People/Content Creators/IronHorse

From True Earth wiki

Iron Horse

Flat-Earth Rants, Truth-Bombs Galore, Alternative Spiritual Suggestions, Funky New Innovations inspiring free-energy imaginations, Secret Wisdom of The Ages, and Harbouring a True Heaven on Earth (SHE IS GOD!!).

I love a debate so don't hold back on your opinions. However, be warned, that I do fight fire with fire, and pay respect with respect. If your only argument is insults, I won't hold you in high regard at all, and may spank your immature arse with gusto. But I love a challenge, and if you can apply critical thinking and logic to prove me wrong, then fire away.

Live stream and videos



Anyone wishing to support my work is more than welcome to throw a kind donation into my busking cap through PayPal.



Here's a link to my new-formed political movement. If we can all unite and become a major thorn in the sides of the current system, we might just be able to change the world:
