People/Content Creators/TruthRevolution101

From True Earth wiki


I'm an independent researcher exposing the truth about our world. Flat earth has changed my life for the better and I love sharing these truths with everyone. Here are my top 2 FE proofs:

1. No observable or measurable curvature.
If Earth is 24,901 miles in circumference, then the curvature rate would be 8 inches per mile, squared. We were taught that boats disappear over the horizon. But if you have a Nikon P900 83X zoom camera, you can zoom in to a boat (once disappeared) and bring it back into full view! This proves that it doesn’t disappear over a physical horizon, but due to our eye’s perspective.

2. Lack of Stellar Parallax.
Earth is supposedly rotating on its axis at 1000 mph at the equator, hurling around the Sun at 66,600 mph, while the Solar System is shooting 500,000 mph through the Milky Way Galaxy, and our Galaxy is ripping through our Universe at a ridiculous 1.3 Million mph! With these 4 vectors of contrary motion, how can you explain the lack of Stellar Parallax?

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