People/Content Creators/The Bloody Truth

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The Bloody Truth

Exposing the globe lie for what it is, starting at ground level. Earth is flat. Observably so at any achievable altitude and at any distance. Technology (high resolution long distance photography) has caught up to the great deception, spoken of in biblical text, and the great awakening is well under way.

The complete lack of earth curvature over incredible distances is quickly waking people from their daily slumber all the while the worlds space agencies are exposing themselves as fraudulent.

You were never taught the circumference of the earth or the formula of 8''x miles squared that accurately describes the expected earths curvature drop over distance. There is a reason that this is omitted from our government mandated ''education'' system.

The rest of the lies and deceptions on the world stage become clear and the controlled media becomes transparent once people understand that the very foundation on which their core beliefs rest is the wrong shape.

Live stream and videos
