteli (i.e., castle). The term “conspiracy” literally means “Chania’s piracy”, for the city of Chania, Crete was also the birthplace of naval piracy (see: Pirates). Because Chania is located on a small hill right next to the seafront, it has always been the ideal place for piracy due its secure position and its location in Mediterranean Sea. In other words, ships heading into the Mediterranean for trade has to pass on either side of the island of Crete. Coincidentally, the airport of Chania is unmistakably fashioned in the form of the fasces, further indicating that the city of Chania was the birthplace of fascism. The Chania-based prefix of “con/cen” (C/K+N) is found in numerous aspects of the Roman military and government, including but not limited to: “censor” (from whence "censorship" were derived from), an officer responsible for maintaining the census, supervising public morality, and overseeing certain aspects of the Roman Empire’s finances; “centuria”, a Roman military unit consisting of 100 men; “consul”, the highest elected office of the Roman Republic; “consular tribunes”, military tribunes with consular authority who were elected with consular power in the Roman Republic; contubernium”, the smallest organized unit of soldiers in the Roman Army which was composed of eight legionaries; “proconsul”, the governor of a province in the Roman Republic; and “senatus consultum” the text emanating from the Roman senate.

Con in Popular Culture

Amongst the most popular Chania-spawned terms is that of “Republican”, “Republicanism” and the Republican Party which has at least 57 active political parties around the world. “Republican”, meaning “Roman Public Con”, is likely a term derived from deceiving the Roman public through trickery. The name of “Chania” (C/K+N) can also be found in the name of 9 countries around the world (i.e., Burkina Faso; Canada; Central African Republic; China; Democratic Republic of the Congo; Kenya; Republic of the Congo; United Kingdom; and Vatican City. Other “Chania” based name include but are not limited to: the Canadian Territory entitled “Yukon”; the names of four U.S. States (i.e., Connecticut; Kansas; Kentucky; and Wisconsin), as well as numerous cities around the world (e.g., Chengdu, China; Chennai, India; Chongqing, China; and Constantinople, Turkey). Other modern tributes to Chania include the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency); CNN (Cable News Network), the allegedly Chinese teacher, politician, and philosopher Confucius, (551–479 B.C.); and movie entitled “Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan”.

Con’s Lexicon

Since the founder of Chania was Minos, the father of commerce, fascism, government, money, time and war, numerous named affiliated with these topics bear the name of the city in which they were born. Aside from "conspiracy", which is a direct reference to the piracy of Chania, terms in the English lexicon derived from Chania include but are not limited to: action and military terms (e.g., can, canoe, cannon, canteen, conflict, confiscate, confront, confuse, conk, conquer, conquest, count, confound, consequence, conspiracy, counter, contagion, convoy, contend, contest, conserve, contention, constrain, constrict, contest, control, contempt, converge, convex, concave, contention, concussion, conduct, concoct, construct, connect, contribute, conduce, conducive, etc.); communication and secrecy (e.g., conceal, confess, confide, consecrate, contact, convey, contradict, conversation, converse, conspiracy, recant, etc.); governmental and political terms (e.g., concord, congress, conglomerate, congregate, constituency, council, constitution, canton, convention, consensus, context, contract, convene, convent, convention, consensus, country, county, constable, conman, etc.); and legal and slave terms (e.g., condemn, condemnation, confine, convict, conform, contraband, condemn, convert, consequence, etc.). Other Chania spawned terms include but are not limited to: canal, cancer, central, concave, concept, conception, concert, conclude, confident, conjoin, conscience, consent, constellation, consummate, contemplation, continue, continuity, convince, convex, c_nt, kin, lexicon, etc.