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===Knights of Peter Claver===
The Knights of Peter Claver is the largest and oldest-continually existing African-American Roman Catholic order in the world. Active in the United States and South America, the secret society is modelled after the Knights of Columbus. It was allegedly founded in 1909 by Josephite Father Conrad Friedrich Rebesher, the pastor of Most Pure Heart of Mary Parish in Mobile, Alabama. Its seven charter members were reportedly Josephite priests (i.e., Father Conrad Friedrich Rebesher, Father Samuel Joseph Kelly, Father Joseph Peter Van Baast, and Father John Henry Dorsey, and laymen: Gilbert Faustina, Francis Xavier "Frank" Collins, and Francis "Frank" Trenier). The Order is purportedly named after St. Peter Claver, a [[Agencies/Jesuits|Jesuit]] priest from Spain who converted over 300,000 slaves to Catholicism in Cartegena, Colombia during the 17th century. The Sublimed and Meritorious Fourth Degree was founded in 1917 and is open to Knights who have “proven themselves to be active workers” in the Church, the community, and the Noble Order. The Knights of Peter Claver have 298 Councils (men divisions), 312 Courts (ladies divisions), 123 Junior Councils (young men), and 208 Junior Courts (young ladies). The Order supports numerous national and international organizations such as the NAACP, the United Negro College Fund, Catholic elementary and secondary schools, as well as Xavier University in New Orleans, Louisiana. The Knights of Peter Claver is a member of the International Alliance of Catholic Knights.
===Knights of Saint Columbanus===

Revision as of 15:35, April 18, 2024

9.19 Other Secret Societies

Other orders and secret societies of the Roman Catholic Church and the Roman Empire include but are not limited to: the Apostles of Jesus; the Carmelites; the Conference of International Catholic Organizations (CICO); the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem; the Fraternal Order of Eagles; the Fraternal Order of Saints Peter and Paul; the Fraternité Notre-Dame; the Hospitallers of Saint Thomas of Canterbury at Acre; the Josephite Fathers; the Knights of Da Gama; the Knights of Equity (KOE); the Knights of Marshall; the Knights of Saint Columba; the Knights of Saint Gabriel; the Knights of Saint Mulumba; the Knights of Saint Thomas More; the Knights of Saint Thomas the Apostle; the Knights of Saint Virgil; the Knights of St. Francis Xavier; the Knights of the Southern Cross; the Knights of the Southern Cross (New Zealand); the Livonian Brothers of the Sword; the Livonian Order; the Militia of Jesus Christ; the Militia of the Faith of Jesus Christ; the Orange Order; the Order of Alcántara; the Order of Augustinian Recollects; the Order of Aviz; the Order of Brothers of the German House of Saint Mary in Jerusalem; the Order of Calatrava; the Order of Dobrzyń; the Order of Monfragüe; the Order of Montesa; the Order of Mountjoy; the Order of Our Lady of Bethlehem; the Order of Our Lady Queen of Peace; the Order of Saint Augustine; the Order of Saint George of Carinthia; the Order of Saint George of Parma; the Order of Saint James of Altopascio; the Order of Saint Lazarus; the Order of Saint Maurice; the Order of Saint Michael of the Wing; the Order of Saint Stephen Pope and Martyr; the Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus; the Order of Santa María de España; the Order of Sant Jordi d'Alfama; the Order of Santiago; the Order of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary; the Order of the Blessed Virgin Mary; the Order of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mercy; the Order of the Faith and Peace; the Order of the Holy Sepulchre; the Order of the Ship and the Mussel; the Order of the Star in the East; the Order of the Temple of the Rosy Cross; the Ordo Templi Orientis; the Peep o' Day Boys; the Royal Black Institutions; the Ribbon Society; the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia; the Theatines; the Teutonic Knights; and the Third Order of Saint Dominic..

Ancient Order of Hibernians

The Ancient Order of Hibernians (AOH) is an esoteric Irish Catholic fraternal order whose members must be Catholic, Irish-born and/or of Irish descent. The secret society was founded in the United States on May 4, 1836, at St. James' Roman Catholic Church in New York City, confirming that the Order is Greco-Roman in nature. The term “Hibernians” (H+B+R+N+S) acronymically and/or consonantly equates to “Forever Babylon Rome North System” or “Forever Burn System”, possibly indicative of whom the group serves and its respective motto. Interestingly, the existence and activities of the Order were admittedly “concealed for some years”, suggesting that it was used for nefarious purposes. Although the Order’s stated purpose was to assist Irish Catholic immigrants and protect Catholic churches from anti-Catholic forces during the 19th century, it was likely only political cover. During the late 1860s and early 1870s, a number of AOH lodges were reportedly infiltrated by the Molly Maguires, another secret society heavily engaged in criminal activity. Therefore, it can be ascertained that Ancient Order of Hibernians was likely part of the Irish mob in New York City, tasked with various illegal activities (e.g., assassinations, drug dealing, import/export, money laundering, prostitution, etc.). Regardless, the Order claims to have its roots in the Irish secret societies known as Defenders and the Ribbo Society, allegedly in opposition to the Orange Order. It is imperative to note that all of the aforementioned orders and secret societies are Greco-Roman in nature and are played off against each other when politically expedient. This was no more evident than with one John F. Kennedy who reportedly joined the AOH in 1947. He was subsequently assassinated 16 years later, showing the duplicitous nature of the Roman Empire’s secret societies in the underworld.


The Barnabites are Catholic priests and Religious Brothers belonging to the Roman Catholic religious Order of the Clerics Regular of St. Paul the Apostle. The Order, which currently operates in 16 countries, was allegedly founded in Milan, Italy in 1530 by three Italian noblemen (i.e., St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria, Bartholomeo Ferrari, and Cardinal Jacopo Antonio Morigia). The secret society was approved by Pope Clement VII in 1533 in a brief entitled “Vota per quae vos” (B/V+T+F/P+R+Q/K+B/V+S) which acronymically and/or consonantly equates to “Boot Four/Fire Kill Babylon System”. The term “Four” is indicative of the Roman Cross while the other terms represent the Order’s respective mission in the underworld. This notion is echoed by the term “Barnabites” (B+R+N+B+T+S) which acronymically and/or consonantly equates to “Babylon Rome North Boot System” which is indicative of the Babylon System and the boot of the Roman Empire which has been placed on the collective throat of the underworld. Consequently, the Barnabites previously used the postnominal initial of the letter "B” which is indicative of the 13 Bloodlines of Rome (i.e., “1+3=13=B). However, the Order now uses the initials “C.R.S.P.” which acronymically and/or consonantly equate to “Cross Pi (3.14)” which is indicative of the Roman Cross as well as the infinity of Greenland. Members of the Order make, in addition to the 3 standard religious vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, a fourth vow to never strive for any office or position of dignity, or to accept any command that is not from the Holy See (i.e., the CIA) in Switzerland. In other words, the Order is highly brainwashed and therefore will commit any act, no matter how devious in nature. The black soutanes donned by the Barnabites evidently reflect their dark and evil duties. As is standard operating procedure, the Order operates under the cover of “preaching in general, catechizing, hearing confessions, giving missions, ministrations in hospitals and prisons, and the education of youth”. Overtly good acts within the community are publically touted in order to provide the necessary political cover so that the secret and criminal aspects of a given secret society (should they ever be discovered) seem unfathomable.

Beguines and Beghards

The Beguines and Beghards are touted as Christian lay religious Orders that were active in Northern Europe during the 13th–16th centuries, particularly in the Low Countries (i.e., the coastal regions of Belgium and the Netherlands). Considering their location and affiliation with the Roman Catholic Church, it appears that both Orders were used for espionage, most likely in respect to Greenland. Although only conjecture, it’s highly likely that the term “beg” (to ask for something for free) was originally derived from the Beguines and Beghards. Begging was a quick way of publically conveying that a person was poor and an easy way to establish one’s respective cover. Nevertheless, Beguines were an exclusively female Order which formed semi-monastic communities entitled Béguinages. Since travelers and sailors were their primary target, Béguinages tended to be located near town centers and close to the water. According to modern historical sources, “There was a Béguinage at Mechelin as early as 1207, at Brussels in 1245, at Leuven before 1232, at Antwerp in 1234 and at Bruges in 1244”. By the end of the 13th century, most communes in the Low Countries had a Béguinage while bigger cities had more than two. Unlike other member of the Catholic Church, Beguines did not take any formal religious vows. Although they promised not to marry "as long as they lived as Beguines", they were free to leave at any time. During the time of their novitiate (service), the woman lived with "the Grand Mistress" of their cloister (monastery), but later moved to their own dwelling. Since the term “mistress” is generally affiliated with prostitution and/or sex, the Beguines were likely employees of the first European brothels, some of which still exist today in Amsterdam. Considering that the Bishop of Liège created a rule for Beguines in his diocese, it is can be deduced that they were an Order of the Roman Catholic Church. Like the Beguines, the Beghards were lay persons who were not bound by formal religious vows. They were, for the most part, men of humble origin (e.g., dyers, fuller, weavers, etc.) that were closely connected with the craft-guilds of the time. They held no private property, dwelt together under one roof, ate at the same board, and each respective Beghard cloister (abbey) had a “common purse”, most likely espionage. Considering that they were condemned by the Council of Vienne (1312) only to have their sentence mitigated by Pope John XXII (1321), it appears that the Beghards were a secret Order of the Roman Catholic Church.


The Defenders were a Roman Catholic secret society made up of lower class Catholics that was founded in County Armagh, Ireland during the 18th-century. Although they were allegedly “limited by their lack of firearms”, the Defenders were originally formed as a defensive organization (hence the name) in response to the Protestant Peep o' Day Boys who were executing nighttime raids on Catholic homes under the pretense of confiscating firearms which the Catholics were prohibited from possessing under the terms of the Penal Laws. In other words, the Defenders were being supplied with illegal arms, most likely by the Roman Catholic Church. By 1790, the Defenders became a secret oath-bound fraternal society made up of lodges that were in turn affiliated with a head-lodge which was led by a Grand Master. Naturally, the Defenders were greatly influenced by Freemasonry which itself is based on the Rosicrucian Order. By the 19th century, the Defenders morphed into the Ribbonmen, another secret society within the Roman Catholic Church.

International Alliance of Catholic Knights (IACK)

The International Alliance of Catholic Knights (IACK) is a non-governmental organization made up of 15 Roman Catholic fraternal societies from 27 countries on 6 continents. The IACK was reportedly founded in Glasgow, Scotland on October 12, 1979, and is currently headquartered in Dublin, Ireland. IACK was reportedly established during a meeting of 6 fraternal societies who had convened for the Diamond Jubilee of the Knights of Saint Columba. During their meeting, it was resolved that the 15 Orders would found an alliance for the purpose of working together for the mutual advantage of the individual Orders and the extension of Catholic Knighthood throughout the world. IACK was subsequently approved as an official Catholic organization by the Holy See in 1981. In a decree dated April 14, 1992, the IACK was given official recognition by the Vatican as an International Catholic Association of the Faithful, in accordance with Canons 298-311 and 321-329 of the Code of Canon Law. The IACK is an associate member of the Conference of International Catholic Organizations (CICO) which is made up of 36 member organizations, 4 associated organizations and 4 invited organizations. These international organizations collectively employ more than 150 million lay people in more than 150 countries. As is standard operating procedure for secret societies, IACK requires that its members “use their individual and joint influence to eliminate injustice from society”. Overtly good acts within the community are often publically touted in order to provide the necessary political cover so that the secret and criminal aspects of a given secret society (should they ever be discovered) would seem unfathomable. The 15 member Orders of IACK include: Fraternal Order of Saints Peter and Paul (Unknown), Knights of Columbus (1882), Knights of Da Gama (Unknown), Knights of Marshall (1926), Knights of Peter Claver (1909), Knights of Saint Columba (1919), Knights of Saint Columbanus (1915), Knights of Saint Gabriel (Unknown), Knights of Saint Mulumba (1953), Knights of Saint Thomas More (Unknown), Knights of Saint Thomas the Apostle (Unknown), Knights of Saint Virgil (Unknown), Knights of the Southern Cross (1919), Knights of the Southern Cross (New Zealand) (1919), and The Order of Our Lady Queen of Peace (Unknown).

International Order of Alhambra

The International Order of Alhambra is a secret Roman Catholic society which was allegedly founded on February 29, 1904, in Brooklyn, New York by William Harper Bennett. The Order was originally conceived as a side degree for the Knights of Columbus although it was never formally recognized as such. The Order allegedly derived its name from the Moorish palace in Granada, Spain by the same name. It was historically speaking the last Moorish stronghold in Spain that was conquered by the forces of Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile in 1492. After the completion of the Reconquista, Spanish monarchs decided to fund Christopher Columbus’ alleged voyage to America. It is imperative to note that the narrative of Columbus is a hoax designed to provide historical cover for the Roman Empire which discovered America (i.e., Markland) hundreds of years prior. The Moorish origins of the Order is represented in its name, the white fez (hat) and insignia worn by its members, the names of the respective parts of the Order's structure, and the titles given to its members. Considering the Order’s historical significance, it’s highly likely that it was originally founded in c. 1400. Many leaders of the Roman Catholic Church are or have been members of the International Order of Alhambra, including Pope Paul VI and Pope John Paul II.

