People/Content Creators/Truth Sets You Free

From True Earth wiki

Truth Sets You Free!


Mediocremonday is started as a YouTube channel. At first I started to make random and funny video’s, now I search for the truth and make video’s about this. Some of the subjects are about evolution, flat earth, 5G and NASA. My main goal is to make you to think about the subjects and make you to start researching this yourselves

I recommend you to watch some of the playlists i have made. Also the channels i have subscribed to i recommend you to watch, this is to make it easy for your own research.

Critics are allowed to comment of course.
Offensive and hateful comments will be deleted.

John 8:32: And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

Truth Sets You Free! - Mediocremonday

Live stream and videos
