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B.S. = Babylon System
The consonate letters of "B" and "S" are found in the names of some of the biggest and most wealhy banks and corporations around the world, including but not limited to: the BIS (Bank for International Settlements), CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System), PBS (Public Broadcasting Service), TBS (Turner Broadcasting Service), RBS (Royal Bank of Scotland), and UBS (Union Bank of Switzerland). The disease "rabies" (R+B+S) appeas to also be a reference to the rabid and diseased s"Babylon System" which came out of Rome. Lastly, the term “bullshit” is a common English expletive or curse word which may be shortened to the initialism B.S., meaning that something is bullshit or not correct. The term “B.S.” is an acronym for “Babylon System”, for there is nothing correct, fair or wholesome about the Babylon System which as likely killed upwards of 1 billion people.
===Whore of Babylon===

Latest revision as of 02:58, March 9, 2024

2.02 Babylon, Rome

Although modern historical accounts state that Ancient Babylon and Babylonia were located in modern day Iraq, “Babylon the Great” was the former capital of the Roman Empire which was located in modern day Rome, Italy. Because modern day Rome was once the capital of the Roman Empire, it is known as both “The Eternal City” and Caput Mundi, meaning “Capital of the World” in Latin. This is why most depictions of Babylon and the Hanging Gardens of Babylon exhibit Greco-Roman achitechture such as arches and columns (see photo). The city of “Babylon” (B+B+L+N) was originally entitled “Baby” or “BB”. The “lon” or “L+N” (a direct reference to the “Line of Man” which rules the Roman Empire) was subsequently added to the name after the alleged fall of the Roman Empire to confuse historians. Aside from describing an infant child, the word “baby” (B+B) is possibly the most used and universal term in the world. It is used to address and/or describe a person, animal or inanimate object for which the speaker feels love or affection, something the Roman Empire in Greenland definitely share towards the city of Babylon. Consequently, the name of Babylon is found in the name of Babylon Fortress, a Roman legion castle which is located in the area today known as Coptic Cairo. Other Babylon-like names include but are not limited to: Babylon, Illinois; Babylon Town, New York; Babylon Village New York; Babylon LIRR Train Station, Long Island, New York; Babylon District, Czech Republic; Babylon University, Al Hillah, Iraq; and Babylon Istanbul, a music venue in Istanbul, Turkey.

Biblical Babylon

The name of “Babylon” appears 265 times in Holy Bible which makes sense because the Bible is the allegorical history of the Greco-Roman Empire. According to modern historical accounts, “Babylon” is a literal and figurative term for Rome and the Roman Empire in the Bible. Other historical accounts state that “Many Biblical scholars believe that Babylon is an allegory of the pagan Roman Empire” and that "Babylon is a cryptic name for Rome”. In other words, Babylon is used as a euphemism, metaphor, dysphemism, or “code word” for Rome and the power of the Roman Empire. Speculating on 1 Peter 5:13, noted Biblical historian Reinhard Feldmeier states that the term "Babylon" is used to refer to Rome, mainly because Babylon is designated as the place from which that Epistle was written, and because Peter is believed to have spent the last years of his life in Rome. Further historical accounts state that, “Fundamentalist Protestant commentaries on the Book of Revelation treat the references to the city Babylon in Revelation as both the City of Rome and the Roman Catholic Church personified in the institution of the papacy”.

UBS: Babylon System

The reason why Rome, Italy (i.e., Babylon) is known as “The Eternal City” is because the “Babylon System” which was developed and perfected there is still in effect to this very day. The financial power behind today’s Babylon System is UBS bank located in Basel (Baßel), Switzerland. UBS (B+S), which itself is an acronym for “Babylon System”, is the world's largest manager of wealth with over $2.2 trillion in assets. Aside from its monetary deposits, UBS, at the behest of the Swiss government, plays the lead role in the global distribution of fiat money via hundreds of subsidiary banks. In other words, a almost all banks, governments, wars, universities and corporations are funded via fiat currency which was first created by the Swiss government and distributed by UBS. The UBS logo, which was evidently derived from the “Wheel of Fortuna”, depicts 3 keys with the letter “V” cut out of each key. The 3 keys likely represent the 3 dens of homes of Roman Empire (i.e., Crete, Sicily, and Greenland), while the letter “V” (which doubles as the letter “B” in the Roman Score, i.e., the Roman alphabet), is an acronym for both Babylon and the goddess of Victoria. Lastly, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) is also located in Basel, Switzerland, and is admittedly responsible for the funding of 60 central banks. Like UBS and BIS, the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) also shares the "Babylon System" initials.

Bob Marley's “Babylon System”

In Bob Marley’s album entitled “Survival” (1979), the fourth track is named “Babylon System”. As evidenced by the lyrics of this prophetic song, Marley describes the sadistic “Babylon System” as portrayed to him by elders of Jamaica. Marely is not referring to an ancient Iraqi system formed in 2300 B.C., but rather an empirical and diabolical system involving both church and university that simultaneously used the Caribbean as a slave depot for the last 400 years. Marley states that, “Babylon system is the vampire…Suckin' the children day by day”, a likely reference to slavery, war and usury. In respect to Rome, Marley states, “…Falling empire…Building church and university … Deceiving the people continually”. Marely also makes a direct reference to the transatlantic slave trade which was used to power Roman ships around the world, “From the very day we left the shores … Of our Father's land [Africa]…We've been trampled on … We've been oppressed”. Since landlocked Iraq was never involved in transatlantic explorations, wars and slave trade, it’s safe to assume that Marley was speaking about the Roman Empire.


