People/Content Creators/Arwijn

From True Earth wiki
Revision as of 03:22, January 7, 2024 by NoLongerOnTheBall (talk | contribs) (created People/Content Creators/Arwijn)
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The Earth is Flat, but it's not a pizza in space surrounded by other planets in science fiction outer space, which is a straw man Flat Earth Society conception. The Globe is a Religion of Self Deception, reinforced by it's priesthood: The Bankers, the Vatican and their minions within the Satanic Global Government. The Spinning Ball Earth is the ultimate symbol of arrogance ignorance and delusion meant to rob you of your wonderment, curiosity, humility and most of all knowledge of the Creation.

What do i believe the true shape of the Earth is? It is not a Ball. Though many Flat Earthers settle for a Circle Centric dome enclosed world, i believe this is definitely not the case because of map scale inconsistencies. I have spent half my life figuring out the dimensions of this realm and how to figure it out, and have come to the conclusion that people are unlikely to be able to handle the truth. The Equator may very well be a straight line on a flat surface that loops east to west.

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