Knights of Peter Claver

The Knights of Peter Claver is the largest and oldest-continually existing African-American Roman Catholic order in the world. Active in the United States and South America, the secret society is modelled after the Knights of Columbus. It was allegedly founded in 1909 by Josephite Father Conrad Friedrich Rebesher, the pastor of Most Pure Heart of Mary Parish in Mobile, Alabama. Its seven charter members were reportedly Josephite priests (i.e., Father Conrad Friedrich Rebesher, Father Samuel Joseph Kelly, Father Joseph Peter Van Baast, and Father John Henry Dorsey, and laymen: Gilbert Faustina, Francis Xavier "Frank" Collins, and Francis "Frank" Trenier). The Order is purportedly named after St. Peter Claver, a Jesuit priest from Spain who converted over 300,000 slaves to Catholicism in Cartegena, Colombia during the 17th century. The Sublimed and Meritorious Fourth Degree was founded in 1917 and is open to Knights who have “proven themselves to be active workers” in the Church, the community, and the Noble Order. The Knights of Peter Claver have 298 Councils (men divisions), 312 Courts (ladies divisions), 123 Junior Councils (young men), and 208 Junior Courts (young ladies). The Order supports numerous national and international organizations such as the NAACP, the United Negro College Fund, Catholic elementary and secondary schools, as well as Xavier University in New Orleans, Louisiana. The Knights of Peter Claver is a member of the International Alliance of Catholic Knights.

Knights of Saint Columbanus

The Knights of Saint Columbanus is an Irish-Roman Catholic fraternal organization which was purportedly founded in 1915 for lay men over 21 years of age. The Order is divided into 12 Provincial Areas covering the island of Ireland which are ultimately under the control of "The Supreme Executive". Political scientist and historian Tom Garvin stated that the Knights of Saint Columbanus "became a considerable political force after independence... At one stage many officials in the Revenue were in the organization”. According to Garvin, Seán T. O'Kelly, the second President of Ireland, was a member of the Oder. Irish politician and former minister Noël Browne criticized Freemasonry and the Knights of Saint Columbanus’ political role in Dáil (Irish House) debates: Browne stated in respect to elections to Hospital Boards: "On the Catholic side it is done through the Knights of Columbanus and on the Protestant side it is done through the Freemasons. It is completely undemocratic”. Browne is also quoted as saying: "What we should like to know is, in the event of a Multi-Party government being formed, which party would be the real government? Would it be a Fine Gael government? Would it be a Labour government? Would it be a Labour Party policy - or would it be a Knight of Columbanus policy?” Browne has also stated: "In regard to the whole business of appointments [to the Universities], I do not think there is much to choose between the two of them—the Knights of Columbanus predominantly in University College and the Freemasons in Trinity College— and the two of them going on together presumably sharing out the different jobs to suit themselves.” Lastly, Browne is also quoted as saying: "There are still diehards of my generation within the profession but the new intake is not only extremely highly qualified but is better qualified because you cannot get into a consultant situation and then into a position as a consultant in a hospital unless you are extremely well qualified now because of the appointments system. It is no longer confined, as it was in the old days, to the Knights of Columbanus on the Catholic side and the Freemason Order on the other side”. Browne’s sentiments are a microcosm of how secret societies control every election for each respective political party is stacked with willing members of a given order so no matter who wins on Election Day, the Roman Catholic Church always remains in control. In the Seanad, William Bedell Stanford echoed Browne’s critique of secret societies in Scotland when he stated: "One of the things that is doing most damage to our nation at the moment is the existence of these conflicting secret societies [interpreted as meaning the Freemasons and the Knights] and I hope the Minister and the other Minister will do all in their power to prevent their gaining any control of the national economy, or the politics of the country." Columnists Fintan O'Toole and Kieran Rose quoted a "leading right-wing activist" as writing that "in 1988 that members of the Knights of Columbanus occupy positions of influence in many walks of life and at the highest level. They are asked to be confidentially politically active”. In summation, it appears that the Knights of Columbanus control every major political facet of Ireland, negating any and all real social or political change, hence the country’s current economic state.