In Greek mythology, Erebus, was a god born of Chaos which represented the personification of “darkness”. Chaos, (CH+S) meaning “Chi System”, is a direct reference to UBS and the country of Switzerland which currently executes the “Babylon System” in the dark underworld (see below). In Greek literature the name “Erebus” (R+B+S), which is an acronym for Ra/Rome Babylon System”, was used to describe the Greek underworld where the dead pass immediately after dying. Erebus, was the first recorded instance of a "place of darkness between earth and Hades (hell)". The Roman writer Hyginus, described Erebus as the father of Geras (G+R+S), meaning “Greenland Rome System”, the god of old age. This is because the Babylon System enabled the Roman Empire to discover and conquer Greenland.

B.S. = Babylon System The consonate letters of "B" and "S" are found in the names of some of the biggest and most wealhy banks and corporations around the world, including but not limited to: the BIS (Bank for International Settlements), CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System), PBS (Public Broadcasting Service), TBS (Turner Broadcasting Service), RBS (Royal Bank of Scotland), and UBS (Union Bank of Switzerland). The disease "rabies" (R+B+S) appeas to also be a reference to the rabid and diseased "Babylon System" which came out of Rome. Lastly, the term “bullshit” is a common English expletive or curse word which may be shortened to the initialism B.S., meaning that something is bullshit or not correct. The term “B.S.” is an acronym for “Babylon System”, for there is nothing correct, fair or wholesome about the Babylon System which as likely killed upwards of 1 billion people.

Whore of Babylon

In the Book of Revelation, Babylon is the name of a whore who rules over the kings of the earth and rides upon a seven-headed beast (i.e., Greenland). Although modern scholarly interpretations believe that the "Whore of Babylon" refers to the personified the power of the Roman Empire under which many early Christians and Jews were persecuted, tortured, and martyred, the “Whore (W+R) of Babylon” consonantly translated to the “War of Babylon” which has been waged non-stop against humanity since the days of Minos of Crete, the founder of the Greco-Roman Empire. In Revelation 17:9 it is said that Babylon sits on "seven mountains" (the King James Version Bible—the New International Version Bible uses the words "seven hills"), typically understood as the seven hills of Rome. Coincidentally, a Roman coin minted under the Emperor Vespasian (ca. 70 A.D.) depicts Rome as a woman sitting on seven hills. According to the “International Standard Bible Encyclopedia” , "The characteristics ascribed to this Babylon apply to Rome rather than to any other city of that age: (a) as ruling over the kings of the earth (Revelation 17:18); (b) as sitting on seven mountains (Revelation 17:9); (c) as the center of the world's merchandise (Revelation 18:3 and Revelation 18:11–13); (d) as the corrupter of the nations (Revelation 17:2; Revelations 18:3; and Revelations 19:2); (e) as the persecutor of the saints (Revelation 17:6)."

Babylon in Pop Culture

For being a city which allegedly existed in 2300 B.C., the name of Babylon is curiously rampant throughout Hollywood and the entertainment industry in general. The fact that the following films, television series, television episodes, music albums, songs, and novels all share the same name of “Babylon” is highly suspect and suggests that the Babylon System is alive and well today. Babylon entitled projects include but are not limited to: Films: “Babylon” (1980); “Babylon” (1998); and “Babylon A.D.” (2008): Television Series: “Babylon 5” (1993-1998)” and “Babylon” (2014-Present; Television Episodes; Carnivàle: "Babylon" (2003); Mad Men: "Babylon" (2007); and Stargate SG-1: "Babylon" (2005); Music Bands; “Babylon” (1976-1978); Music Albums: Dr. John: Babylon (1969); Skindred: Babylon (2002); Ten: Babylon (2000); W.A.S.P.: Babylon (2009); and OBK: Babylon (2003): Songs: Children’s Ballad: "Babylon" (1765); Don McLean: "Babylon" (1971); Aphrodite's Child: “Babylon” (1972); New York Dolls: "Babylon" (1974); Faster Pussycat: "Babylon" (1987); Starship: "Babylon" (1987); Ital Joe and Marky Mark: "Babylon" (1994); Outkast: "Babylon" (1996); Stratovarius: "Babylon" (1996); The Tea Party: "Babylon" (1997); Backyard Babies: "Babylon" (1999); Edguy: "Babylon" (1999); David Gray: "Babylon" (1999); RX Bandits: "Babylon" (2001); Soulfly: "Babylon" (2005); Chocolates and Cigarettes: "Babylon" (2006); Scars on Broadway: "Babylon" (2008); Ill Bill: "Babylon" (2008); and Night Electric Night: “Babylon” 2009; and Novels: “Alas, Babylon (1959) by Pat Frank. Other Babylon-related entities include but are not limited to: Project Babylon, a former Iraqi project for the construction of superguns; Babylon (computer software); Babylon (computer virus); Babilonas, a real estate project in Panevėžys, Lithuania; and Babilonas (newspaper), a regional newspaper in Panevėžys, Lithuania

Goddess Babalon

Babalon, also known as "The Scarlett Woman", is a major Goddess in the Thelema which was allegedly developed by Aleister Crowley, the early 20th-century British writer and ceremonial magician. Thelma is primarily a philosophical law, which has been adopted as a central tenet by various religious organizations. The law of Thelema is "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. Love is the law, love under will". In other words, the law of Thelema is the law of Babylon, “Do what you want”, regardless of the consequences.