People/Content Creators/Anthony at ECF

From True Earth wiki

Anthony at ECF

Welcome to the channel. For years I have been studying and learning some amazing things that I had never noticed before. It came from diligently researching many topics that eventually all led me to the scriptures. Now, I would like to share some of what I have learned along the way and the studies that many of us have on Friday evenings in the ECF discord server. We at ECF have the goal to be a help to as many people as we can at assisting them to finding their very own way to The Most High, through His only begotten Son, our Messiah.

We also would like to fellowship with you in real time if you so desire to speak with someone about a question or if you would like to even share your testimony to others. We want to offer you the platform to do just that at the ECF discord server.

We hope that you are very blessed in your walk. Shalom to you all.

Live stream and videos



Here is the the link to the discord server if you are interested in joining us: